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{WARNING if yall don't like reading these kind of stories. I suggest you skip ahead to epilogue}

"Wait you're supposed to be with Yeo Rin-."
"Dummy! Who says I'm going with her?"
"Well." I said as I buckled my seatbelt. He starts the engine and said, "I'm listening."
"I thought you and her will like you know..."
He laughs. "You're funny." His voice quickly turned into a very deep one which it surprised me. "Y/n you know how I miss touching you." He then puts his hands on your thigh and strokes it. You bit your lip as he continuously strokes your thigh. It comes to the point where he reached your inner thigh and soon to your womanhood. You started moaning. "Ahh.."

You could feel him smirk. "Too sensitive...my princess." He says. He rubs my clit and it drove me crazy. "Ahhhh......" but he stopped making me whine.
"We're here." He chuckled in a deep voice. Hearing that tone of voice makes me shiver. We hurried up til we went inside his house. As I close the door he quickly grabbed me kissing me. He kissed me aggressively and I deepen the kiss. I jump to him making him carry and he puts me on kitchen counter. He starts to unzip the back of my dress as he sucks on my neck. He left hickeys on my neck to my collarbone and down to my breast. I heard him groan because my knee is rubbing his member. "Jungkook it's my turn now." I said as I look at him desperate. He sits down on a chair and I walked up to him. I teased him for a moment. "Fuck y/n suck me off already."
I chuckled. "Not until you beg...."
"Please y/n..."
"Good boy." I started pulling his boxers down and my eyes widen because he's so big. How is it going to be inside my mouth but fuck it. Before I put my mouth in his cock. I pumped it a few times making him groan. Then I deep throated him. He moaned loud meaning he likes it. I moaned to send vibrations to his cock. "Fuccck...y/n...." I stared at him and he bit his lip. After a while he came. He's still sitting at the chair so I took my opportunity and started to ride him. As his dick entered my entrance we both moaned in sync. "Fuck...you're so tight.." I started moving up and down as fast as I could. He could sense that I was tired and so he turned us around and he started to go rough. I was a moaning mess. "J-J-jungkook....I'm gonna-." I came and he still continued thrusting his dick inside me. I moaned and I don't know how many orgasm I had. Soon he came in me.

The living room is filled with heavy breathing. "I love you so much y/n.." he says as he kisses my forehead. "I love you too...Jeon Jungkook."


Yall one chapter lefttt!! 😭

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