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Shashi: yes she's here in my home. What you want now??

Manik: I want to meet her once…. Come down with Khushi, I'm waiting outside your home.

Shashi: are you gone mad?? Now you want to meet her?? She already making my life hell just staring me and you making it even worse.

Manik: Do as I said….. otherwise I will come inside.

Shashi: Ok, I will try….

Hanging the phone Shashi came to Khushi's room and saw her doing something in cupboard.

Shashi: Khushi!....

Hearing Shashi voice FK became tensed. She's finding clue to reach proof in Khushi's cupboard. She took deep breath and turned towards him.

Shashi: someone wants to meet you… can you please come out for few minutes??

FK: what?? Now?? Are you out of your mind Mr. Gupta?? Is this the time to meet someone??

Shashi: please… it's very urgent…

FK: are you telling the truth or Again plotting something against me??

Shashi: No.. No, just meet that person once.

FK took deep breath and thinking “Ab Kausa Idiot Aa Gaya [now which idiot came]”. She came out and saw Manik standing there.

FK: [in mind] oh this man?? Boss told me be careful around him. What he wants now?? Idiots all come at a time.

FK again went inside her room, Shashi saw her going again inside and he don't know what to do now. When FK came out with gun.. she kept gun behind in jeans and said “let's go”. Shashi gulped his saliva and started to go behind her.


Around 2:30 AM Arnav reached to Apartment. Lavanya smiled seeing him and served his food. Aman came out from his room.

Arnav: why you wake up?? I have extra keys with me. I will have my food, you go and sleep.

Aman: no worries I'm not getting sleep. And Lavanya making designs, so I just helping her.

Arnav: don't be so hurry that before Marriage you become parents.

Arnav smiled and signaled Aman that Lavanya's lipstick mark on his neck. Aman hurriedly wiped and smiled.

Arnav: your Mother-in-law called me and said that Khushi is in GH. She not informed me that she's going there. Thanks to Saasu Maa that she messaged me about Khushi's arrival.

Lavanya: Im not understanding why Khushi behaving like this. Reports are normal then….

Aman: I think because of the case she's stressed out. You heard na… Azaan told us that shes Very serious about the case.

Arnav: if Khushi is all ok then how can she forgets the proofs?? I mean I don't know why I'm feeling like she's not my Khushi.

Lavanya: exactly…..

Aman: oh come on now you both don't start that she's duplicate Khushi. Come on that happens in reel world not in real world.


Khushi stood in front of Manik with Attitude and angrily glaring him.

FK: what you want now?? Again came to make my life hell??

Manik: I just wanted to see you. I thought you're not ok.

FK: oh you thought?? How ironic isn't it?? The person can kill Khushi the same person claiming to be care wow!!

Ek Adhuri Khwaish...! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now