Writing Prompt #2

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Writing Prompt #12: "She stared at her bloodstained hands as she backed away from his body. "I'm sorry," she whispered, silent tears running down her face. "I'm sorry"

Summary: You 'accidentally' kill Ezra Krane, a reporter who specializes in groundbreaking articles.

Ezra Krane, the reporter most known for his articles he wrote to uncover a scandal. He uncovered the fact that public schools serve food that didn't pass the food inspection in the factories. Now, he was suspicious of Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies. Of course, you were a student here. You harbored the powers of Concilium, mind control, Transmutation, and Telekinesis. You hated that you were a witch. You could never do anything without the fear of somehow fucking up or your anger taking over and hurting someone.

You were at the school, reading at the dining room table when there was a knock on the door. You decided to answer it before Kyle could, which was odd that he didn't even come to the front door.

"Hello, is the headmistress here?"

The man was short and pudgy, his black hair spiked. A goatee rested on his chin. You didn't recognize him.

You said your practiced line, "She's on a field trip with the other girls."

Fiona was upstairs, so you weren't alone. Besides, it was a boarding school so if he found the bedrooms that were the excuse.

"Do you mind if I wait in here for her?" He asked. A small notepad was in his hand. You swallowed thickly before moving aside to let him in.

"Would you like anything?" You offered, sitting parallel to him in the other chair.

He clicked his pen and wrote something down, "Do you not have a butler or a maid?"

You shook your head, "I assume he's tending to other matters."

He nodded and continued writing. You were growing uncomfortable with each passing second. He offered his name, Ezra Krane. Almost immediately, you caught your jaw from dropping. He is the journalist everyone waits months to read. Unless he saw Delphine, you immediately knew what he wanted. He wanted nothing more than to prove witches are real, that the Salem Witch Trials did nothing.

"I'm going to be right back," You smiled. You practically ran from the room. You looked crazily for your phone. You needed to call Cordelia and the other girls. You sent a quick text out to Madison, Nan, Cordelia, and Zoe. Queenie was working so she wouldn't know or be able to read the message.

You returned to the living room, the empty living room. His car was still in front of the school. You tore through the house looking for him. When you finally found him, he was reading something in the history room. Everything about witches was stored in there.

"This is a private room," You stated. He jumped and smiled at you.

"This is a perfect room. I have all the information I need," he smiled and took pictures of everything.

Your breaths became labored, your heartbeat audible in your ears. You slyly waved your hand, catching the sharp letter opener behind your back.

"Get out of here. Now." You snapped.

"A young girl like you can't tell me what to do."

"And why not?"

"You're a child, a fre-"

In seconds, you were in front of him, the letter opener stuck in his torso, blood spilling everywhere. He tried to talk but it came out in sputters, blood sprayed from his lips. You felt yourself feeling faint at the sight of blood leaking out of his mouth. It stained his teeth, his shirt, and the floor. He crumpled to the floor, gripping his wound.

With a gasp, you bent down and grabbed the letter opener from his body. Ezra's blood was all over your hands. The life left his body as his breathing slowed. Kyle walked in silently, staring at you then Ezra then back at you.

"I'm sorry," tears welled in your eyes, spilling, "I'm sorry."

Kyle stepped over him and looked at your hands. You didn't realize you were shaking until he gripped your wrists lightly, causing you to drop the weapon. It clattered into the pool of blood.

"It's okay," He smiled. You continued crying being careful of the blood caked on your hands.

Fiona's door opened and you panicked. She came in and let out a deep sigh.

"God Dammit," she shook her head, "Deal with this."

You nodded, "yes ma'am."

She gave you a look. Probably since you called her ma'am. Something about Fiona made you nervous every time she walked into the room. You opened the large window at the end of the hall. You ran downstairs and began digging a hole. Your hands were still covered in dry blood. Kyle appeared next to you, lightly taking your hands off the shovel without saying anything.

You washed your hands off, scrubbing them with hand towels until your hands were clean. The area around the drain had a faint ring of red. When you checked on Ezra, he was still lifeless and cold on the floor. You refused to touch him again so you waved your hand and moved his body to the yard through the open window. You began scrubbing the floor, tinting the water in the bucket a deep red.

"Y/N," Cordelia called, running up the stairs. With a wave of your hand, the door was shut and locked. You began crying again, your tears dripping.

The door swung open, Zoe and Cordelia came in and stopped at the sight of blood.

"Y/N! What happened?" Cordelia asked, kneeling next to you.

"Ezra Krane, h-he read a b-bunch of things in here. He was going to ex-expose us and I-" You began stuttering, your voice quivering, "I stabbed him."

Zoe's breath hitched, "Where is he now?"

"Kyle has him in the backyard."

Zoe left to see Kyle, and most likely help him dig a grave for the man. Cordelia comforted you, calling for Delphine to finish cleaning up. Cordelia led you to your room, leading you to your bed.

"I get it, it's better for him to die with the knowledge. It's only a matter of time until the people with pitchforks and torches come for us. It's okay," She smiled. You nodded, trying to calm yourself. She was right. The Coven is already failing, this would only wipe witches from the face of the Earth.

You hugged your knees to your chest. You felt sick that you had just killed a man, but he was going to indirectly kill your friends, your new family.

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