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Person: what you think about That mad girl ?? Now she's married to Arnav.

Samar: leave it, Vaise bhi, he himself destroyed his life marrying that mad girl.

Person: but he fought with you for that girl only, so I just suggest you keep one eye on Arnav.

Samar: Aman is here, I can't take panga with them, if both became one then opposite person reach soon to hospital.

Person: he will not get to know about this, we will get some information about them, then we can move our plan.

Samar: yes, this is good idea, you keep updating me about them. Arnav this enemy destroy you for sure.


Dipavali celebration is going on in NEELAM NIVAS, Anjali and Ruhaan also came to celebrate Diwali with family. Khushi is busy in decorating the house with Neelam. Ruhaan is seeing Khushi he said “Some times she behaves like a mature girl, don't you think?”.

Arnav: medicine is affecting her I think, but her brain part is damaged because of strong hit.

Ruhaan: people are so cruel. Don't know which family she belonged.

Arnav: maybe she done these things in her past life, that's why she's so involved in decorating home.

Ruhaan kept his hand on Arnav's shoulder and said “Don't worry, everything will be alright”. Arnav nodded his head and seeing Khushi, who's roaming here and there in
home lightening Diya.

Anjali: here your Dress Doll, go, get ready, I will handle this.

Khushi nodded her head and went towards her room, but instead going to her room she went in Arnav's room. Arnav came to Anjali and said “Di, you make her ready, she don't
know all these stuff”.

Anjali: don't worry, I told her how to wear that Dress. She somewhat know all about these things. You go and get ready soon, I kept your dress on your bed.

Arnav smiled and kissed on Anjali’s cheek. Anjali smiled and seeing this gesture from Arnav. She tapped his cheek and said go. Arnav came to his room and locked without seeing Khushi. When he turned he was shocked to see Khushi in his room. She already wore blouse and Lehenga, now she's wrapping her Vail when she saw Arnav standing there. She turned towards him and said.

Khushi: see Arnav, yesterday Di showed me, but it's not coming now, can you please help me.

Arnav is thinking in his mind “This is wrong Arnav, don't see her like that??”. But he can't help, because she's looking extra beautiful today. Maybe his Di done make up to Khushi. Her eyes are adored with Kohl, Red Lipstick on her petal lips, A Small Bindi in between her eyebrows, Bangles is adored her both hands. Henna is adding more beauty to
her hands. He came out of his web when Khushi called him again.

Khushi: what you thinking that much?? Come fast and fix this. I am getting late.

Arnav took long breath and came to her and started to fix her Dupatta. Once he done he stood there and seeing her. Khushi smiled seeing herself in mirror and twirl around.

*A Soft Rabba Ve Playing In The Background*

Khushi saw Arnav staring her and she asked “how I am looking??”. Arnav came to her and took Kohl from her eye and puts behind her ear and said “My Princess is looking Beautiful”.
Khushi's is happy hearing praise from Arnav, she smiled and kissed on his cheek and ran outside of his room. Arnav holds his cheek and smiled seeing her running outside.


Garima is lightening Diya’s, she's very happy today, she at least know her Gudiya is Alive and safe. That's what she needed.

Ramu Kaka: Bitiya, don't be happy this much otherwise your husband ask you about this happiness.

Garima: Kaka, he don't celebrate Diwali, so he will not come out from his room.

Ramu Kaka: why you celebrating this festival Bitiya, you very well know what happened to our Gudiya on this same day.

Garima: I know Kaka, her Gudiya attacked by goons on Diwali. But we get to know her whereabouts on this day, then why can't we celebrate this and forget the past.

Ramu Kaka: that's also true, I hope she will be fine this Day, maybe she remember something about her past life while celebrating with a family where she's staying.

Garima: if that happens also they will not understand why this happened. Hope her traum not come today.


Aman and Lavanya also reached Neelam Nivas for Diwali. Khushi smiled seeing them.

All are busy in lightening Diya's. Khushi's is getting black and white scenes in front of her. He holds her head when Neelam kept her hand on her shoulder and said.

Neelam: Doll, light the Diya in front of Devi mayya, this is ritual in our home that, Daughter in-law of this home light Diya on Diwali. Now you're our Daughter in-law so, you have this right now. Chote you also hold her hand while lightening Diya.

Arnav nodded his head and came to Devi Mayya, Khushi took the matchstick and lights the Diya, Arnav holding her hand. Aman captured this moment in his Mobile. Aman is
thinking seeing his Mobile smiling “i will collect all your photos and gift you as wedding gift”.

Lavanya: why you smiling like this?? That to alone??

Aman showed his collection of ARSHI photos to Lavanya and said “Seeing these photos you can guess, why I am smiling. They both looks good pair right? I am thinking to gift these photos adding frames to them”.

Lavanya: wow!! Good idea, this gift will be awesome from our side. We didn't gifted anything for their marriage.

All stood in one side and Aman took a family photo of Raizada's, 3 Couples. Neelam and Ankhur sitting on sofa, Arshi and Ruhaanjali [Ruhaan + Anjali] standing behind them. All
are eating sweet and making feed each other, Arnav is waiting for Khushi to feed him some sweet. Khushi saw him smiling, she took the sweet and going towards Arnav. She
have mischievous smile on her lips, she kept sweet in Aman's mouth instead of Arnav.

Arnav: What The!! What's this??

Aman: wow, See my Bhabhi love me more, that's why she gave sweets to me. Thank you Bhabhi. You're awesome!!

Arnav saw Khushi while folding his Sherwani sleeves up “You wait, making fun of me??”. Khushi's eyes popped up seeing Arnav, she holds her ears and started to run inside
the mansion. All are smiling to see them like that.

Aman: Run Bhabhi!! Run, He will Catch You.

Aman said this, But Khushi's remembering something else she's hearing like “Run Khushi!! Run, They will Catch You”. Khushi turned towards Arnav, but she's getting
black and white scenes, like four to five people are chasing her and she's running and running. Sweat is coming on her forehead. Every where crackers sound is coming and
she's yelling for Help.

Khushi: Somebody Help!! Please Help me, They will kill me.

All are shocked hearing this, Arnav was the first one who holds her in his arms, they don't know what happened to her suddenly.

Arnav: Khushi, What Happening?? Khushi??

Khushi is still closed her eyes and blabbering “They will kill me, somebody stop this crackers sound. Please help me”. Khushi's body is getting cold. Ruhaan and Anjali
rubbing her foot. Arnav lifted her in his arms and came to his room and made her sleep on the bed.

Khushi's seeing that four men surrounded her and cunningly smiling to see her. She can
hear their voices like “This Diwali brings darkness to your life”.
Saying this he took strong metal Rod in his hand. Khushi again started to blabber “Don't Hit me with this hammer, please I beg you”. Arnav have tears in his eyes seeing Khushi
like that. She's out of control. Khushi's seeing that someone held her hairs tightly and made her fall on road and within no time they Hits on her head with that hammer. Khushi yelled and fainted, Arnav hugged her tightly and caressing her back and talking with her.

Arnav: Doll, you're safe, no one kill you, your prince charming is here to protect you.

Neelam, Anjali and Lavanya crying after seeing Khushi's condition. They never saw her like this. Ankhur called Dr. Batra and requested him to come their home. Batra is one of
the famous doctor in the city, to meet him people have to take appointment. But he's coming to their home only because of Khushi and Arnav. Doctor came and checked Khushi. Arnav not at all left her, she's hugging him like second skin, doctor checked her
in same position. He gave her injection. Arnav made her sleep.

All are standing in hall and waiting for Batra to say about Khushi's condition.

Dr. Batra: I think she remembered her past, maybe that accident happened on Diwali, that's why she's saying stop crackers sound. Is this first time??

Arnav: yes Doctor, she will be fine Na doctor??

Dr. Batra: don't worry Arnav, everything will be fine, she will come to Conscious in two hours, don't ask her anything related to this matter. It may affect her brain.

All nodded their heads, doctor bid bye to them. Arnav is sitting on the bed and staring Khushi. She suffered a lot in her life. He can't even imagine himself on her place. Aman came to him and said.

Aman: don't worry Arnie, everything will be fine. Don't loose hope.

Arnav: I don't know why, but I am feeling that, This Diwali brings only darkness in my life.

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