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You tied your hair back and made sure it was tightly secured. You noticed that Peter was watching you.

"What?" You giggled, adjusting the seat belt so it wasn't rubbing against your neck.

"Nothing, you just look good," He smiled, his face reddening. You began making kissing sounds at him, which he returned.

"Peter, Y/N," Hank warned from where he was steering the jet. You both stifled your laughs, focusing on other things. It was quiet between the two of you while the others were devising a plan. You fiddled with the engagement ring on your finger, staring at Peter who looked amazing in his gear. His suit accentuated every muscle on his body and it took too much self control for you to not immediately pounce on him.

You two refrained from too much PDA around the other students and teachers. You also agreed to no PDA during official missions.

You placed a hand over your stomach where the child you and Peter created was growing. You were going to tell him, but you were both called to the mission. You knew that Peter would refuse to let either of you go if he knew. You lied that your news wasn't important and went to get dressed.

"We're here."

Peter was kneeling in front of you, knocking you out of your thoughts. You unclipped your seat belt, standing up from your seat.

"What's the plan?" You asked as Peter led you off of the jet.

"We're going to beat his ass," Peter smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Ah, ah, ah," You tutted, "Not here."

"But you look so good in that suit," He whined, pressing his forehead to yours.

"As do you Mr. Maximoff," You pulled his goggles over his eyes, "But we made a promise. We also have ass to kick."

"I cannot wait until I call you Mrs. Maximoff, Miss Y/L/N," He smiled. You pecked him quickly.

You walked out, looking for Apocalypse. You came along as a nurse. Your mutation is being able to heal injuries. You were able to heal just about any injury as long as you are in good shape yourself. You could also hurt anyone to any extent, pushing your pain into them. The only downside is that you weren't exactly trained enough to transfer your injuries when in extreme distress.

You wandered around the area, watching for an injury, while the others fought with your rivals.

You were watching the battle go down and you saw Peter getting ready to jump in.

"Peter," You whispered, pulling him behind a shattered building.

"Y/N," He smiled. You shared a quick kiss before pulling away.

"Go kick ass for me," You smiled, smacking his ass playfully as he crept back over to Apocalypse. You tried to watch Peter but he was too fast.

You watched in horror as Apocalypse caught him, wrapping his foot in some type of webbing. Apocalypse began punching him and you tried to focus on him to transfer the pain onto himself, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from Peter. You could do nothing but let out an ear-ripping wail as he stomped on Peter's leg.

"Peter," You screamed, running over to him.

"Y/N, no!" Peter shouted, trying to pull you back. Apocalypse began beating you, throwing you across the clearing, knocking you into a daze. You tried to focus your pain to hurt him but it was hard. Each blow caused a new bruise, each kick heighting the risk of your injuries.

You awoke in the abandoned building that everyone else was in. You lolled your head as you tried to ignore the pain in your stomach. Hank carried you into the jet, his blue hair tickling your face.

"Where's Peter?" You asked.

"He's in the jet, we're going home."

You shut your eyes, relaxing into him as you let the pain wash over you. He set you in the seat next to Peter who instantly grabbed your hand. Peter clicked the seatbelt over you, strapping you in like a toddler. His leg was propped up, undoubtedly broken.

"You're such an idiot," Peter muttered, kissing you roughly. You kissed him back weakly, your breathing bothering your bruises.

The jet ride was quiet and urgent. Everyone was tired and sore, their limits pushed today.

"Peter," you mumbled, "I love you. Don't ever scare me like that again."

The pain dulled into a body-wide ache. You shut your eyes, keeping the tears in and your breathing calm.

"Y/N, you're bleeding," He snapped, alarming everyone on the jet.

You looked down and sure enough, there was a dark spot around your crotch and leaking onto the seat. Your face paled as you realized what this meant. It meant you and Peter had lost a child he didn't even know existed.

Tears welled in your eyes as Jean covered your legs with a heated blanket.

"Is it just your.. Period?" Peter was always awkward when that subject came up.

You shook your head and whispered, looking deep into his brown eyes, "I lost it."

"Lost what?"

"The baby."

Peter understood what you meant, "I was going to be a dad?"

You nodded, biting your lip to keep your sobs in. Your body shook and quaked as you neared the school.

You stood up when you arrived, desperate to change and get to the hospital, slipping on the puddle of blood in the process.

"Y/N, don't you prepare? I mean you are a girl," Scott chuckled, amused thinking it was your period. You began crying harder. Again, Scott thought you were embarrassed and uttered a half-hearted apology.

Jean helped you wrap the blanket around you, "I'll clean it, just go to bed."

You apologized profusely, sobbing as she pulled you into a hug. You told her the truth, spilling everything to her. She pulled you into a hug, her own tears falling.

"I know Y/N. I know," You thought she was comforting you, "I've been hearing your thoughts about the baby for weeks."

You let her go and ran into the building and began cleaning yourself off. The tears blurred your vision and your sobs made it hard to not collapse into yourself.


Peter had come in, his leg wrapped with a cast. He sat down on the edge of your bed, setting his crutches next to him.

"I'm so sorry," you sobbed, kneeling in front of him, your head on his lap. His eyes turned red as he cried. You knew he wasn't mad at you, but at Apocalypse for killing your child.

"It's not your fault," he comforted. He began to stand to shut the door but you thought he was leaving you.

"Don't leave me," You cried, "please. I don't think I can do it alone."

Peter crawled onto the bed, pulling you into his arms, "I will never, ever leave you Y/N."

"I'm so stupid," You whispered, "I knew I was pregnant. I should have stayed behind."

"You can't go back in time Y/N. No matter how hard you try."

You stayed in the same position, crying with your head in his lap. There was another pool of blood forming in your pad that you put in your underwear. The remnants of what was your child. Questions began racing through your mind.

What if this kid cured cancer? Or saved some dying animal species? There was no way to know what they could have done, and it was killing you.

Eventually the two of you crawled into bed together, Peter holding your shaking body until you fell asleep in his arms.

This one was so depressing and I'm sorry. I just... had this idea and I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry.

Evan Peters ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now