Chapter 680 infiltrated into Korea

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After Cheng Yang arranged the territorial army, Cheng Yang went directly to the place where the northeast was bordered by Korea, and then summoned Xiao Bai and got into an endless jungle. ≧,

the environment here and they had possession of the province along the border with India to a different country, Indian country there is all mountainous, birds difficult to cross. But here is a vast expanse of plains, just above the plains, full of tall, dense trees.

According to estimates by Cheng Yang, the largest trees in this area are as large as dozens of people, equivalent to two or three meters in diameter, which is absolutely invisible before the end of the day.

In the border areas, whether it is trees or ores, the quality is relatively high, basically reaching five or more levels. Some rare trees even have more than ten levels. These materials or ores are indispensable for making equipment.

It can be imagined that if the humans in the future will expel the humans on Earth, the entire world will launch endless competition around the border.

Compared with those high-grade bans, the security of the border is slightly better. Under normal circumstances, there will be no fifth-order enemies.In the secretive lands such as the South Tibet Prohibition Land, perhaps even the sixth-order enchanted beasts exist. Who knows where?

Cheng Yang is riding a white horse and galloping in the jungle. From time to time, enchanted animals jump out from the trees. However, they do not have to use Cheng Yang's hands. Xiao Bai directly rushes forward and the two claws will solve the target.

The last time Cheng Yang crossed the road leading to the Indian-Indian border, Xiao Bai still had only soy sauce, but now he has been able to sweep through.

In the transformation of the last day, the general border area has increased to a span of thousands of kilometers. From where it came from, this area is unknown. This is somewhat similar to the provincial isolation zone.

Cheng Yang once estimated that after the earth was reformed by the deities, it counted the provincial isolation zone, the border, and the forbidden land of unknown size. It is feared that the size of the entire earth is at least several ten times larger, and even the land area has increased by nearly ten times. .

Do not underestimate the increase of four or five hundred kilometers in the provincial isolation zone. For most provinces, a province's span does not reach this distance, let alone borders and land restrictions.

Nowadays, satellites all over the world have become unusable, and naturally it is impossible to obtain accurate topographic maps of the entire earth. Therefore, what the earth is now like, no one can tell.

After more than two hours, Cheng Yang once again saw an immense river, and the water of the Lancang River exudes the icy cold air, making people feel a burst of chill from the bottom of my heart.

Cheng Yang has been very cautious about this kind of very different rivers. The risk of the ice river that was seen on the west side of Wucheng City was such that Cheng Yang felt skeptical when he remembered it.

Now this is another river full of endless coldness. Cheng Yang naturally dared not take it lightly.

Cheng Yang took a piece of magic beads from the storage ring and released a second-order medium enchanted beast from the inside. This kind of magic beads, is not a rare thing in the city of Phoenix, with Chu Lingling's strength and deputy rank, every day can make out thousands of such magic beads.

Under Cheng Yang's mind control, this enchanted beast entered the river directly, as Cheng Yang expected. As soon as the enchanted beast entered the river, it was immediately frozen on the spot.

Cheng Yang estimated that the temperature in this glacier is at least minus sixty to seventy degrees, otherwise the effect will not be so obvious.

Cheng Yang originally thought to rely on ablation skills to get through this cold river. After thinking, I gave up. Although the ablation skills were used, Cheng Yang was invincible. However, the ablation skills are to liquefy the body. Now the temperature in the water is so low that if the liquefied water becomes a firm solution. Yourself will not be fixed in place? Wait until the duration of the ablation skill is over, then you can be in danger.

"This should be the isolation zone on the borderline." Cheng Yang hesitated in the heart, and he saw a cliff at the border between China and India. It also has the same purpose as this, but in any case it does not make people pass.

Since it was an isolated zone, there would certainly be a passage through which Cheng Yang immediately ordered Xiaobai to walk along the river to find this passage as soon as possible.

Cheng Yang's guess is still quite accurate, which is inseparable from his understanding of this world rule. In less than a dozen minutes, Cheng Yang saw a huge stone beam across the river bank in a flat grassland area. The stone beam was nearly 100 meters wide and hung over a dozen meters above the river. As miracles.

Cheng Yang did not appreciate the spectacularness of this stone beam. He drove Xiaobai straight to the end of the stone beam and set foot on the stone beam.

"I don't know if this time will go into the mysterious mission space on the border." Just after two steps, Cheng Yang suddenly stopped and thought of a more problematic headache. However, there was no problem in thinking of entering the Neil State last time, and this time it should no longer appear in the task space.

Cheng Yang walked a few hundred meters forward, but he found himself thinking too much. During the entire process, not to mention which mission space was sent to him, there was no sign of any accident. It was completely a smooth road.

Cheng Yang is also ignoring what the rules are in the end, but it will be impossible for only one person or force in the world to open the national border crossing. People in any other country will be free from obstacles.

After a long while, Cheng Yang passed the entire Shiliang and went straight to Goryeo.

This went to Goryeo, and there was no great danger to Cheng Yang. The orcs of Goryeo were not necessarily more powerful than those of Neil. With Cheng Yang's current strength, he came to the orcs who had the strongest strength in the middle of the fifth order. It is almost invincible existence.Unless all the Orcs racers attack and rise, they will not be able to pose a threat to Cheng Yang.

Ke Cheng Yang is not a stupid egg, how could he allow the Orcs clan members to enclose themselves? Cheng Yang's most powerful is not his fighting power but his ability to escape. In this regard, it is that the sixth-order enchanted beast is not necessarily capable of leaving Cheng Yang.

Of course, if you are a sixth-grader, you may not be able to say it. After all, the other party may have a lot of means. If you have mastered a few control skills, Cheng Yang wants to escape smoothly, but it is not easy.

So after another two hours, Cheng Yang finally crossed the border.

Stepping out of the forest that covers the sky, Cheng Yang felt suddenly in front of her eyes.

Here is Gao Liguo. Like the northern part of Huaxia country, it has entered the early summer season and there is no coldness in the north.

But at this time there was no trace of anyone here, and all the entrances were desolate.

Cheng Yang did not consider too much, chose a direction and walked straight ahead. After walking for more than twenty kilometers, Cheng Yang finally saw a small group of orcs. He had no intention of avoiding and went straight up.

"Hey? There's still a human being here?" an orc surprises.

The other orcs cried with the same excitement and said, "It seems that we can have a big meal again at night. Human flesh is the most tender food we have ever eaten."

Cheng Yang had never let those orcs pass by. After thinking about these orcs, I got colder on my face.

"Ha ha ha ... ... the Terran people, you are awkward to go with us? Or let us smash off the carry." Orc surrounded up, arrogant martyrdom.

Cheng Yang held his hand in his arms and said plainly: "It seems that you are the Orcs who have captured Goryeo and their strength is not bad!" When

you hear Cheng Yang's contemptuous words, these orcs suddenly feel angry and they can Allowing the contempt of existence that is stronger than one's own strength, but now the other is just a weak human being, what qualifications despise them?

"You're damn! It seems we need to strip you." An orc spewed fire.

Cheng Yang's face flashed a sneer and looked at the orcs who had rushed in with madness. They even had no idea of ​​evasion. They directly summoned Xiao Bai.

"White, these garbage will be handed to you, regardless of life and death." Cheng Yang said calmly.

The white tiger shouted and Cheng Yang ordered the release of the fate of these people. In less than half a minute, more than twenty orcs turned into paper orcs and were slapped on the ground by Xiao Bai. of.

"Oh ..." After the fight, Xiao Bai shook his tail and walked in front of Cheng Yang, seemingly in the credit.

Cheng Yang slapped it on his head and said, "I'm too cruel to you?" wouldn't you choose a bloody way? And... you're a tiger, not a dog. Shake your tail from day to night."

Xiaobai bowed his head with grudges.

Then Cheng Yang rode white again and continued to hurry.

The orcs encountered by Cheng Yang along the way could be considered to be very bad, and no one survived.

This time, Cheng Yang did not immediately provoke those resident. His goal was to take the underground city near the other side of the provincial capital. As long as he took down the underground city, the remaining orcs were not scared.

Prior to this visit to Goryeo, Cheng Yang had already done a detailed understanding of the entire Gorye state-owned five provincial-level regions, which means there are five underground cities here. The overall strength of orcs is stronger than that of Neil.

But this powerful refers to quantity, not strength level. If the master's strength ranks, the two Orc nations should not be much different. After all, the rules of heaven and earth are such that they will not be different for different countries.

The day passed in a hurry. Cheng Yang searched the area around the border for an area of ​​50 to 60 kilometers. He finally found the ruins of the provincial main city, and then determined that there was an underground city just below the station.

According to the urine of the Orcs, after occupying a region, it is very likely that an altar of the territory will be relocated to the entrance to the underground world to protect the underground city.

Cheng Yang did not personally do this work. He did not personally go.

So every time he found an orc resident around, he called Tan Chao and let him hide in and check it out.

It has to be said that this method is more efficient. In less than a few hours, Cheng Yang found the orc resident with the entrance to the underground world.

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