Chapter 646 Screening and Retreat

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The Orc race took the general battle for more than half an hour, and its three battles will finally break one wall of the Beastmaster's palace

. At this time, the number of archers in the Beastmaster's palace has reached thirty-three, and this includes Cheng Yang's magical illusion. This magical illusion is definitely one of the largest killers of orcs at the moment, and its existence time is an hour long.

Now the attack frequency of the orcs is reduced a lot. It is not that they do not want a full attack, but it is too costly. According to the maximum lethality of these people in the city of Fallen Phoenix, basically two or three hundred orcs can be killed in a second. Even if the number of orcs reaches as many as tens of thousands, they cannot stand the attack of Cheng Yang and others.

Therefore, their present purpose is to drag Cheng Yang and others, so that they are always in a state of battle and cannot use the Hui stone to leave.As for whether Cheng Yang and others have the ability to withdraw directly from combat, this is not what they can consider. However, they think that even if Cheng Yang and others have such abilities, it is only a handful of people. After all, this ability is very antithetical. It is a powerful Orc family, and few people can use it directly under combat. Space props to leave.

Now that these people are showing too much fighting power, the three orc fighters will be able to see clearly. Just now an orc master with a strength as high as the fourth-order peak has just rushed to the gate and shot a few arrows directly, instantly destroying it. killed.

Although their strength is slightly stronger than that of the fourth-order orc, it is not entirely necessary to say too much. In this case, they estimated that even if they rushed themselves, the situation was not much better.

Now that the stone wall of the palace was just broken, they immediately withdrew into the densely armed orc army, and at the same time ordered numerous army of orcs to start to pressure Cheng Yang and others.

"Full speed attack! Attention to the remote career." Cheng Yang shouted, a direct ice spurs, to the orcs who flocked to cover the past.

The illusion of the devil and the rest of the archers are not to be outdone. They have resorted to their own group attack skills and violently attacked the orcs.

Now that only the fall of the Orc has been made, the orcs who had been excited by the collapse of the palace walls have cooled a lot.

"Damn! How can these humans be so powerful?" said the Panthers. This completely overturned their logic. Humans have always been synonymous with cowardice in their eyes. They can see more than 30 humans in sight, and they have grown to such a height in less than a year after the deities transformed the world. Let these orcs who are famous for their combat effectiveness be at ease?

The leader of the Xiong nationality was even more angry and said: "We should not destroy this stone wall." The

current situation is obviously very unfavorable to the orcs. Cheng Yang and others can attack too wide. They hide in the palace again. Within it, it can be hidden with the furnishings inside. Although there are numerous orcs outside. But only a few can attack them.

But on this line that can attack Cheng Yang and others, as long as the orcs with long-distance attacks take the lead, they will be immediately taken care of by Cheng Yang and others. This is also no wonder they do not work, who let Cheng Yang and others attack too far? They could not reach each other and they had already been killed by each other.

Suddenly, an arrow suddenly flew forward and directed at one of the archers. Cheng Yang was surprised at him. Immediately he was in a horizontal position and could not stand in front of the archer. (

Arrow hits Cheng Yang's body. But it only takes him less than a few hundred points of magic energy.

"Be careful, if your health is hit, then it will be spiked." Yang Shen said, and the

rest of the people immediately responded by hiding their bodies more concealed.At the

same time, Cheng Yang also released Xiaobai.Although this guy is only the strength of the third-order late, but the actual combat effectiveness also reached In the middle stage of the fourth stage, such strength is basically equal to the strength of these orcs,

Cheng Yang did not intend to rely on Xiao Bai to fight the orcs, but he wanted to let Xiao Bai resist the attack of some orc archers. White's blood volume, and the occasional shooter's arrows, are not likely to cause fatal damage to it, plus its own powerful resilience of life can not be underestimated

. Immediately gave everyone a strong sense of security, although their attack power is now much stronger than the white, but the blood is too thin after all, everyone's blood can not fight two or three thousand points.In this battlefield It's really fragile .

A few minutes, at least ten thousand orcs buried here, let arrogance instantly reduce orcs family down. They look to the eyes of Cheng Yang, who is no longer angry, but a fear.

At this time, The last wave of the veterans sent in. Cheng Yang finally had a team of forty men, and Cheng Yang was relieved for a long time.With such a team in hand, Cheng Yang's confidence was also sufficient. Many, the

Orc is not a stupid idiot. After seeing this situation, he knows that with the wall of the open palace, I am afraid I can't suppress the other side. Now that the other side is leaning against the other side of the wall, there is no need to worry about the backside. The attack just needs to deal with the impact in front of us, which is handy.

"We must demolish the entire palace and we must do it quickly." The Fox family warned Ling Ran that they all saw the number of Cheng Yang's team increase. However, the rate of increase is very slow, and it cannot increase one in a minute. But if one side can't speed up, I'm afraid there is no hope. The

Xiongzu Warrior will be scared by the powerful fighting power of Cheng Yang and others. The most important thing is that the opponent's attacking power is too strong, and it is not at all that they can shake it.The

three orc warlords also saw that the people around Cheng Yang are very low in strength, except for two. When they reach the third level, the others are even second-order.In this kind of opponent, they wouldn't even look at the same thing in the past, but now the other person has the fighting power that makes them frightened.If

only one person is so, they may not yet What will be suspected is that there may be some enchanting characters in either side of the world. For instance, the Beastmaster thought that the Cheng Yang they suffered was the existence of this enchanting class, but now the human side has suddenly emerged with 40 enemies. It is not normal for a person with such a strong fighting power,

so now that they have been crushed and have suffered heavy casualties, they have not intended to give up.

At this moment, the troops in the garrison outside the entrance to the underground world have already been tuned in, and Into the siege of Cheng Yang and others, in the half-a-half-hour battle, the elite orcs of the underground city had at least killed more than 10,000. It is the beating.

Now the three warlords are naturally reluctant to send elite troops to rush. They also saw that, in terms of the attacking power of the other party, it was not very different whether the elite army or the ordinary army was sent out on their own, because the results were all spiked.

at the same time. The three of them will once again move to the other side of the hall to prepare to dismantle the wall. As soon as this wall collapses, the other side will return to the enemy. At that time, if the number of the other side's personnel does not increase, it is necessary to resist the siege of their own army. The possibility is very low.

Cheng Yang and others who were still fighting with the orcs in the temple did not show the same ease. Their intensity was much higher than Cheng Yang had imagined before. This is a tightrope battle on a cliff. If one is not careful, it is prone to death.

There are only forty people here, and it is impossible for them to be supplemented again. There will be only one death. Besides, these people are at the very least the existence of the second-order peaks, and the loss of one is a big loss for Lorong Town.

"Lord, it's not a thing to go on like this. We always have time for mistakes." Zhou Jie has avoided the arrow attacks on several occasions. Even when he was talking, he did not dare to relax his vigilance.

Cheng Yang looked at the endless orcs around him. How could he not know what the orcs were doing? Prior to this, Cheng Yang had already made clear the situation of this underground city. At most, there were only about 30,000 people. The orcs who had died in their hands may not have been nearly 20,000, but now the orcs are absolutely not below 50,000.

This is obviously an orc transferred from other places.

Such a high-intensity battle is a challenge for anyone. One person can guarantee that there will be no mistakes within ten minutes, and even one hour will not make mistakes. But who can guarantee that there are no mistakes within a few hours?

Now the other party obviously wants to delay the time. There are not many orcs who attacked at the same time. But it is precisely for all people to be in a state of battle.

At this moment, Cheng Yang heard the sound of wall tapping behind him, which was obviously a new move by the orc masters.

Cheng Yang immediately ordered everyone to withdraw, but at this time his voice Yufu rang. Listen only to Chao Chao's voice from the inside: "Lord, the situation is not good, the other has two big masters of the fifth-order early stage back, and the other side's combat effectiveness should not be lower than the middle of the fifth."

Tan Chao is a process After Yang began to order his hand from the city of Liaofeng City, Cheng Yang, though determined to support the underground to break it today, was just in case. He still let Tan over to stare at the entrance to the underground city.

Now it seems that this move is not wrong at all, and the orcs are really able to see their own, and they even got two masters who reached the fifth-order mid-level.

With Cheng Yang's current strength, he is completely not afraid of the existence of the ordinary fifth-order early stage, but in the face of the strong mid-fifth stage, his strength is much weaker. Do not look at him just also killed the orc prophet that was equal to the strength of the fifth-order late, but it was just to rely on the advantage of the attack. If it were a confrontation, he would probably be abused by the other party.

The reason why Cheng Yang is so guilty of the opponents in the mid-fifth stage is that the other person's speed is the most important reason. After all, the difference in speed between the two parties is too great. Even if their attacking power is stronger, they have no place to use them. He is still like this, not to mention other people.

"Zhou Jie, the other has a master to come, all the staff retreat, there is a bedroom behind the hall, while I was squatting in front of you, you first return to Fengfeng City." Cheng Yang very calm to give instructions.

Zhou Jie slightly surprised, he just suggested that he wanted to change the way of fighting, but did not expect Cheng Yang directly ordered the withdrawal.

Cheng Yang saw Zhou Jie's doubts and said: "The orcs have masters coming. We are not strong enough to face each other right now."

"Your subordinates understand." Zhou Jie answered immediately, and everyone started an attack. The orcs who rushed over moved backwards.

But as they evacuated backwards, the archers' physique would inevitably be exposed. Although Cheng Yang, the illusion of magic, and Xiao Bai stayed at the end of their cover, there was still an arrow that evaded their resistance. , directly hit an archer's thigh.

Looking at the blood of the archer, he was immediately emptied of the blood and immediately died on the spot. An angry and self-blame sensation rose from the heart of Cheng Yang.

"Damn! You are going to go quickly." Cheng Yang does not want more people to stay here. This hall is very open. Once the orcs are surrounded in large numbers, the situation may not be good.

Fortunately, the current door and the collapsed left wall are still under the blockade of Cheng Yang and others. All the group skills have made that area a death ban. The arrow has just shot from afar. Come here.

I must say that the archer's luck is really bad.

The rear of the main hall is estimated to be where the tiger kings rest. The width on both sides has indeed narrowed down, and it is only about twenty to thirty meters. Such a width is the bedroom of a human being, which is naturally very large, but for an orc, such a bedroom is only just right.

The archers quickly got into the bedroom and waited for three minutes to leave the battlefield.

Since there was no suppression of forty archers at the moment, it was impossible for a person in Chengyang to completely block the gates of the palace and the broken wall on the left. For a moment, numerous orcs poured in.

"Three minutes! I only need to insist for three minutes!" Cheng Yang secretly scared, from the entrance to the entrance to the Beastmaster Palace, only two hundred meters away, for powerful orcs, it is only a second or two It's only time. The other party rushed over and did not need to do anything else, as long as a little hands-on, let the archer in the palace in the battle, Cheng Yang's retreat plan even if thoroughly soup.

Therefore, now Cheng Yang must allow these orcs to rush.

With him alone cannot do this, but fortunately the illusion of the devil is still there.

A piece of ice thorn fell, and the orcs rushed over fell into pieces.

Cheng Yang was such a person standing at the gate of the Beastmaster's Palace. Xiaobai had already been included in the pet/art space. Now such a chaotic battle, Xiaobai could not hold back.

At this moment, Cheng Yang's powerful and variable defense has finally played a role. His double defenses have now exceeded 5,000 points. Even more powerful is the ice shield. With his current attack power, the effect is simply Even if the Orc elite strikes him at the end of the fourth-grade level, it will only cause one or two thousand injuries. Compared to his magic value, this number can still resist.

However, in order to be able to insist on three minutes, Cheng Yang now also have to use a very valuable restore magic energy immortality.

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