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Khushi is sleeping on her bed and Arnav staring her sitting beside her, he don't know why Khushi felt to kiss him. He's just lost in that moment. He don't have right to kiss her when she's in this condition. Tomorrow what happens he don't know, whether Khushi accept him or not. Upon all this, the Kiss between them. All these thoughts are haunting Arnav's mind. Full night he not slept thinking about Khushi.

It was morning and all Raizada members came to Hospital to see Khushi. Khushi is Happy seeing them.

Ankhur: what Doctor said?? When they start treatment?

Arnav: they said morning foreign doctor came to India, probably afternoon they start operation.

Ankhur took money from his bag and handed to Arnav and said “keep these money with you, we don't know how much this operation cost”. Arnav nodded his head and kept the money in bag.

Khushi: Maa, I don't want to be here, please take me to home.

Neelam: Doll, we're cleaning our home so, you have to stay here for two days.

Khushi: why you cleaning now? There is no festival right?

Ankhur: we're going to celebrate when you come back to us, to our home, so we have to clean home right? That's why.

Khushi nodded her head, Neelam brought breakfast with her and feeding Khushi. Arnav also having his breakfast.


Nihal and Azaan searching Khushi in every possible way, daily Azaan roaming around Market place, because he have feeling that Khushi staying around market place.

Nihal: I think we should give her photo to News Channels sir.

Azaan: we can't Nihal, if we give then her life will be in danger. She's in safe hands I know that. But still we have to find her soon.

They're talking when Shashi Gupta called him. Seeing his phone call Azaan is irritated. He can't even ignore his call.

Azaan: yes Mr. Gupta.

Shashi: where were you? You found Khushi or not??

Azaan: come on Mr. Gupta, I also have my duty to do, I am Handling your case personally that to without complaining a proper case in police station. It will take time.

Shashi: you said you're Khushi's best friend right? This is how you fulfilling your friendship?

Azaan: I don't need to prove anyone what Khushi is to me, you better think yourself what you're to Khushi.

Shashi: Khushi's mother is ill, please find her soon.

Azaan know he's saying lie, because he knows Garima aunty is fine. Azaan closed his eyes in controlling his anger and said “Soon I will find Khushi, don't call me continues to irritate me”.

Saying this he hang up the call.

Azaan: I can't believe, on this earth, father like Shashi Gupta live. I want to kill him from my own hands.

Nihal: calm down sir, we're getting late, let's go.

Azaan took deep breath and went out from their room to find Khushi.


Garima: Ramu Kaka, make Gudiya’s room ready, I know she will come to us.

Ramu Kaka: you're staying in her room right? Then be it.

Garima: Kaka, you know her right? She don't like if someone use her things without her permission.

Ek Adhuri Khwaish...! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now