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Jungkook i'm sorry....
Jungkook's POV:
She's been gone for almost a month now and I can't stop thinking about her.
"Jungkiee. What are you thinking about?" I kissed her forehead. "Don't hide secrets."
I chuckled softly as I played her hair.
"Rinnie I won't do that to you." I smiled. I kept a secret from you. I'm in love with someone and it's not you.

Namjoon had called FBI for any signs of her.
"There's a body found by the river."
Could that be? No please don't.
Namjoon is trembling. "My s-sister i-is dead? No impossible!" He shouted as he cried.
"I'm sorry sir."
He bowed and left to give us time to sob or whatever he wants us to do.
"Jungkook...she's gone."
"Im-impossible." Tears fell on my eyes.
I have a lot of things to do. Y/n why now?


After 3 months.
I haven't had good sleep. Even after the burial. Y/n I miss you...
"Jungkie I know it's hard." She caress my hands. "I know it is."
Everything is different without you.

I can't stop thinking about you.
"She was in love with you..."
I wish I knew it even before I got in a relationship with Yeo Rin. Me and Yeo Rin had not been seeing each other. We see each other once a week. She kept on saying that I need to move on but I can't. When it's about you it's hard.
I didn't know that you had feelings with me.

Now I know that it's you I want.

"Jungkook watch out!" I instantly snapped back to reality and I, apparently, bumped a girl.
"Are you okay?" I asked with concerning eyes. I lend her a hand.
"Thank you sir..."
I giggled. "Just call me Jungkook."
"Oh yes Jungkook. Thank you."
She smiled. Her smile reminds me of
y/n. "See ya?" She giggled then left.
How welcoming.

"Yo what's up?" Taehyung hugged me. I hugged back "I'm ok. How about you?"
He backed away. "You know busy as usual."
"Do Rae visit?"
"Yea she does."
I looked around the room. "What's her name?"
Taehyung stares at me in amusement. "Are you- omg don't tell me you're interested in her?" He laughed. "You have Yeo Rin."
"I know but she somehow looks-."
"Familiar?" Taehyung said. Making me look at him. "I know right."
"She's invited for Rae's party and I can't wait to see her."
I giggled. Oh Tae..

Time skip~
She reminds me of Y/n.
"You look like her."
"Do I?" She giggled
Taehyung gave me that look when I'm flirting. "I see you." He lip synced from afar. Rae just kept on laughing same as Jimin.

"Jungkie where were you?" Yeo Rin asked angrily. "You should've tell me where you are."
I rolled my eyes. "Rae's party. That's it."
"So you met another girl then?"
"How many fucking times do I have to tell you no?" I stared at her furiously. "I'm done with you doing this to me."

Hey...it's me y/n. Please don't do this to yourself. Yeo Rin is just worried. I don't want you hurting her. It's like hurting me.

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