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Who don't have Wishes in life?? Everyone have their own Wishes, to make them complete they fight with situation.

As we also know Every wishes not complete, some wishes will remain incomplete. It's not because they are tough, it's because of Love, Respect and for Happiness. ​We all saw and
heard that, a person can sacrifice his or her wishes for their partners, Lovers whoever they love.

These sacrifice is more in middle class family, because they will not see the value of money, they will respect relationship, to make other person better.

Like Elizabeth Elliott said…….

“It is Impossible to Love Deeply without Sacrifice”.

In this story also Arnav Singh Raizada ​sacrifice his career for a Girl Whom he loved like everything. His selfless Love never expected anything back from her

He just want her Happiness, if you Love someone deeply then you will do anything for them, you can sacrifice anything for her, and in return you just need Love….

In this Sacrifice Love, is Arnav get his Love Lady?? For that you have to stay tuned to my Page.

Character Sketch:

Arnav Singh Raizada: ​He's from middle class family, love his family so much. ​Post graduate student, finished his MBA degree and going to join in one of the famous company.

Ankhur Singh Raizada: ​father of ASR, retired school headmaster. Very joyful person and love his family.

Neelam Singh Raizada: ​mother of ASR, house wife, love her family.

Anjali Singh Raizada: ​sister of ASR, she loves her brother so much more than her parents, she will do anything for him. Works in Bank sector.

Ruhaan Roy: ​going to marry Anjali, software engineer, he's orphan.
Khushi Gupta: ​you will see in next part ……….

Shashi Gupta:​ Father of Khushi, Business Man, most of have illegal works. And very dangerous.

Garima Gupta: mother of Khushi, house wife and opposite to her husband. Very caring towards
her daughter.

Other characters will be introduced while story growing….. Stay tuned.

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