Chapter 707 Soul Extraction

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After clearing the battlefield, Cheng Yang harvested nearly a thousand four-level psionic stone, including a five-level psionic stone, which is also an unexpected surprise. Please search for the most complete!

"Lord, what are we going to do next?" Yu Kai asked. All along, he felt that fighting with Cheng Yang was the funniest, because Cheng Yang's skill in grafting and grafting increased his strength to something he wouldn't even want to think about. The degree of killing the enemy is as simple as chopping vegetables, and the kind of powerful feeling makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "You must go back first. Why do you do this?"

"Lord, we..." Yu Kai was depressed at the moment and would be prepared to please some more.

Cheng Yang said: "Well, no need to fight. I'm acting alone, it's easier to hide my whereabouts. When I discover the next orc vein, I won't have to summon you up again. Only in this way can I be surprised." ??"

Yu Kai could not refute, it also had to recognize.

Subsequently, Cheng Yang let Yu Kai and Tan Chao organize the remnants of this place to go to the orc in Xiaozhai, and then withdraw to the new slope country.

After the arrangement, Cheng Yang set out alone to continue to find the next ore occupied by the ore.

Prior to this, Cheng Yang had statistics that there were only three psionic stone veins in this part of the entire Indonesian island of Aliman. Even if there were any veins that were not discovered by the Indonesian nationals at the time, it was estimated that it would add up to four. Five.

Of course, the veins mentioned here are all above a certain scale, and small-scale mines with low yields will not be too concerned about it. Orcs will not concentrate on these veins.

In the evening, Cheng Yang came to a place outside the station. This is an orc station. There is only an orc resident in Ariman Island.

Cheng Yang originally intended to bypass this resident and avoid being traced by orcs to his own whereabouts.

Ke Cheng Yang found a very strange thing, there are many people in and out, not the orcs, but humans.

These humans have one thing in common, that is, all eyes are sluggish, as if they had no soul. These humans came directly to the surrounding lands, as if they were one by one. Work inside.

Cheng Yang frowned, thought, or decided to go in and see.

When Cheng Yang used the ablation skills, it turned into a liquid and dipped underground.

After a short period of time, Cheng Yang entered this resident. He quickly found a large hall along the whereabouts of those embarrassing humans.

At the moment, a thin-faced orc is sitting cross-legged in the main hall. Its movements may seem strange.

Simultaneously. There are two orcs on their sides, and they are holding a human standing in front of this skinny orc. I saw the man's constant struggle. In the mouth, he cursed loudly, and he could face the two orcs who were totally disproportionate. He did not even have the room to resist.

Cheng Yang then saw the skinny orc rubbing his right hand on the forehead of human beings. While chanting, there seemed to be a magical energy that escaped from the human body and entered the mind of this orc.

At this time, the mankind had already stopped struggling. The eyes of God's light had dispersed and turned out to be exactly the same as those outside. It was exactly like a dead body.

"Your fighting talent is good. Pay attention to daily practice, and patrol the resident for a while," said the skinny orc.

The human being actually listened to the imperial decree and said: "Yes, Master."

Then, the man turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yang was stunned and he never thought. Just now, even the beastly cursed man became so disobedient. If there is nothing wrong with this, killing Cheng Yang does not believe it.

Under the suspicion of mind, Cheng Yang directly used the investigating technique on the skinny orcs, but he could not see the other's attributes. It seems that the strength of the other side is definitely higher than the initial stage of the fourth stage.

Cheng Yang had to use a reconnaissance reel and this time he successfully saw the other person's attributes. The look is not complete enough to see the talent and skills. Because the strength of the other side is the fourth-order peak, although the actual combat effectiveness is not comparable to Cheng Yang, but the detection condition of the detection is the order, and has nothing to do with the actual combat effectiveness.

In desperation, Cheng Yang had to superimpose a reconnaissance reel. This time he could see clearly.

The other attributes of this orc are very common. But there is a special skill.

This special skill does not have a strong combat effectiveness, but its role is extremely invincible, that is mental control.

The skill name is very common and the soul is drawn.

Soul Extraction (Level 2): ​​Special skills. The target soul is drawn into the mind of the person who released the skill. The person who released the skill can read the person's memory through the extracted soul and control the other person's behavior. This skill is only valid for both the attack and magic energy values ​​are lower than their own. The number of targets to be controlled is related to the strength of the target and their offensive power. The skill level influences the effect of soul extraction. The higher the level, the less influence on the person being drawn. After the grade reaches the highest level, the person being sampled will not show any abnormalities, but will only produce cults and obedience to the release of the skills from the bottom of the heart.

by! 牛掰啊......

Cheng Yang heart uttered a sigh, this is indeed a very niubi skills.

If you can raise this skill to the highest level, it is simply too strong.

Now that the orcs have the soul extraction skills that reach the second level, the human beings who have seen the extracted souls are just like one. If this skill level is higher, then is it not equivalent to having a loyal subordinate?

Cheng Yang does not know how many targets this skill can control, but from the current number of humans controlled by this orc, it must not be a small number.

This moment, Cheng Yang was jealous of this skill. As for what he had wanted to do before, he had to get an exclusive rider skill for Xiaobai, and he had to put it down for the time being.

This skill can be completely counted as a strategic skill. If it is used well, it can even be comparable to the skill of grafting. How can Cheng Yang be willing to give up this kind of rogue skills for a horse skill?

The key now is to take this orc away, so that he can use the Elysian to deprive the other person of this skill and use it for his own use.

Cheng Yang looked around and there were at least forty or fifty orcs around the hall. It was basically impossible for Cheng Yang to quietly kill these people.

However, Cheng Yang did not want to wait for another day because he was worried about the festival. The news of his own presence in the Indonesian country has not yet been announced. Therefore, the preparedness here is not very strict. However, once the other party knows that he has entered the Indonesian state, I am afraid that the defense level will increase several times.

This is not too much, but what if the other person is afraid to run directly? Where do you find yourself?

Now that his ablation skills have been used, the magic phantom skills are also used. Only the snow and ice spirits can help them to complete.

Fortunately, the strongest of the occupants seems to be the skinny orc, and the presence of the fourth-order peak is a master who can't be underestimated. Just for Cheng Yang, such a master is not enough to see.

After making some measurements, Cheng Yang still intends to storm.

After all, there are only three orcs in this hall. Apart from this lean care, the rest are only two orcs who are responsible for escorting humans.

As long as you act faster, you may be able to do it.

When Cheng Yang is no longer delayed, he quickly summons the spirit of ice and snow.

When the spirit of ice and snow appeared, they immediately attacked the two orcs who were responsible for escorting humans. At the moment, they were preparing to go outside. It was hard to prevent them from being attacked by the spirit of ice and snow from the rear, and there was no room for rebellion. Never climbed again.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit of ice and snow swiftly rushed to the entrance of the hall, standing there like a devil, trying to stop the orcs outside.It's just what the devil thinks is mini.

At the same time when the spirit of ice and snow appeared, Cheng Yang also cancelled the state of ablation. A direct ice slash hit the skinny orc, and the other party did not have the ability to move the bomb. Instead, it was directly frozen.

In the eyes of the other person's horror, Cheng Yang took out his trapped cage and locked it out. Then he took off his soul extraction skills using the easy-strike.

Look at the hands of the property has changed greatly Yi Yi Run Fu, Cheng Yang heart full of excitement, as long as they use this easy to run a symbol, then they can add a powerful skill.

Cheng Yang is not a person who likes to keep good things slowly and enjoys. At this moment, a shadow of wind blew from the side, and the huge force directly rolled up the easy-god symbol in Cheng Yang's hand and flew away.

"What ghost?" Cheng Yang did not see what it was, but his response was fast, directly using his fastest speed, such as the same flash of lightning toward the distant Yi Yi Run Fu.

It was just a flash of time. The Yi-Zhuo was already flying out of the main hall to the resident. But its speed was faster. Cheng Yang's speed was faster. His body appeared directly next to the Yi-Di, and his hand was raised. Zhao Yi Yi Goddess to catch it.

Cheng Yang only felt that an object was caught in the palm of his hand, but it was not an easy rune, but a wet one. That thing is still a living thing and is struggling hard.

Cheng Yang secretly scared, because the strength of this thing struggling too much, actually Cheng Yang almost could not hold.

Of course, Cheng Yang cares more about that moment, but with Cheng Yang reaching out to grab this thing, Yi Yifu actually hovered in the air.

In less than half a second, a strange figure appeared in front of Cheng Yang. This thing looks strangely shaped. The entire body is somewhat like a human being, but it is lush and green. Even the head and the skull are divided.

If it was before the end of the day, anyone who saw monsters of such a shape would surely be scared to death. However, Cheng Yang is now stunned. The shape of this guy is somewhat like a sea race.

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