Writing Prompt #6

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Writing Prompt: "I'm a monster."

Summary: You meet Jimmy and he feels bad for not telling you about his hands.

You met Jimmy at the diner where he has his daily coffee. You always happened to be in town when he went into the diner. He caught your eye when he walked in and sat down, the waitress bringing him his coffee, he didn't have to ask.

You watched him over your book as he flirted with the waitress. Her face turned red as he put his money on the counter. Jimmy turned and stood up from the stool, catching a good look at you. By now, you had become focused on your book.

Instead of flirting with you like he did with the waitresses, his face turned a deep shade of red as he exited the diner. He was instantly smitten with you and the way you looked.

For days, he returned at his usual time, looking for you. It wasn't until three days later that you returned. Jimmy talked himself up before crossing over to you.

"Hi," He smiled, towering over you as you were sitting in the booth and he was standing.

"Hello," You greeted, shutting your book to give him your full attention.

Jimmy sat down, sliding the book away, "What is a pretty girl doing sitting alone?"

"I don't know, maybe she should have a friend with her," You smiled. Jimmy gave you a wink and you were thankful that you were sitting down.

Jimmy was embarrassed about his hands, his role as Lobster Boy. You didn't mind but it bothered you that he thought so much about it. It hurt you when Jimmy took time to ponder simple things like opening a door or putting his hands on you. You didn't know about his career. All you knew were the things he told you sheepishly.

Your friends decided to take you out for dinner and a movie. When there was nothing at the theater that you wanted to see, there was a plan change. You sat in the back of the car as they took you to the Freakshow that had set up outside of town.

You wandered alone as they bought the tickets. You bought some candy from the stand, eating it while looking for your friends.


You turned around to see Jimmy walking towards you, frantically putting on his gloves.

"Jimmy," you smiled as he stopped in front of you. His face was covered in concern. The smile disappeared from your face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"My friends brought me for a night out," You shrugged. You noticed that he was hiding his hands from you even though they were covered. It was something that he usually didn't do, but here his demeanor was different.

He sucked in a breath as you grabbed his hands. You looked over at him. He was looking at his gloves as if he was asking himself the same question. You took his covered hands into your own, looking into his eyes. You weren't asking for permission, but Jimmy nodded his head anyway. You slid the gloves off and gasped.

You were amazed. Jimmy mistook your amazement for disgust, pulling his hand away.

"I'm sorry Y/N," He cleared his throat, "I understand if you don't want to see me ag-"

"Jimmy," You cut him off, "Shut up."

You held his uncovered hands. That's all you've ever wanted to do since you met him. All you wanted was to hold hands with skin to skin contact, without the layer of leather blocking you from Jimmy.

"I'm a monster," he looked down, "I'm Lobster Boy."

"It's okay, you're not a monster. You're not Lobster Boy. You sir," you put your hands on his face and forced him to look into your eyes, "are Jimmy goddamn Darling."

Jimmy smiled and pulled you into a hug. You could feel his worry disappear as he held you.

"Let's go get you a seat."

You and Jimmy walked hand in hand, swinging them lightly as he led you to the main tent. You spotted your friends three rows from the stage. Jimmy led you to the seat, clearing the way for you.

You cheered along with the crowd as the acts began. They were cheering for different reasons, them being they're entertained at their deformities. You had your own reasons, mostly authentic support.

When Jimmy came out, you smiled and clapped. You watched as he looked for you, winking when you made eye contact. Your friends were shocked and turned to look at you. They only saw your beaming smile and your focused eyes on the boy on the stage.

The show drew to an end and they began pulling you away to the makeshift parking lot. You excused yourself, telling them that you were going to look for the bathroom.

You looked through the crowd for Jimmy. You wandered around for a minute before Jimmy pulled you into a hug outside of the main tent.

"How'd you like the show?" He whispered against your neck.

"I loved it," you smiled. Jimmy kept his hands on your waist.

Jimmy watched you as you let your eyes wander over his face. You weren't paying attention that Jimmy's eyes lingered on your lips for a while.

"Can I kiss you?"

The question caught you off guard but you smiled anyway, "Jimmy, you don't have to ask."

You initiated the kiss, your lips working together fluently. Sparks flew and his hands gripped you harder as you wrapped your arms loosely around his shoulders. It felt like forever but it couldn't have been more than three minutes.

"I should probably go back before my friends come hunting for me," You giggled, fixing his collar.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the normal time," he smiled, pulling his hands back and putting them in his pockets. You awkwardly pressed a kiss to his cheek and smiled.

When you made it to your group of friends, they were in the car cold and tired.

"God Y/N!" One of them cried, "What took you so long?"

You shrugged, "I got lost I guess."

They eyed you suspiciously as you climbed into the car. You felt your heart flutter when Jimmy ran through your mind. His sweet words echoing in your ears.

Evan Peters ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now