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Best day.
Narrator's POV:
"I can go around the world because pf my career! Rae I can go somewhere I want to go." You were excited as you get ready.
"I want to be with you. "It's lonely here without you."
You giggled. "Rae I will be back so don't be sad but I have to meet someone in order to do that."
"Where are you guys going to meet?"
"In a restaurant where it's only the two of us."
"Isn't that suspicious?"
"He looks like the person I can trust."
"Yea right."
"He's trustworthy so don't worry. Rae I will call you back he's here."
"Ok mwah and be careful."
You ended the call you had with Rae.
He saw you and walks to you.
"You must be Kim Y/n?"
"Yes I am."
"It's nice to meet you." He said as you two shook hands.
"May I know your name?" You asked after sitting on a chair infront of him.
"Yes, my name is Wayne."
"That's a nice name for a guy like you."
"Thank you."

The waiter served your food and his too. "Wayne I will be right back." He nodded and you went in the restroom.
As you came inside. "Phew."
You were in the restroom for 5 minutes. "Ok I can do this." You told yourself. You went out of the restroom.
He smiled. "Here have a drink." He offered you a drink.
"Thank you. I love Margarita."
"You're welcome."
He stares at you as you drink it. Since you were thirsty you finished drinking the drink he gave you.

"It tastes funny." You said. At first, you started to have blurry visions and can't focus properly. "Are you okay?" He asks. You nodded your head. Until, you
blacked out.

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