Visions- Peter

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Visions. They come and go, triggered by the simplest of things whether it's a certain color or a person's words or a song.

Everyone thought you were going crazy when you would freeze in class for minutes at a time. Your face paling and your mouth tight. Your eyes were always either closed like you were sleeping or wide as dinner plates.

It started out as what looked like movie scenes. Then they became stronger, showing more than just people's thoughts, but their memories. It played out like you were there, in the body of whoever, learning everything.

You knew things you could live your whole life knowing. For example, the affair between your math and science teacher. That was one of the worsts, seeing your science teacher pull her pants down as you could feel it. It was like sleep paralysis. You felt everything but you couldn't move or scream until you came back to reality.

They were never your own visions or memories. They belonged to whoever was near you, giving you tidbits of their personal lives.

It was during a speech when it all went south. You were talking calmly and loudly, reciting your speech almost by memory only looking down at the beginning of each paragraph. You paused, cutting yourself off.

Everyone thought you had choked or began second guessing your work. They waited patiently until you were over your spell. In reality you were in someone's mind, feeling and experiencing their memories.

Your hands were in someone else's. You looked around, it was a wedding. The guests' faces were hazy as you said 'I do'. The boy you were marrying was very attractive, his silver hair combed back neatly as he stared into your eyes.

When you came back, you cleared your throat, apologizing to the class.

"Sorry, I just-" you cut yourself off and continued with your speech. That boy was still on your mind. You assumed it was your teacher's husband and for some reason she was remembering her wedding. You took your seat, determined to find some way to stop these.

Your mother sighed, knowing exactly what was happening. She told you, tears falling from both of your eyes. In a few days, she was dropping you off at Xavier's School for Gifted Children.

You were given a tour by the Professor himself, ending with you in his office signing a few papers.

"And you're registered!" He smiled, shaking your hand, "due to your mutation including a mental ability, I'll work with you on figuring this out and finding a way to control it."

"Thank you Professor," You smiled gratefully. You knew that he was going to be able to help you considering that he was one of the smartest people in the world. He knew exactly what it's like to lose control.

You settled into the school nicely. You still went to weekly classes for other students your age that taught you basic things like history and math. It was like a normal school day. It was hard to adjust to a new school where you only had class once a week.

Since you weren't exactly up to mutant standards, you were given a training schedule. It started with running 5 miles a week and slowly going up. There were also other activities and exercises such as going in groups to the woods for practice.

You were running on the track, focusing on your steps and breathing. The sun beat down on you which only made you want to work hard to finish your daily run. Kurt suddenly appeared in front of you. You halted to a stop and gasped.

"Sorry Y/N," he apologized, "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the mall with us."

You nodded, unable to utter a confirmation. You gestured to your clothes.

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