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Arnav is waiting for doctor to come, he's tensed about Khushi. Doctor came and smiled seeing Arnav.

Dr. Batra: what happened Arnav?? Is Khushi is OK??

Arnav: Yes doctor, she's fine now, but she became so silent. I don't know why she reacted that day.

Dr. Batra: see Arnav, it's there in her sub conscious memory, we're giving her medicine, that's why she's remembering some what about her past.

Arnav: but doctor, we celebrated Dashara, that time she not reacted seeing Diya's and all.

Dr. Batra: medicine started to work Arnav, whatever I heard from you guys about incident, I think that accident happened with her on Diwali, because she's saying to stop
crackers sound.

Arnav: if we continue this treatment then she will be fine??

Dr. Batra: No Arnav, we have to operate her. Otherwise she will struggle in between her past and present memory. In this process her brain will be damage completely.

Arnav closed his eyes and holds his head keeping his hands on table. Doctor kept his hand on Arnav's shoulder and said…..

Dr. Batra: don't worry, everything will be fine.


Arnav reached home and saw his mother thinking something sitting on swing. He came to her and SAT beside her keeping his head on her shoulder. Neelam holds his cheek and said “What Happened Chote?? Everything is fine??”.

Arnav: nothing Maa, just thinking about Khushi. Why you sitting alone? Where is Khushi?

Neelam: I said her to eat something but, she's not at all ready to have her lunch.

Arnav: OK, you bring her food, I will see what she's doing.

Arnav came to Khushi’s room and saw her standing in front of window holding Tony in her hand. Tony saw Arnav and jumped from Khushi and came to him. Arnav lifted Tony
and said “What Happened Tony?? Your Madam is not having lunch? Why??”.

Khushi saw him and turned her face other side ignoring him and said “Tony, tell your friend that I am angry on him”.

Arnav raised his eyebrows and said “can I know the reason??”. Khushi turned towards him and glaring. She came and sat on the bed folding her hands across to chest and said “Tony, ask him without saying anything where he went Early morning??”.

Arnav: oh, problem is here? Tony tell your Doll that some urgent work came up that's why I left without saying anything”.

Tony is seeing Arnav to Khushi and Khushi to Arnav. After few minutes Tony came down and went out from Khushi's room.

Neelam: see, Tony understood that making you both understand is impossible. Now both you have lunch here. I am going to market to buy vegetables. Chote take care of her.

Neelam kept two plates on table and went out, Arnav took the plate and passed to Khushi.

Khushi: I am not hungry.

Arnav: OMG!! You denying Maa’s food?? I am very hungry, I will have my food, Maa made delicious food. I Love it!!

Arnav washed his hands and started to eat and making sound deliberately about food.

Khushi saw him eating and saw her food plate. Her Mouth is watering seeing the food, she also took the plate and started to eat. Arnav smiled seeing her. After lunch he gave her
tablet and made her sleep on the bed. Arnav kissed on her forehead and Khushi murmured “Arnav”. He smiled and sat beside her and caressing her hairs.


Azaan reached Delhi and met Nihal. From there they went to Nihal’s room and discussing about Khushi.

Nihal: Azaan, what if we give advertisement in channels, that will be easy to find her.

Azaan: No Nihal, because her father's enemy still searching her. Where you saw her??

Nihal: in market place, she's with a boy and eating Pani Puri. Seeing her face I am sure that she's safe with him.

Azaan: you take me to market place, maybe they live near by. I have her photo with me, if we ask then, something we get to know about her.

Nihal: I think soon we will find her. She's your friend right??

Azaan: yes, my best friend but, I don't know whether she will recognize me or not.


Shashi: idiot Azaan, still not found her. If she not come here then what will happen to my business?? I need to sell that property which is there in center of city, without her signature it will not possible. Where are you Khushi??

He's thinking when unknown number call came to him and said “Don't think about to selling that property, otherwise you also be soon in Your daughter form, like mad”.

Shashi: who the hell are you??

Person: you forgot me so easily Gupta?? I am same person whom you gave Supari to kill that property owner 21 year ago.

Shashi: I will sell that property, it's mine.

Person: the owner son is still alive, Don't forget that, I know where he's. It will not take me one day to bring him here.

Shashi was shocked hearing this, how's this possible?? Shashi removed sweat from his forehead and said “ Tell me, what you want??”.

Person: like I said you first, Your daughter. I need her, now she's like child right?? The daring girl who slapped me in public place now afraid of coming out of home??

Shashi: she's not here, she's Missing from 2 months.

Person: Don't Tell me silly reason Gupta, if you not give your daughter to me then you will be destroyed.

Shashi: I am ready to do that, but she's missing. Soon we find her and preparation starts.

Person: what preparation??

Shashi: your wedding with Khushi, what else??

The person started to laugh loudly hearing this and said “Who said you that, i will marry her?? No Gupta I keep her with me”.

Shashi: do whatever you want, but don't harm any of my business.

Person: people said right about you Gupta that, You're Monster, today I get to know, when you easily agreed to sell your own daughter.

Shashi: in this world money is everything.

Opposite person said OK and hang up the call. Shashi took long breath and said “for your one slap Khushi, everything is destroying, hope soon I will find you”.


Arnav withdraw all money from bank for Khushi's operation. Tomorrow they have to admit her to hospital.

Aman: Bhabhi, you should trouble this Arnav more, you know he troubled me many times in school.

Lav: don't listen his talk Khushi, both are same. They beaten that Samar black and blue.

Ankhur: yes, these two are fire some time, I heard many times that they beaten many students in school.

Neelam: thank God that both are became little responsible when they are entered in college.

Arnav: Maa and Baba, don't spoil my name here in this society. All know how silent I am.

Aman: right, everyone say we're best.

Arnav: La you should join detective agency, because you spy on people very well. Like you spayed on me.

Lav: oh come on, I am fed of spying on him, you know you're most irritating person. No activity at all. College to home and home to college.

Khushi just listening their talk, she don't know anything about her family, just her name what she know. Arnav saw her sitting silently and asked.

Arnav: Khushi, what are you thinking??

Khushi: nothing, just thinking ki, maybe my family also like this, maybe.

When Khushi said this, all became serious because, now a days she's remembering some what about her past life. Arnav is just staring her.

Neelam: why you think like maybe??? We also you're family Doll. Don't forget You're Daughter in-law of this home.

Ankhur: yes, we all Love you so much that you will forget every problem of yours.

Arnav just thinking about Khushi because, whatever she said now is normal. Childish voice is Missing in her voice when Khushi said about her family.

Arnav: Khushi, you alright??

Khushi saw Arnav and her childish nature came to her. She smiled and said “What Happened to me?? When my prince charming is with me, nothing going to happen”.

Saying this Khushi rubbed Arnav's hairs, his messy looks is something that any girl fall for him. Khushi smiled and seeing her smile all started to smile. Aman again captured the
pic and smiled seeing them.


Azaan and Nihal came to market place and asking about Khushi showing her photo. All said they don't know.

Azaan: shit!! I thought today I will now your whereabouts but, everything turned down.

Nihal: don't lose hope Azaan, I know she maybe stay around in this area.

They're talking when Someone bumped with Azaan. He's none other than Samar.

Azaan: don't you see?? That were standing here??

Samar: ye, voice down, this area is mine. One whistle and my gang will be here.

Azaan: oh really!! Then whistle, I will see how many people come to rescue you.

Saying this Azaan and Nihal took their Gun and pointed straight on his forehead. Samar is shocked seeing the gun.

Samar: who are you guys??

Nihal: we're Police, he's ACP Azaan Baig and I am ACP Nihal.

Samar saw here and there and ran away from there. Azaan was about follow him but Nihal stopped him saying “Leave it Azaan, he's not any criminal, just road Romeo type

Azaan: he very well know about this area, I wanted to ask him about Khushi, maybe he saw her here nearby.

Nihal: this is market place, finding him is next to impossible. Upon on he know we're Police then he hide.

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