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Next Day early morning Khushi wake up, took bath and came down and saw Neelam drawing a Rangoli.

Khushi: wow, Maa you drawing?? It's too good.

Neelam: [smiling] it's not drawing Doll, it's called Rangoli.

Khushi: really?? I want to draw this.

Neelam: OK fine, do like this.

Neelam showed her how to do, then Khushi started to draw the Rangoli, it's not that much good but Neelam said it's awesome.

Ankhur: what two ladies of this home doing??

Khushi: see Baba, I draw this??

Ankhur: wow, it's beautiful, Chote's Maa you not draw like this ever, learn something from our Doll.

Khushi happily hugged Ankhur, he caressed her hair and kissed on her forehead.

Ankhur: God bless you beta. Trio came in, Neelam and Khushi in Pooja room and doing Pooja. Khushi is helping Neelam.

Anjali gone to her house at night when Ruhaan came to pick her, they not stopped them, because they're newly married couple.

Khushi is sitting on the kitchen slab and talking none stop with Neelam, she also talking with Khushi all smilingly. When Arnav came down.

Ankhur: you saw, how they're talking like Lost friends, it's good that she's mingling with our family.

Arnav: yes Baba, hope her reports will be positive.

Ankhur: what about your interview? You go I will collect reports.

Arnav: thanks Baba, I will collect reports at evening, you guys just take care of Khushi.

Ankhur: Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Arnav: hope so.



Samar: how dare he to hold my collar?? This will cost you Arnav, you wait and watch.

Saying this he dialed a number and said something to other person.

Samar: get ready for punishment Raizada.



Ramu Kaka is praying in Temple when he saw Azaan there. He hurriedly came to him.

Ramu Kaka: arre!! Azaan beta you here??

Azaan: Namsthe Ramu Kaka, how are you??

Ramu Kaka: nothing good beta, we're worried for Gudiya.

Azaan: I know Kaka, today Shashi uncle told me.

Ramu Kaka: [ shocked] really???? He informed you?? I can't believe this.

Azaan: first I also shocked hearing this, but we know he will not do anything without profit, he knows I will not disclose this to anyone and his work will be easy to find
Khushi, but you don't worry tell aunt that I will bring Khushi back.

Ramu Kaka: find her soon beta, God bless you.

Saying this Ramu Kaka went out from Temple and he informed Garima as well.



Arnav came from office to hospital, when he entered the hospital his heart is pounding rapidly.

Arnav: [self-talk] why I am feeling like this, cool Arnav reports will be fine.
Saying this he entered in Dr. Batra's cabin, doctor smiled seeing him.

Dr. Batra: hello Arnav, nice to see you, come have a seat.

Arnav: I am impatient doctor, please tell me what is there in reports.

Dr. Batra: I don't know how to say this Arnav, but sorry I have to say this, Khushi needs treatment.

Arnav: I know that doctor, but exactly what happened to her, is she like this from birth or it happened in middle??

Dr. Batra: as per reports, someone hitted badly on her head, that's why she's like this.

Arnav was shocked hearing this, he's so lost in shock.

Dr. Batra: maybe it happened some 3 years back. Now she needs treatment.

Arnav: she not got any treatment before?? I mean it will show in reports right?

Dr. Batra: I am also confused Arnav, they gave her wrong treatment, in these cases every treatment is very conscious, we've to be careful.

Arnav: I didn't understand doctor.

Dr. Batra: someone knowingly gave her wrong treatment, they don't want her to be recover.

Arnav was shocked, he didn't expected this, he shaken hearing this.

Arnav: now what next doctor?

Dr. Batra: like I said she needs treatment, but it will cost a lot Arnav, I think you can't afford that much money.

Arnav: how much money needed doctor?

Dr. Batra: around 10 to 15 lacs, because we call foreign doctor for this treatment, if you say yes then I will send reports to foreign doctor. Take your time and call me OK?

Arnav nodded and took reports from doctor, he don't know what to do next.


Arnav reached home all shattered, he didn't saw his parents is worried for something.

Neelam: Chote??? Where were you?? We're calling you since one hour.

Arnav: nothing Maa, maybe my mobile is switched off, what happened??

Ankhur: Khushi is missing Chote.

Arnav was Shocked hearing this, reports fell down from his hand.

Arnav: what do you mean she's missing? I said you both take care of Khushi then??

Neelam: she's sitting on the swing outside, she wanted to drink tea so I came in, but when I returned she's not there.

Ankhur: we searched her everywhere Chote, please do something, bring our doll back Chote.

Arnav: where I will find her?? Already her life in danger.

Saying this Arnav came out from home, before he call he got call from unknown number.

Caller: hello Raizada, how are you??
Arnav: who are you?? See I am in hurry, I will call you later.

Caller: I called you for that only, your sweet girl, I mean your girlfriend is with me, if you want her then come alone.

Arnav: [shocked] who are you?? Don't do anything to her, tell me where to come.

Caller: wow, you love her so much? By the way your girlfriend is so beautiful.

Arnav: don't dare to comment on her, it will cost you more.

Caller: first you reach here, we will see how much it cost.

Arnav: if small scratch on her body, next instant you will die. Remember that.

Caller: I know, our boss told me this, come soon, I am waiting.

Arnav hurriedly went out where that caller called him. Khushi was so scared that she's crying continuously and calling Arnav.

Goon: hey shut up, don't cry, God this girl irritating us more.

Khushi: my prince charming will come and punish you all.

Goon 2: oh really?? We also waiting for that, let's see.

Arnav reached isolated area which is vacant place, he slowly went inside, and saw how many people are there.

Arnav: [in mind] who's their boss?? Why they kidnapped her?? Please God help me.

Arnav came and stood in front of goons, with attitude, Khushi is clapping seeing Arnav.

Khushi: see I told you, my prince charming came to rescue me.

Arnav: who's your boss?? Why you kidnapped her??

Goon: you misbehaved with our boss today, that to in public!! How dare you??

Arnav: [with attitude] ohh this is Samar’s gang? Where is your Darpok boss, he doesn't have guts to phase me, that's why he kidnapped a innocent girl.

Goon: don't talk rubbish like that about our boss. We know how our boss is.

Arnav: oh really?? See I don't have time to waste call him or I will call someone who will bite you like hell.

Khushi: my Tony is here?? [Clapping] wow, Arnav beat them, they're bad people.


Neelam and Ankhur are so tensed, because Arnav still not came from outside. Anjali and Ruhaan also came after ankhur informed them.

Ruhaan: [trying to call Arnav] dam, it's out of coverage area. Don't know where he's.

Anjali: can we file a complaint?? I am very scared Ruhaan.

Ruhaan: calm down Anju, if you panic like this then who will handle your parents?? We will wait till morning.

Anjali: but ….

Ruhaan: Tony also missing then it will be there with them, it's 2:00 am now we've to wait


Garima is sleeping when she wakes up calling khushi’s name in horrifying, ramu Kaka came running hearing her voice.

Ramu Kaka: what happened bitiya??

Garima: Kaka my Gudiya is danger, she is calling me Kaka.

Ramu Kaka: relax Bitiya, you saw a bad dream, nothing going to happen, our Gudiya will be safe.

Garima: nai, my Gudiya in danger Kaka.

Saying this she came to puja room and folded her hands in front of God.

Garima: please save my Gudiya bhagwan, please save.

Ramu Kaka: God will send someone to rescue her bitiya, don't worry.

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