Chapter 734 Hide Orcs

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The beastmaster is now stupid, and he clearly senses the strength of these humans but the level of the first three stages or so. Their attack power is also powerful. After all, Cheng Yang's existence is like a cheat. This can also be understood.

Even if the number of people that the other side is capable of attacking and holding has reached a new height, the Beastmaster only thinks that Cheng Yang's skill has recently improved.

As well as the speed of the attack, Beastmaster can also be considered as the gain of the attack speed provided to these individuals by a special talented squad.

There is also an increase in the range, which is within the scope of Beastmaster's acceptance. Is there a strong talent not at the bottom?

But what about the blood volume now?

Does it mean that mankind also has a strong presence with special talent skills?

This fate is too much to care for these humans, right? Beastmaster thinks the possibility is not too big.

But the fact is now in sight, and the beastmaster has to believe. At this moment, the heart of the beastmaster can be disorganized. He has no previous confidence in the outcome of this war.

However, they are now on the strings and have to send. They do not have any retreat. The only thing he now expects is that Cheng Yang's anti-day skills should not be too long.

As the fighting progressed, more and more orcs died on the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was filled with a bloody atmosphere.

On the mulberry wall, Yu Kai returned to Cheng Yang sometime and said: "Lord, this battle has been going on for six or seven hours. I think the orcs are going to sit still. We have to be prepared for something. "

Cheng Yang turned around to see Yu Kai said:" What do you see? "

Yu Kai said:." beast Wong was holding secret meetings with a group of men in what, that guy look cold, estimated thought what a good thing. "

Cheng Yang said with a smile on his face and said: "The things they plan for us are not a good thing for us, but since the other's face is so ugly now, it's almost too late to get there. This is good news. "

Yu Kai was not so optimistic, said:." Lord means we can now count may have to spend, and if the other side really have any other means, it is a disadvantage for. "

Cheng Yang said:" Rest assured, we We haven't reached the end of the hill yet. These orcs may have other cards, but we don't have cards? I really want to see what these orcs can do."

Yu Kai saw Cheng Yang so confident. It did not say anything again.

So after two more hours, the orcs still have no action. By this time. The orcs have at least killed 5 million people, and the million orcs that had been sacrificed before were full of 6 million.

This is definitely a great loss to the Orcs. It must be known that this is all the elite strength of the orcs. The loss of one or two million is enough to hurt the orcs and people, not to mention the hugeness of six million if not the heart of the beasts. Strong enough, otherwise the heart of suicide now has it.

There are still less than four million Orc troops left in the town of Sangwa. However, there is no sign of a slight defeat in the city of Phoenix.


"Great prophet, I think we should be desperate." Beastmaster's eyes are filled with endless hatred. Stare at the head of Mulberry Town. At the moment, he really regretted that he had known Cheng Yang will be decorated like a copper wall and would not venture to attack.

If there are no more than a dozen towers, will they be so passive? In particular, the Magic Tower directly tied the hands and feet of all their masters, and did not dare to make any changes. If they were in the wilderness, they rushed to kill him.

The old prophet's wise eyes looked at the beastmaster and said: "Behind the beast of the beast, you have been blinded by hatred. If you really want to take the last step, we may be able to overcome the humans in this resident, but we have this beast. The clan will also be completely wilted, and even the chances of returning to the clan will no longer be. Is the price not too great?"

Beastmaster said in a tone that is almost desperate: "What can we do now? In less than ten hours, the same life light will automatically extinguish for at least 14 hours. Do you think our army can persist for so long?" The

old prophet said: "I can't hold it." The

Beastmaster was suddenly beaten. Not shallow, but if the old prophet was highly respected among the orcs, he might be directly deterred. He was the beast of the beast, how could he bear the depravity of others.

"What do you say now?" Beastmaster said.

The old man knows: "Behold, the beastly Majesty, you think we are doing our best. How many chances can we win each other?"

After the beastmaster made a brief trip, he said objectively: "Thirty percent." The

old prophet shook his head. According to Tao, "I think that the possibility that the beastmaster is still optimistic about you is no more than 10%. Maybe you think that the human side is now a means to do it, but this is only our wishful thinking. In this case, why do we have to work hard with each other?"

Beastmaster understood in an instant and said: "What do you mean by saying that we are waiting outside the attack range of the other party?" The

old prophet nodded with satisfaction. Said, "It is precisely because our combat effectiveness is much stronger than humans. We only need to let the opponent's magic towers and arrow towers fall out of use. Our advantages are also highlighted. In other words, as long as we Without entering the opponent's arrow range, the other party took us."

"This is a good idea!" In more than ten hours, the lamp of the same life will fall. Then we will be able to retreat. Good! This is what we do."

Beside the Beastmaster said, "The Beastmaster is wise! The human race has a saying and keeps the Castle Peak. We are not afraid of having no firewood, as long as we escape this robbery, some time and opportunity to find these humans to revenge."

Then, the beastmaster's order was issued and all orcs that were attacking were withdrawn, only during the retreat. In the middle, they also paid thousands of lives.

After all the orcs retired, they all felt a long sigh of relief. Although they had just rushed forward without fear of death, who was really afraid of death? Being able to leave a life is naturally a wonderful thing.


Orc this back, you can get a surprise by Cheng Yang, he even has a fear that the other party will have noticed the characteristics of their halo of blood, so specifically avoid the edge first.

In fact, Cheng Yang is very clear that his own halo of blood has a very big weakness, that is, the bonus effect of the halo is very weak at the beginning, and it is only after 10 minutes that it is the strongest state.

If the orcs now retreat, wait ten minutes and then focus on all the strong players to attack together, perhaps it can really cause them big trouble.

"Lord, what do we do now?" Yu Kai ran from a distance. He just killed himself and he knew that the orcs turned around and escaped. The feelings of depression were astonishing.

Cheng Yang said: "First look and say again, we must first understand what the orcs are

doing ." The orcs have completely withdrawn from the scope of the attack, and they have no action after they recede. .

One minute passed and two minutes passed... The

orcs did not have the slightest movement.

Until ten minutes later, the orcs were still as before, and even some orcs were sitting on the ground to rest. They were simply not ready to continue fighting.

"Lord, I think I understand what these orcs are doing." Yu Kai said bitterly.

Cheng Yang is also a look of depression, said: "I also know."

"What do we do now?" Yu Kai quite unwilling to say.

Cheng Yang's heart was unwilling to give up. This time it took the boss's strength and finally brought the main orcs to the lead. And even the top level of the orcs got over. If all of the orcs here can be exterminated, the Levine country's orcs will not be able to think about it.

What makes Cheng Yang more unexpected is that the orcs even got such a big lantern to cover themselves, posing a gesture of fighting for themselves. He thought he was going to get rid of this group of orcs. It.

Unexpectedly, when the other side's army was killed by 60%, and the strong Orcs were basically indestructible, these orcs were actually playing soft eggs and were not playing with themselves.

For Yu Kai's question, Cheng Yang could not make up his mind at the moment. Now that the orcs have retired, can he never catch up? Now the strong Orcs are not damaged, Cheng Yang did not dare to take a risk.

After thinking a little, Cheng Yang decided to call Wu Jianzhou and Tao Yu to come here and consult staff.

A few minutes later, Wu and Tao both came to Sangzi Town. They also frowned when they saw the situation outside the town.

Wu Jianzhou said: "Landlord, it seems that the other party is planning to delay the time!"

"I know this, but the key is what we should do now." Cheng Yang said.

Wu Jianzhou said: "This is very simple, so that the other party has nowhere to escape. It is from the current situation, these orcs can also not leave the scope of the lantern above. Just now Commander Yu said that the light of the lantern is only a circle of ten. The range of many kilometers shrouded them, these orcs can not leave the area, but also proved this point."

"How can we do it?" Cheng Yang still did not want to understand.

Wu Jianzhou said: "In fact, the real scruples of the orcs are our defensive towers, especially the magic towers, which are definitely a huge threat to the orc powerhouses. Of course, because of the limitations of the range, the Magic Tower is somewhat inconvenient to use here, but Even the arrow towers were enough to make the Orcs family uncomfortable. If we built several more archery towers within the range of the now-built defensive tower, we could attack the orcs hiding behind them, and we could also use these arrow towers on the walls. Under the protection of this, does this not allow the orcs to escape?

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