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"You're gown is so pretty!" Rin admires my dress.
"Are you excited??" Rae says.
I smiled. "I'm excited but I'm kind of nervous."
"Don't be nervous sweetheart." Renee comforts me.
All three of them nodded. I can't believe Jungkook proposed to me.

"Y/n Kim, will you marry me?"

I cried happily, "Yes! Jungkook Yes!"

"Mrs.Jeon, We're leaving." Rae jokes
"Okay!" I chuckled and she closes the door. I took a deep breath . It will be alright y/n.

Walking down the aisle with father as I see Yeo Rin smiling at me.

"Y/n you can kill all you want! It's my fault for blocking you and Jungkook. You two deserve to be together."

I smiled at her..then Renee...I saw Taehyung looking at me. My brother all emotional. I giggled. Now seeing Jungkook at the altar with Jimin and my maid of honor Rae. The ceremony begins.

"Jungkook do u accept Kim Y/n as your loving wife?"

"I love Jungkook! Even if he has Yeo Rin. I can't move on."

"I do." He puts the ring on my ring finger
"Y/n do u take Jeon Jungkook as your loving husband?"

"He's all I want Rae..."

Jungkook stares at me. "I do." I put the ring on his ring finger.
The priest closes the bible. "You may now kiss the bride."
We kissed and people cheered.

"So, Mrs.Jeon...." he looks at me. I giggled. "A new chapter of our life begins now."


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