Revenge- Tate

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I typed quickly, my hands cramping. I needed to finish my articles for the school newspaper. I was going against the rules and publishing an article, exposing Cheryl Colin for the back stabbing bitch she really is. I was going by a fake name, knowing I could get in so much trouble. I had everything planned out on how I would get it all in print.

I would get to school first thing in the morning to present my usual article on the school events for the week, which would undoubtedly get approved, then when going to see Marvin, the boy who prints the hundreds of copies, Lacey will distract him and I'll place the Exposé right before my approved article.

I typed the last period before proofreading and printing. It was done, I was finally going to prove to everyone the secret side to the rich princess. I was finally going to get my revenge on her.

"Hello, everyone," Kara, the announcer smiled, "And the winner of Miss Evanston is.."

My heart was pounding. Cheryl stood next to me, her sweaty palm in my cold one. I wore a royal blue two piece dress that, no matter how high my heels were, pooled about an inch around me. We were being live streamed on the local channels and at school. Everyone in town was watching, my friends, my enemies, except for Cheryl who was next to me.

"Y/N Y/L/N!" Kara announced.

I smiled, clasping a hand to my mouth. I feel like I'm going to vomit, cry, and shit all at the same time. I went to take a step forward to meet the girls bringing out the crowns and flowers. Cheryl's foot landed on my dress, the fabric giving out a sickening rip. My legs were exposed, along with my lady bits, barely covered by the sheer underwear. I was quick to wrap everything back up and run off stage. I sobbed into my mother's shoulder, my caked on makeup rubbing off onto her white t-shirt. She did her best to comfort me.

You better watch out Cheryl. Everyone in this school was excited to see two of their peers as finalists in a statewide pageant. We were being live streamed, meaning there was no way of censoring me. I was completely exposed to Westfield High School.

I clutched the papers to my chest. I needed the perfect moment to expose Cheryl and it was coming up fast.

I twisted the lock on my locker frantically. I quickly stuffed the manilla folder into my backpack. If anyone saw these before it was time to publish I would be in serious trouble.

"What's that?" Tate asked, grabbing my hips and making me jump.

"Damn it, Tate," I sighed, "Just some papers."

"Can I see?" He had a sucker in his mouth.

"No," I slammed my locker shut, my backpack slung over my shoulder with one strap. I turned to look at him, feeling bad that I snapped at him.

"Tate, listen, I have a plan and I really need you to stay away," I sighed, holding his hands.

Tate's face went from happy to upset in seconds, pulling his hands away roughly, "Fine."

He turned away and disappeared around the corner.

I could feel my anger building but I let it go. I know that Tate is only mad because I asked him to do the one thing that he hates doing, and that's staying away from me. Tate is always moody when I'm upset and want to be alone. I went home and began revising the article again.

"So that's what that is."

"Tate!" I shouted, closing the cover of the folder.

"If you wanted to get back at Cheryl, all you had to do was ask me, baby," He smiled. I pushed my chair out and stood to face him.

"Tate, I'm sorry. I need to do this on my own."

"I'll protect you until the end of time Y/N," Tate smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back and pulled away.

"Not this time, I have to get my own revenge," I smiled, "she's going down."

Tate smiled proudly, "That's my girl."

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