Record Store- Tate

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You worked in a music store. You lined up the records that were in the middle of the store neatly. Your boss was considering calling it quits on the records and making sure they were all sold and never ordering more. The CD's lined one wall while guitars and other instruments lined the others. Usually, Brandon, the boy who you were paired to work with, took care of the instruments while you helped customers with the music selection.

He first came in two weeks ago. You were at the counter, Brandon working his magic and teaching a girl a few chords in the corner of the store, mumbling words of encouragement as she smiled at him.

As for the boy, his blond curls hung over his eyes as he slouched. You noticed his Converse were scuffed up and old just like yours. His fingers raked along the CD's as he read the covers, hunting down the perfect one. When you had gone up to ask him if he needed help, he stared at you dumbfounded.

His words came out stuttered and awkward, "I-I'm just l-looking."

You nodded, "of course, I'll be over there."

You watched as he scurried from the store, mumbling to himself. His face was red with embarrassment as he passed the large window.

You'd been waiting for the boy to come back ever since. All you wanted was to get his name and maybe even set up a date. You were losing hope as each day passed.

You watched as Brandon polished the guitars and hung them back on the wall. You always loved the gentle curve of the instrument and the way the vibrating strings made noise. It's fascinating. Brandon always offered to teach you how to make music but you didn't want to play into his game.

You know how it works. His fingers over yours, showing you the chords, his eyes lighting up as you finally got the hang of it. Eye contact hanging a little longer only broken for him to make his move, pressing his lips to yours. Then it would make it almost impossible to deny his attempts to date you, forcing the relationship.    

You broke out of your daze when the bell above the door chimed. Without looking up from your book, you mumbled your rehearsed greeting.

"Welcome to Music Mania."

There was no response so you didn't look up. You continued reading, it was just getting interesting.

"Do you have any Nirvana?"

You looked up and saw the boy from two weeks ago. A Cheshire Cat-like smile appeared on your face as you placed your bookmark on your page.

"Yeah, follow me," You offered, stepping down from the platform where the desk is.

You led him to the section where the Nirvana CD's resided, "We don't have much of a selection."

He picked one up and looked over the songs, "I'll take this one. Have you listened to it?"

"Actually no," you smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear, "I haven't had time."

The two of you began walking back to the register in silence. You stepped up onto the platform, looking at him.

"Would you like to come over and listen to it tonight?" He smiled. His brown eyes lit up as you nodded.

"I'm Tate," he smiled.


You scanned the CD and took his money, handing him his change. Tate handed you a scrap paper with his phone number and address on it.

You smiled as he picked up the small bag, "I'll see you tonight."

Tate winked at you, sending your heart into a flutter as he exited the store.

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