Writing Prompt #1

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So this is the first writing prompt and I hope you all love it

Writing prompt: "Well SOMEONE thought it was a great idea to throw our back up plan off a bridge."

"It was on FIRE!"

Summary: While fleeing the Asylum, you, Kit, and Lana run into a bit of trouble

The night should be clear, the stars were shining and the full moon illuminating the forest. Briarcliff was hell on Earth. You visited Kit a lot. He was a friend of your brother, Billy. You knew about his late wife and Billy was suspicious, constantly tormenting him with racist comments. It disgusted you that Billy would mock him for marrying Alma.

You walked into the building, the smell of cleaners and human excrement overpowered you, churning your stomach. Kit was smoking at the table with Lana. You sat down and pulled out a sketchbook.

"Lana, Kit," you started, "I'll be out there waiting for you. I'll take you to the car and I have a map so we'll be able to find our way there."

Lana held your hand, "We'll be there."

Kit nodded, offering you a cigarette which you declined. The day room smelled terrible. Half of these patients were barely able to be alone for most of the day, much less clean themselves. You made a quiet exit, saying goodbye as normal. You let one of the nuns lead you out of the building.

When the sun when down, you waited in the woods. You cleared a path and lined it with rocks every few meters so they could find their way to you. You waited for them for what seemed hours. You had a backpack full of food, a change of clothes for them, and the map. You took the map out, you had marked where you were at the moment and a path. Lana and Kit came up to you. They were tired and out of breath.

"We got lost and there were things in the woods," Kit gasped. You could feel a chill run up your spine.

"Don't worry Y/N, we'll be fine," Lana smiled, rubbing your upper arm soothingly.

"I brought some clothes and here's the map," You said, giving the map to Kit, "I have the car by the road so we can leave."

The three of you walked through the woods, avoiding the twigs on the ground. The moisture dropped and coated the forest floor, silencing your steps. You clambered in the car, sitting down in the front seat. Kit started driving the car. You could hear Lana's shaky breaths from the backseat Their clothes barely offered any protection from the elements. Kit drove you past the building, spotlights on the front narrowly avoiding the car. You gave Lana her change of clothes. It consisted of a blouse and a skirt from her apartment. Kit's clothes were still in the bag. You looked at the map, instructing him to go over to the bridge. He lit a cigarette, his hand shaking as he held it by the window. You were worried that he was mentally exhausted from his stay in Briarcliff.

You set the map down between the two of you. All you had to do was follow this road until the next town over. Kit set the cigarette down in the ashtray. It was pitch black as clouds moved in. Lana was asleep, Kit rubbing his eyes as he drove you all. Within minutes of closing your eyes, Kit slammed on the brakes, knocking your body into the dashboard.

You looked up to see Kit trying to stop the map from burning. You opened the door and took the map out, stomping on the paper trying to stop the flames.

"Shit, Y/N."

You watched in horror as the map began burning wildly. You picked it up and tossed it over the railing, watching as it fell into the stream. The paper's glow disappeared as the water took over.

"Dammit, what are we going to do now?" Kit snapped. He looked over the railing into the dark.

"I know where we're going," You snapped, "I think."

"You think! Oh my god," Kit cried. Lana climbed out of the car, her body swaying. She must've hit her head pretty hard when he slammed on the brakes.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Oh nothing, we just need a new plan since someone decided to throw ours off of the bridge," Kit snapped, running a hand through his hair.

"It was on fire!" I snapped back. Kit and I began arguing, our shouts overlapping and echoing in the dark.

"Hey!" Lana shouted. She was in the driver's seat of the car. You all climbed in, Kit pushing you all to the backseat. The three of you drove for hours after stopping at Lana's apartment for her money. After one of the longest nights of your lives, the sun began turning the sky into a river of light blues, purples, and oranges. Lana parked the car in front of a hotel, sending you in to book a room.

You asked for one room with two beds. You and Lana would share a bed while Kit would get his own. You weren't exactly sure how far from Briarcliff you were since you had to stop when the map caught fire.

Once in the room, the three of you brainstormed a new plan. The three of you voted on the best part of the plans you came up with. It consisted of driving all night as far away you could before finding jobs and a new home.

Evan Peters ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now