Chapter 706 Destroy

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In the final battle to clean the battlefield, Cheng Yang found a storage ring on the headed orc. He actually stored nearly 5,000 4th-level psionic stone and immediately let Cheng Yang overjoyed. It seems that half a day is really worth it.

If they had rushed out and killed it, the orcs would have taken away with these psionic stones.

More than 5,000 four-level psionic stones, which are worth at least five million psionic energies, do the ghosts know how many orcs will use these psionic stones to dispatch a number of masters?

Although the orcs were just killed, the news could not be transmitted for a while. However, it is estimated that at most one or two days, Levin's orcs can guess the situation. By then, the entire Indonesian nation will know that the orcs who sent the psionic stone were attacked.

On this land, it is only oneself who can attack and carry out a team of orcs who deliver psionic stones.

This situation knows it, orcs know it.

Since it is now untenable, Cheng Yang is not planning to hide.

Cheng Yang then followed the direction of the group of orcs, and quickly found an orc in Xiaozhai and attacked him without spending too much effort.

A few minutes later, 118 archers appeared on the side of Cheng Yang. Without exception, they were already the junior masters of the third stage.

Cheng Yang took the one hundred and twenty archers and returned directly to the nearby mountain range. After he contacted Tan Chao and Yu Kai, they began to arrange.

"In a moment I summoned two magical illusions, and you led 39 archers and an illusion of magic, respectively, and threw them from three different directions into the mountains. Attributes of magic illusions, I believe in your battle. It will be easy," Cheng Yang said.

Yu Kai and Tan Chao said: "The lord is assured that I will not have an orc from running away from me."

Cheng Yang nodded and said: "At first, try to make the action as small as possible. The orcs in the mountains know it. If you can do it without the magic illusion, try not to."

"Understand." Yu Kai two should be under.

This vein stretches for more than 30 kilometers. Cheng Yang and other three groups of troops attacked from the valleys at both ends and on the west side. The three points of attack that were selected are also the most densely populated caves and the largest number of orcs in the area.

Tan Chao asked: "The Lord. What do those humans do?"

Yu Kai bited a steel and said: "I think we should slaughter. These guys are doing evil for the tigers and helping the orcs to mine the psionic stone. Isn't this a betrayal of humans? These Indonesian monkeys are really There is no bone."

Cheng Yang sighed, and said: "They are all poor people. As the saying goes, ants are still ridiculous, not to mention people. These people are forced to mine by orcs. This is already very sad, and we do not need to win each other again. As for how to arrange them, after we have killed the orcs here, we took them to the south of the orc, Xiaozhai, and placed them in Singapore."

Yu Kai and the two no longer said anything.

Cheng Yang then summoned the phantom of the devil, and the three groups of people began to separate their actions.

Cheng Yang with 40 archers, rushed directly to the foot of the mountain.

A team of hundreds of orc patrols just came down the hill, and Cheng Yang saw the huge individual guy from afar.

"Kill!" a whistle, and a cloud of rain covered it.

The vigilance of the group of orcs is indeed not high, and they did not expect that there would be human masters sneaked into Indonesia. To know that just yesterday, Cheng Yang was still active in Malay.

These archers are all capable of being warped. Although all groups use groups of attacks, each arrow hits the target and penetrates into the other's throat. Even when these orcs died, they did not have time to scream.

Cheng Yang, more than forty people covered with dense surrounding trees, quickly rushed to rush. This may be one of the advantages of a small human body.

About four or five hundred meters away there was an orc patrol. They found that the team in front of them suddenly fell down, but for a moment they did not understand what was going on. They did not expect to be attacked because they felt that no one could silently kill an orc patrol whose strength was at least the beginning of the fourth quarter.

However, their doubts also made it more vigilant. Waiting for Cheng Yang and others to get close, when the arrow rain covered the past, some orcs began to quickly avoid.

Despite the strong assault of Cheng Yang and others, their avoidance seems to be so pale and weak. However, some people still issued warnings.

The voice of "enemy!" sounded like a duck stuck in his neck for a moment and said halfway and stopped.

This voice spread all over the forest. Instantly, countless orcs rushed to this side. They only heard the enemy, but they did not know what the enemy was. It is exactly the arrival of death.

All the orcs who rushed over could not get close to Cheng Yang and others and they were quickly shot and killed.

After killing thousands of orcs, the attributes of the group of war wrestlers who followed Cheng Yang have been raised to the third-order intermediate level, and the speed and reaction force have been greatly improved.

The attack continued, and the orcs did not flee like Cheng Yang had guessed, because Cheng Yang's identity has not yet been exposed. Any orcs close to Cheng Yang and others were killed.

There is another reason, Cheng Yang did not personally hands, the other side if you see there is ice master, may also think of Cheng Yang, but in front of a group of archers, they could not contact together for a time .

Ten minutes later, Cheng Yang and others had reached the Mid-Levels. The number of orcs who died in their team was more than 3,000. This efficiency was also high and scary.

At this time, the remaining orcs also found that the situation was not good. The following has been clamoring for hostile attacks and even screaming from time to time. However, this voice actually went up to the mountains. Didn't this show that the other side was able to kill it all the way? What kind of strength can this be achieved?

When these orcs saw the archers again, the powerful attacking power they showed finally came to mind Cheng Yang. This is a totally nightmarish name for the orcs.

"It is the Archer of the Fengfeng City! Damn! Cheng Yang should be inside." The orcs yelled, and the two or three peaks around them all became chaos.

Some of the orcs had resigned from their hearts, and some other bloody orcs were yelling to rush to kill the enemy. They also saw that the number of people in this group of people was only 40 people. Maybe there is still hope for rushing forward.

"What are the rushes?" Orcs yelled. "In the beginning, the army of millions of orcs in Malay countries was easily killed by the other side. Among them, there were more than a dozen fifth-order strong players. We rushed to not kill them? The Beastmaster will us. Arranged here, not just want us to temporarily avoid its edge, accumulate power. Quickly withdraw!"

This voice suddenly poured cold water on the impulse of the orc head, this vein is only tens of thousands of troops stationed in, How can it compare with the previous millions of troops?

The enthusiasm in the heart receded and these orcs did not dare to rush again, and they began to withdraw backwards.

But the orcs did not know that the direction in which they chose to withdraw was unsafe, because there was also a team of men racing over here.

For a time, all the mountains were chaotic. If they looked down from the sky, they could see that there was a large group of orcs on the south side fleeing north. In the far north, a group of orcs fled south. As for the orcs attacked on the west side, they are ready to turn over the mountain and enter the east side. It is precisely in which direction they can move away from the enemy at the fastest speed, and which direction they choose.

In the process of escaping, the orcs encountered all the humans who had been picked up by them and killed them all in boxing. They knew that since this place was stared at by Cheng Yang, I am afraid that he would think about mining again. It is impossible in a short time.

Those who have been enslaved by enslaved humans have been afraid to escape even the attacks on the orcs, and they have suffered numerous casualties.

After Cheng Yang rushed to kill him, he saw humans falling down the road and he uttered a sigh in his heart. Perhaps death was a good destination for them. After all, when they once again lived in the human world, they would probably Nearly serve orcs and condemned by conscience.

In less than half an hour, Cheng Yang's three-way humans even surrounded all the orcs in a single mountain, and the three orcs fleeing here also converged.

After these orcs knew each other, they could not help but give birth to despair.

Why is there a three-way enemy? And every way is so powerful? Fengfeng City is not only a strong one Cheng Yang it? What exactly is going on?

The doubts of the orcs were doomed to be solved, and Cheng Yang had no need to explain them.

"Fight with them!" The orcs' crazy warfare is inspired. Since they have no way to escape, they are not going to escape.

But these orcs watched the rest of the beggars nearly 20,000. They could not help but feel bad. However, there are 50,000 orcs who are stationed here. Now there are only 20,000 people left. In just half an hour of fighting, the casualties have already exceeded half.

Now that the rest of the people have been hit, isn't it massacre or something?

The fact is also true that when the three-way team headed by Cheng Yang three came to kill, the corpse suddenly disappeared throughout the valley.

In this process, the orcs chose a direction to initiate a raid, but they unfortunately chose Cheng Yang directly. When the spirit of ice and snow come out, coupled with Xiao Bai's incomparable group control skills, so Orc family's charge has become a joke.

After more than ten minutes, the fighting ended.

Cheng Yang makes people clean the battlefield and count the results.

The results soon came out. This war killed more than 40,000 orcs, and there were still some orcs left to flee. This was a helpless thing. After all, it was a forest that spreads in all directions. Some orcs rushed under the road and the ghosts knew what to escape. Where did you go?

Had it not been for these orcs to cling to their wise retreats at first, I am afraid that in the end they would not be able to enquell the orc troop in the valley.

This may be life!

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