Too Tired- Evan

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Full of fluff lol

You woke with a start, Evan's cold hand rubbing over your thigh to alert you that you were finally home.

"Tired by any chance?" He smiled sympathetically; he knew traveling was stressful for you.

"Mmm." You grumbled, making an attempt to roll over in the car seat and go back to sleep.

"Come on," He chirped, getting out the car and opening your door for you, offering his hand but then realizing that he might need to be more persuasive, "Babe an actual bed is inside."

You opened one eye at this, and was greeted with his tired grin, slightly bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair; he was probably exhausted too.

"Okay." You groaned as you dragged your body upwards, leaning on Evan's shoulder as you both made your way into your house.

"You're not coming?" You whined, giving him puppy eyes in protest.

"I need to do some work babe, I'll be up in half an hour."

You reluctantly accepted this and slowly made your way upstairs, throwing yourself onto the large bed awaiting you. You sighed in contentment and snuggled more into the duvet, the thought that you would have to change into pajamas interrupting your short moment of bliss.

"Nooo..." You moaned softly to yourself as you slid off the bed and stumbled into the en-suite.

You haphazardly brushed your teeth and took off your makeup, not really caring that you would still probably be left with panda eyes in the morning. You stripped yourself of your jeans, jumper, and bra, leaving yourself in underwear and an oversized t-shirt.

Finally, you fell into bed, wiggling under the cover and fully relaxing for the first time that week.

After about 5 minutes all curled up you began to feel hot. Very hot.

Simply throwing the duvet off wasn't an option, as it always made you fear that some paranormal entity would grab your legs and drag you to the deep dark depths of Hell. Although an unreasonable worry, it still scared you senseless.

You resorted to just pulling off your shirt and going au naturel. As you tried to do this you realized how sluggish you really were. You only managed to pull the shirt off your chest and ended up with the neckline stretched over your head uncomfortably. Your hands were left flailing aimlessly as your aching limbs refused to move and fix the situation.

You struggled for a minute before collapsing in an awkward heap, your arms stuck in the air and your breasts on shameless display.

"Evan!" You called, hoping he'd hear you and not have his headphones on.

"Yeah?" He answered, causing a temporary wave of relief to wash over you.

"Can you come up here? I need you!" You squirmed, the material of your shirt rubbing against your skin somewhat painfully.

"You need me?" Evan's voice was teasing, but you heard him trotting up the stairs anyway.

"Don't laugh!" You shouted as his footsteps approached the bedroom door.

"I won't-" Evan opened the door and saw you, and let out a snort with how strange you looked, "What the ever-loving fuck are you doing?" He made his way to the bed, taking his time deliberately.

"I was too tired to move," You pouted, "Help me!"

Evan shook his head and let out a small giggle as he pulled the shirt off your head in one smooth motion.

"Aahh, thank you!"

"You are so weird." Evan laughed and then proceeded to lay on top of you, his chin resting in the crook of your neck.

"Shut up," You giggled softly, feeling his warm breath on your skin and smiling when he left small kisses on your jawline, "You coming to bed now?" You asked hopefully.

"Well, I'm already here so..." He mumbled into your hair.

"Yay! Now get off, you're squishing me."

You heaved dramatically when he rolled beside you, seeing him kicking off his jeans and smoothly pulling his shirt over his head.

"You're cute." He said as you snuggled into his side, closing your eyes and listening to the calming beat of his heart.

"So are you." You whispered without a second thought, so used to Evan's random compliments.

"O.M.G. Y/N you think I'm cute, will you date me?" He mocked, you had been dating for years but every so often he would ask you out again as a joke.

You knew he wouldn't stop until you accepted. "Yes, Evan."

"Hell yeah! High five!"

You raised your arm and let him slap it before placing it on his stomach. "Now go to sleep, you are way too enthusiastic for 2 am."

"Okay, okay." He settled down, rhythmically stroking your hair until you both fell asleep.

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