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Person: that's not important to know who I'm. Just think about your husband Arnav Singh Raizada dear Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.

The girl is none other than Khushi, someone tied her to chair. She just remember that she went to temple to pray and while returning someone made her faint. When she opened her eyes she's here in this dark room. That means someone kidnapped her!!

Person: you're plotting against me?? But what happened?? Before you do something I played my cards. Now tell me where is the proofs??

KHUSHI: I will never going to tell you. Get that? Leave me if my husband get to know about me missing then he will not leave you.

Person; don't worry about that, I already arranged someone for that.

Khushi: what do you mean??

Person: you wanna see?? Wait then….

That person played a video where some girl hugging Arnav. When that girl turned towards the screen, Khushi was shocked seeing the girl. She's just like her.

Person: shocked?? She looks like you Khushi, so you husband never going to find you. Because you're beside him see….


Khushi is getting ready and seeing the mirror. She smiled evilly seeing the image and remembered how she entered in these people lives.

*Flashback Start*

When khushi fainted, four men lifted her and brought her to a home. From there this fake Khushi wore Khushi's saree and came back to temple and acted as she fainted. Seeing her there someone called Arnav's number…. Because she dialed that number. Because when Khushi left home she talked with Neelam not Arnav.

*Flashback End*

Fake Khushi: these people are so idiot that, I made them fool so easily. Is my acting skills increasing?? Maybe. But I have to find the proofs as soon as possible.

She saw Arnav coming inside the room. And started to think “This Idiot never leave me in peace. Really he loves that Khushi so much??”.

Arnav: are you ready?? We're getting late Khushi.

Khushi nodded and closed her eyes and praying to God “please god, write someone in my luck that, just seeing him a smile come on my lips”. Arnav and Aman came out from the room and they saw Aman flirting with Lavanya in kitchen. Seeing him that fake Khushi smiled and thinking…..

Fake Khushi [FK] : he's more handsome and hot than Arnav. What a body fragrance he have…. That night I really enjoyed dancing with him.

Aman: hello Khushi Bhabhi, where you lost?? Come to earth.

FK angrily seeing Aman and cursing him in her mind “Bhabhi Hogi Teri Girlfriend”.

FK: don't call me Bhabhi…… I feel like I'm a Aunty. Call me Khushi, that's enough for me.

Aman smiled and said Ok. Arnav and FK bid bye to them. But Lavanya observing keenly.


Khushi: please Devi Mayya, keep my husband safe. How to meet Arnav?? He don't know that I'm kidnapped and that girl staying with them is fake.

But I will not lose this game. Whoever you're, you started this game right?? Then this Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada end this game. I will put full stop to everything.


Doctor checked FK and said everything is normal. Arnav is confused hearing this. He's thinking How's this possible?? She's acting all weird sometime. FK is outside the doctor cabin.

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