Oh brother

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You saw Jungkook staring at you in your bra and in your panty. Your face heated up and you quickly looked for a bathrobe to cover yourself. Unfortunately, it was right by the door where Jungkook is standing.
"I ah uhm." You said not knowing what to do or say. You could feel his gaze on you. His eyes pierced on your body.
"Y/n..." Jungkook said. You were shaking. Your emotions is mixed with excitement, fear, and embarrassment.
You didn't answer. He walked to you and you backed away. "J-jungkook?" You can't even talk. "Y/n..." he said once more. You don't know what to do.
Once again..you were cornered by him. His face is inches away from your face.
"I know that I have a girlfriend but-."

"Y/n?" Someone shouted your name outside the room. Jungkook backed away and he gave you a bathrobe. You immediately wear it.
"Y/n- Jungkook why are you here?"
"Oh I was telling Y/n that dinner is ready." Jungkook lied.
"Thanks for calling her." Taehyung said. "Y/n you can get dressed in the guest room that you were assigned."
"Yea I'm about to leave anyways." You walked fast. Leaving the two boys in the room.

You are still processing your mind. You can't think properly after what happened. "Y/n you're dumb." You told yourself. You are heading at the guest room and you saw Renee organizing the furniture. "Oh hey Y/n. Is everything alright?" She said as she was organizing. You nodded. "Did you like that gift I gave you." She stared at you. "Yes I did. Thank you Renee." You said.
"I know you would." She winked.
Now you understand why your brother loves her. You get dressed as you two communicate. After that you both headed at the kitchen. Meeting the others.


"You guys are here." Namjoon said. Renee giggled and sat next to him.
You on the other hand, sat right next to Taehyung. Rae hummed in delight. Jimin is already eating. Yeo Rin is sittig right next to Jungkook.
"Mmmm. This food is good." Rae said as she took a bite.
"I know right." Jimin said.
"Hey y/n do you want to try this?" I opened my mouth and I ate it.
"It's delicious Tae." You said.
"I know right." He smiled. "Here try this one." You tried the food he gave you and you liked it. Yeo Rin awed making you and Taehyung look at her but you saw Jungkook looking at you in a dark expression only you could notice. "You guys are sweet." Jimin said. "I'm in love." He added. We all laughed except Jungkook. He kept a straight face. You pretended that you didn't notice.

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