Chapter 645 The Battle of One City

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All the orcs knew that if the humans in the Beastmaster's palace were really capable of killing the Tigers and adults, they would have to rush to go on and on and on. It would be a nine-death life. Even the few wars involving the Tigers and the Kings will be the same. ... Well,

the actual fighting power of these warlords is also comparable to that of the first five enchanted beasts, and there is more than one rank difference with the Tiger King adults.

But now they have no choice, and now if the other player alone cannot penetrate the other side, then this group of orcs will be completely finished. It's only a matter of time before it's too late to be killed by each other.

"Give me a bear shield hand over." The bear orc fighter shouted loudly and a bear fighter rushed in at a distance. The number was only 50 people, but everyone was up to Five meters, holding a heavy shield up to three meters.

This is the real heavy shield!

Looking at this huge size and heavy shield, all Orcs have a sense of security in their hearts.

Of course, this is just a feeling. All the orcs who are here to stay are very clear. Orc guards also hold a heavy shield, and their shields are better than these, and they are stronger than these bear warriors. Strong, but in the end he was quickly killed by the opponent.

The bear warriors did not know the situation here, and they rushed forward with anger.

Behind them, there are a large number of archers following them. Their idea is very good. As long as the bears shield their hands in front, as soon as they approach the gate, they immediately cover it with arrows and rain, even if they cannot completely destroy each other. It can also weaken their livelihood and make the war situation develop in favor of them.

However, these bear warriors have not yet approached the gates of the palace. There are a few arrows inside them. The huge force directly broke the thick shield and put the bears behind the shield on the gourd.


A short and stern scream was issued from the mouth of these bear warriors. They are only the fourth-order orcs. Although their vitality is relatively strong, they are still less than 100,000 points. Under the attack of the archers under Cheng Yang, they were only killed by the spike.

If it weren't for those shields, Cheng Yang and others even used group attacks to kill them.

Arrows continued to shoot. In a second, the bears who had rushed past were killed and the archers behind were exposed.

"Damn! If it was my suggestion, if you had built a magic tower in this underground world, how could it be so passive now?" said another fox warlord with a cold old face.

The bear orc battle will be black, and the bear Shields are the elite force in his hands. For the orcs, any warrior who possesses powerful equipment is elite. Now this elite squad is so compromised here, he will not feel bad.

"The other party hides in the Beastmaster's Palace. How could the Magic Tower be built? Can the Magic Tower's attack still pass through the Palace?" The Bears will make a giggle.

The Fox family was not to be outdone, saying: "If there are guards of the Magic Tower, we can absolutely not attack ourselves. We only need to guard outside. As soon as the other person comes out, the Magic Tower can directly send them to see God." The

Bears orcs said coldly, "Do you think the other person can slip in so quietly that you can't leave it silently? If I'm not mistaken, there's definitely going to be a few people destroying us. The mighty human being in the station is involved. Maybe now he himself is inside."

"Shut up, you don't have to fight anymore, just think about how you can rush into Beastmaster's Palace." The Panthers' generals will give them a glance at them. They are very angry at the chatter that they are still talking about at this time.

The Fox family and the bear family will know each other. No longer arguing, after counting interest rates, the Fox warfare general said: "Or we will demolish the beastly palace. It is very easy to deal with the absence of a palace, plus we have an absolute advantage in numbers. "The

bear family warlord said:" Demolition of Beastmaster Palace? Loss of what you want to come out, this beastly king of the palace of the degree of strength, I am afraid we are hands-on attack, not half an hour can not break the wall of the palace. Do you think the other party will Waited for us for half an hour. As far as I know, the thing of Huishishi is already very popular in the human world."

"If the prophet did not enter this..." The Panthers will say a few words in depression.

The fox warlord said: "Even if the prophet is still there is no way to trap the other side except for the hard flush. We must know that all the five psionic powers are in the hands of the king. I think the only way we can do now is to break it. Open the palace and attack each other on all four sides.As to prevent the other party from escaping, we can continue to send troops to attack from the front and keep the other side in a state of combat. As for the other party, if it has the ability to withdraw directly under combat, there is no way. It is estimated that no one will be able to leave them."

" They had to do it first." The Panthers also nodded in agreement, and the bears' warlords would not be too cold for the Fox wars, but they could not think of better ones. Method. It can't always be dragged on like this.

Under the command of these three major orc warlords, the orcs' armies continued to rush to the gates of the palace without fear of death. A thick layer of corpses was piled up on the ground. After a few minutes, they were brushed off. Then they continued to pile up. This cruelty is crazy enough.

At this moment, Cheng Yang and others can no longer attack with a single unit. The number of assault orcs is too large. If they attack with a single unit, the efficiency of blocking is naturally reduced. If you let the other person close to the gate, in terms of the attack power of the orcs, those who have only the second-highest peak in their real strength can be in danger.

Cheng Yang calculated the time in his heart and prayed for the next wave of reinforcements. They only have eight people. Even if they add a magical illusion, there are only nine people. In this way, a number of orcs are indeed too weak to face countless orcs.

Cheng Yang also knew that his practice was very risky, so he had not used his own returning technique so far and he had done the worst. Once the war situation was unfavorable to himself, he would try to shield the archers as far as possible. , and then he used ablation to escape.

However, as time went by, the fears in his mind weakened a lot.

Because he was most worried about is the Orcs family demolished the Beastmaster Palace, then they are exposed to the attack of countless orcs. With these people, it is impossible to block the orcs rushing from all directions. From the current situation, the orcs do not seem to have attacked the palace of Beastmaster. Although Cheng Yang did not know the reason for this, but as long as giving him more time, he could take up 40 archers, that is, God blocked the gods and the Buddha blocked the killing of the Buddha.

If you are in an empty land, Cheng Yang may not dare to say this, but in this underground city where buildings are built, forty archers with a long range and super attacking power are absolutely in a position to have rolling advantages.

Suddenly Cheng Yang frowned because he heard a huge knock on the wall of the palace on the left.

He still had to respond in the future, and the knocking sounded even more continuously, even shaking the ground.

"Rely on! These guys really demolition of the palace, they are not afraid of the beastly king did not die to find their trouble?" Cheng Yang secretly spit bad.

Having said that, Cheng Yang did not dare to take it lightly and immediately told the crowd: "Note that you are staring at the wall on the left side. Once you have broken it, you will immediately attack and you cannot allow the other side to rush in."

It turns out that Cheng Yang is still too Underestimating the sturdiness of the palace, the percussion sounds have continued and each time it seems that the entire palace has to be collapsed, but in the end the palace is still standing intact. As for the situation outside the palace, Cheng Yang did not know, as long as the other party could not rush in for the time being.

After two minutes, the first reinforcements finally rushed in, together with nine archers who had just returned.

Finally, with 18 combatants, Cheng Yang finally felt a little relieved. In particular, the 18 combatants also had a strong attack and a super range. As long as this palace is not instantly collapsed, Cheng Yang will not have to worry about anything.

With the addition of the nine combatants, Cheng Yang and others have been able to fight a lot easier. Now, the orcs are not even close to the gate of the palace. As long as it is within 300 meters of the straight line outside the gate of the palace, it will be attacked by the arrow of the archer.

The effect of this is that the orcs dare not assault in a straight line, but go around to both sides, and then emerge directly into the palace gate.

Five or six minutes passed, and the palace wall on the left was finally opened by an orc. But this gap hasn't been as big as the palace's gate, and it can only accommodate two orcs at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Yang was completely relieved. It seems that the orcs will completely collapse this wall. At least half an hour is enough for them to gather enough forty people. At that time, he wouldn't use the other person to collapse the wall and he would go out on his own initiative.

At the moment outside the palace, the three Orc fighters are still digging walls in one mind, which is their only way out.

Not only that, but also in order to increase the odds, they also tuned in the army of the hundreds of thousands of orcs in the garrison at the entrance to the underground world. Although the strength of the beasts of these beasts is relatively weak, the number of wins is enough.

Now the number of orc troops in this underground city is only 30,000. Although these thirty thousand orcs are at the end of third-order existence, they are shot and killed by one another. It is estimated that these 30,000 or so horses are not so Top use.

They also know that if the strength of the other side is really strong enough to kill 30,000 troops in the current underground city, then an estimated 100,000 troops outside the city will not be able to kill each other. The purpose of this army's coming in is not to kill the other party, but to hold the other party in order to allow them enough time to inform other people to return. For example, another great war master, sacrifices, and the head of the orcs in another underground support of Neil.

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