Dead Girl Walking AU- Tate

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I suggest listening to 'Dead Girl Walking' from HEATHERS: THE MUSICAL while reading this. I haven't watched the whole musical. I'm just basing this off of the lyrics from the song. From my understanding and my google search for the lyrics, Veronica was at a party and wandering around drunk when she found JD's motorbike and assumed he lived where it was parked. She then climbed into his window and convinced him into having sex with her. He is also apparently a very vulgar boy until this scene so there's speculation that he is a virgin since he sounds very shocked when they're having sex. I hope you all enjoy :)

This is it. It's over. The Demon Queen is coming for me.

It all started on a Thursday.

I was feeling light-headed while carrying my tray of pasta. My balance disappeared for a second when a boy ran past me, his body brushing past mine. I dropped my tray in an attempt to steady myself. I didn't even notice she was in front of me, her curls bouncing as she let out a high pitched scream. It echoed in my already pounding head.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, holding a hand to my head. She grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me to the bathroom.

"Who do you think you are?" She demanded. I still felt sick and now bile was rising in my throat. I shrugged and held onto the sink. She was already pissed so I tried my best to not vomit on her. She scoffed and began rubbing her sneakers down with wet toilet paper. I ran to the nearest stall and vomited. It burned as it passed through my nose and mouth.

I shivered as I read the note that was left in my locker.

Be careful Y/N, especially on Monday at 8 am.

My friend found it and gave it to me when he exchanged my books for me. I stayed home that day, the only human contact being with the pizza delivery guy and my friend who traded my books.

It was Saturday night and I was panicking as to what she would do to me. I snuck sips of my parents' secret stash of alcohol until I realized that I drank well over ¾ of the vodka.

An idea popped into my head that I couldn't shake.

I slid my shoes on and quietly left. I walked through the streets when I saw his car. I watched Tate for a second through his window, considering going home.

"Ah what the hell," I sighed. I threw a pebble at his window. Unsurprisingly, the rock didn't make it. I tried over and over and over until I finally got his attention.

"Let me in," I whisper-shouted.

He nodded and opened the window. I climbed up the lattice, my skin scratched by the thorns. I climbed through the window.

"Hey Y/N, what are you doing in m-"

I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. He was warm and smelled of cinnamon. Too stunned to move, I decided to grab his hands and place one on my breast and the other on my hip.

He pulled away and I frowned.

"Tate," I whined.

"How'd you find my house?"

I looked him in the eyes, "Just fuck me."

I could see his boyish side take over as he nodded eagerly. We began undressing each other quickly.

His pants fell to his ankles and Tate took a hold of his growing hard member. I watched as he pumped his hand up and down, Tate had his bottom lip locked between his teeth as he tried to hide the pleasure that he was feeling.

"I just want to ride you until I break you," I breathed, shocked at my own words.

"Your turn." Tate smiled, bringing my hand up to him. Tate's large hands wrapped around mine as he guided me onto my knees. After a moment Tate let go, giving me free range to do what I wanted. My grip on him tightened as I licked my lips and brought my mouth to him. I looked up at Tate, through my eyelashes, and licked his shaft before taking him in my mouth. A groan fell from Tate's lips as I began to bob my head.

Tate gripped my hair but didn't bother to make a ponytail out of it. His grip tightened and I hummed against him, sending even more pleasure throughout his body. His breathing had already begun to quicken and I felt him twitch against the inside of my cheek. I began to suck harder as I pumped the rest of him faster than before. I heard an almost silent 'fuck' as Tate spilled himself into my mouth.

As I pulled away from him I quickly swallowed the liquid that was in my mouth. Tate pulled me up to my feet by my arms, but with the way that he was holding me, it didn't really hurt. Whatever he had planned for before was gone as Tate pushed me down onto the bed. "Wait here," Tate stated as he walked over to the dresser, pulling out a condom.

"I'm hot. I'm pissed and on the pill," I smiled as he handed it to me. I tossed the shiny packet onto the floor with our clothes.

Tate took a hold of hips and flipped me around. I stood on my knees, facing away from him. He bent me down when I

My body jolted forward as Tate's firm hand landed hard on my ass, I bit my bottom lip to keep my cries quiet. I felt two of his fingers drag up and down my slit, he repeated this motion twice before roughly pushing two fingers into me. My mouth fell ajar and I gasped for air, quickly calming down to enjoy his touch. His fingers slammed in and out of me, edging me closer and closer to my release. As my walls tightened around Tate's fingers and I almost found the release he completely robbed me of the pleasure.

I felt the tip of Tate press against my slit, he rubbed it up and down. Moans slipped from Tate as he fucked my lips, I would swirl my hips just to try and feel more. The teasing was killing me.

"Tate, please," I whined.

He sat up and laid me down gently on my back.

Tate slammed into me with a warning, causing me to cry out. He kept one hand on my hip and used the other to grip the headboard. Feeling Tate slide in and out of me made me more wet with each thrust. His thrusts were getting hard, which ultimately made them deeper. Tate hit my g-spot with full force, causing me to moan out.

Tate pulled out almost completely, then slammed into me. I was containing my moans as much as I could, every once in awhile I felt his grip tighten around my hip. My body rocked to the movement of Tate's thrusts, pushing my close to euphoria. My walls suddenly tightened around him as I came. Pleasure crashed throughout my body, making my legs shake from the release.

Tate didn't say anything, he just continued to move. He let go of the headboard and kept both of his hands on my hips. I felt his nails dig into my skin as he released himself for the second time. My name left his lips in the most seductive tone.

We were out of breath as he was still inside of me. I pushed him so I was straddling him now.

"Y/N?" He asked, his voice soft.

"Hm." I hummed, beginning to swivel my hips. He threw his head back in pleasure as I bounced up and down. Sensitive from my first orgasm, I began to feel the pressure in my stomach again. He sat up and began thrusting, his hips meeting mine every few seconds. I cried out as he hit my sweet spot. He repeated his motions and I collapsed onto him. Our chests touched but I refused to stop moving my hips. I felt my high coming and I warned him. He moved a hand between us and began rubbing my clit. I clenched around him, my back arching. My legs twitched as I cried out. He continued thrusting into me full force, riding out my high.

I was too tired to move, my body tightening every few seconds as I twitched.

"God damn," I breathed as Tate pushed me off of him. I was fully nude, exposed. My breasts were out as I breathed heavily.

"Was that okay?" Tate asked, combing through his closet.

I smiled and closed my eyes in bliss, "What got into you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't peg you as an edging and spanking kind of guy."

I stood and supported myself by holding onto the bed. I could feel something running down my leg as I walked to the pile of clothes. My sore legs burned as I wobbled.

"There's the bathroom," Tate smiled, helping me to the bathroom. I shut the door and did my business and redressed myself. I splashed my face with cold water.

I looked like a mess. My once flat hair was wild and untamed. My skin was sticky with my sweat.

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