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Khushi is crying continuously, Azaan tried to stop her tears but she's not ready to hear anything.

They reached home and Khushi went up to her room crying holding her mouth. Garima is shocked seeing Khushi.

Garima: what happened to her Azaan?? Why she's crying??

Azaan don't know what to say, Khushi closed her room door and sits there and crying placing her head in between her legs.

Khushi: I am sorry Arnav, I don't want to hurt you like this, please Forgive me.

Garima: I am asking something Azaan, please tell me.

Azaan: wo…. Aunty someone tried to kidnap her.

Garima was shocked hearing this, that's why she's restless when Khushi gone to Temple.

Azaan: thank God, two….. [his voice is breaking to lie her] two stranger helped her before I reach there.

Garima: you're telling lie right? Because my Doll not cry like this for her kidnapping. In fact I never saw her crying like this. Tell me what exactly happened there.

Azaan don't know what to say he again said same thing which he told to Arnav “the person who saved her, she thought she met him somewhere, she have memory problem”.

Garima: so?? What's the big deal in this? You should brought him with you.

Azaan looking Garima “how he can bring him here? He's Son In-law of this home”.

He came to Khushi room and knocked, after five minutes Khushi opened her room door.

Azaan: what is this Khushi?? Why the hell you're crying like you lost Your Husband.

Khushi angrily snapped back “AZAAN?! Don't to dare say like this. How can you say like this??”.

Azaan: then what you expect from me?? Your husband is in same city. This is happy moment and you crying here. I think you don't want him to be here right??

Khushi: I am happy that he's here. But you're forgetting that he will not sit silently.

Azaan: why he will not sit silently?? You don't know whether he love you or not? Don't think from your heart Khushi.

Khushi: if he not love me then that day why he came to airport to see me?? Nihal also confirmed that he always take my name.

Azaan: fine, he love you. Then what's the problem? Why you so tensed about that?

Khushi: if Shashi Gupta get to know about this then he will not leave him.

Azaan: who inform him? No one know this secret except you and me.

Khushi: he will meet me Azaan, I saw hurt and loneliness in his eyes.

Azaan: OK you worry about his safety right? Then fine I will arrange security for him fine?

Other side Arnav and Azaan reached their client home. When their car entered inside it was big house. Both came out and saw a man standing with smiling face. He's the Fashion Event CEO Mukesh Bhatia.

Mukesh: welcome Arnav, welcome.
Trio shook their hands Mukesh welcomed them inside his guest house.

Mukesh: you know my friend said lot about you. After this fashion event your career take another turn.

Arnav: thank you so much for this warm welcome. By the he's my Best Buddy come Personal Assistant Aman Mathur.

Mukesh: hi, I know him wherever your name come na there his name also join. Like Arnav and Aman.

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