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Jungkook..you're acting strange.....
So basically I was the third wheel. When we were walking well of course they're holding hands and I'm at the the back watching them.

Jungkook had this weird aura around him that changes my perspective to them. He somehow looks pissed at something. What could possibly be the reason?

I observed him. The way he speaks, actions, and his emotions. "Jungkie, I had a great time with you and you too Y/n." Nia said. I was about to say something but she kisses Jungkook for 3 MINUTES and guess what? I was infront of them. I saw the whole thing. Jungkook looks shocked at first but he kisses back too. They parted.
I fake coughed for their attention. "Uhm so are you guys done?" I joked.
"Oh yes, Y/n." She smiled. Jungkook remained silent. "I'm glad that we get the time to spend together." I said.
"Me too! Hope we can meet soon."
Honestly though...leaving your boyfriend?

"She's really great to be with huh." I looked at him. "Hey Kookie what's wrong?" I asked worried. He didn't respond. "Kook-." He took my hand and we went to a dark alley. He pinned me against the wall and said, "How come I did not know about Taehyung?"
"Wh-what do you mean?" I tried not to maintain eye contact. He made his face go closer so that I could stare at him. "Answer." This doesn't sound like Jungkook at all. I haven't seen this side before. He's scary.
"Y-you're busy w-with Yeo Ri-."
"Nonsense." He cuts me off. "We've known each other and you had to tell me about this wether I am busy with Yeo Rin." I was surprised.
"Are you curious about him?" I asked.
"You didn't tell me about him." His voice is still angry. We stared at each other for more than 8 minutes. I don't know what to do. He then lets go and he sighed. "I'm sorry."
I don't know what to react or say. "It's ok Jungkook you should've known him by now."

Aish I can't stop thinking about it.

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