Tutor-Kyle *SMUT*

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College Algebra.

It has always been difficult and boring. You never understood what the hell the teacher was talking about. It was the most complicated subject you've ever known, not even Biology was this complicated, and that's saying a lot since you don't understand a thing in Biology either.

You always sat in your seat, drumming your fingers against the desk quietly with your chin propped in your palm as you stared at the clock that was hung up on the wall, waiting for class to end. You didn't even care that your teacher would occasionally glare at you when he noticed you weren't paying attention. When he asked you a question, you just shrugged your shoulders and reply with a simple, 'I don't know.' You hated Maths so much that you didn't even feel like trying to pay attention. As soon as the clock hit 2:25, you let out a breath of relief and immediately started packing your stuff.

You were about to leave the class but your teacher immediately stopped you and another guy named Kyle. You groaned and turned back around, walking over to his desk. "Yes?"

"[Y/L/N], don't give me this attitude," your teacher glared at you before he shook his head and sighed, glancing at Kyle who was standing there with a straight face that didn't show how exactly he was feeling. The teacher looked back at you before he spoke, "You're failing this class."

"Tell me something I don't know."He glared at you again and you just shrugged your shoulders, not saying anything else. "Kyle, right here, is actually quite good at this subject, so he's going to tutor you."

"Tutor me? I don't need a tutor, I can do it myself!" you protested.

"You don't even pay attention in class, [Y/N], and if you kept doing this, you're going to fail, and if you failed, it means that you won't get to graduate and will be stuck here for yet another year," he said calmly. "Now, get out of my class and discuss how you're going to do this whole tutoring thing. I want your grades to get better and I want you to understand things, understood?"

You groaned but nodded nonetheless, turning around and leaving with Kyle following outside.

"So, tutoring," he started, and just then, you noticed how cocky his tone was. Kyle was good at Algebra, yes, but he wasn't the type of a student who would raise his hand in class and answer questions, he was the type to ask the professor a personal question to waste class time. If anything, he hated school just as much as you did, but he actually cared about his grades, unlike you.

"Yeah, tutoring," you muttered with fake enthusiasm and a sarcastic smile, looking at the blond boy. "What about it?"

He raised an eyebrow at you before saying, "We need to know when I'm going to tutor you and where."

"My dorm, today after dinner. We'll meet outside the dining hall," you said casually, looking him up and down, examining him. "Anything else?"


"What is it?" you looked up at his face that still held no emotion.

"Stop checking me out," he said before he brushed past you and headed to the next building over.


You walked outside the school building to find Kyle leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited. You walked over to him, and just as you were a few steps away, he noticed your presence. "Took you long enough," he said as he uncrossed his arms. "Lead the way."

You rolled your eyes at his attitude, turning around and starting to walk. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked closely beside you in silence. You would've said that it was an awkward silence, but it honestly wasn't. Maybe it kind of was, but neither of you knew the other and it seemed like if you two spoke, you'd end up strangling each other because of how rude and sarcastic you both were to each other. You got to your building after ten minutes of awkward silence, walking in and heading upstairs to your room immediately. The security guard gave you an odd look, but let the two of you in anyway.

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