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Marriage preparation going in Neelam Nivas, Arnav was super happy in this situation, because his Di settling in her life. Arnav, Anjali and Ruhaan sitting in one of the hotel and having snacks.

Arnav: Jiju, if you don't mind then can I ask one question? [Ruhaan nodded] you not said anything about your parents.

Ruhaan: I am basically from Mumbai, I belong to middle class family, My Father worked in garments, and mother is house wife. We're happy in our world until someone came in our life and my parents gone leaving me alone in this world.

Arnav: where they gone?

Ruhaan: they gone up, god called them.

Anjali: sorry, I don't know that your parents is dead, I know you're orphan, I thought something else….. leave it.

Ruhaan: don't say sorry, you have every right to ask me anything. So I will tell you everything today.

Anjali: if it's hurts you then I don't need to know about that.

Ruhaan: but I want to tell you everything. My parents killed by someone!!

Arnav and Anjali was shocked hearing this. They both are staring Ruhaan.

Ruhaan: in Mumbai we have one property that is center to city, but one real estate owner took that illegally. I don't know about that, for property they killed my parents.

I was small then, I don't have anyone beside me, they also tried to kill me, so to escape from them I ran and ran and reached train station, train which is standing on the platform. I don't
know where that train go, and after two days I reached Delhi. Till now I never kept my foot on that land.

Arnav: you know who they are?

Ruhaan: I don't know but if I see him in front of me then I will definitely recognize him.

Arnav and Anjali holds Ruhaan hands and squeezed saying that they are with him.



One of the goon entered inside the Gupta house as servant and keeping tab on Khushi. Khushi is always surrounded by Ramu Kaka or Her mother.

Khushi: Ramu Kaka, why Mamma and Dad sending me to school??? You know I wanted to go school.

Ramu Kaka: these schools are not good beta, that's why your dad is constructing a new school only for you.

Khushi: really?? Yehhh I will go school, I can take Tony with me?

Ramu Kaka: yes bitiya, whatever you want to take, you can take to school, because that's your school.

Khushi: when I will go then??

Ramu Kaka: it's a big school, for that is take time na, you have to wait another year Gudiya.

Khushi: [ dropping her face] OK, I will wait, but now I need noodles to eat.

Ramu Kaka: OK, you sit here I will bring your noodles OK?

Khushi nodded and sitting on the bed taking her Tony in her lap.


Anjali and Ruhaan wedding is done in simple way, in temple. Raizada's are very happy seeing Anjali's wedding. Arnav cried a lot when Anjali's Bidaai time came…

Anjali: it you cry like girl then I will not go with Ruhaan.

Ruhaan: [smiling] don't be upset Arnav, otherwise I have to become Gar Jamai.

Anjali: I am in the same city Chote, whenever you wanted to see then come, I also come to see you.

Arnav: promise??

Anjali: Pakka Promise.

Arnav stopped crying and they bid bye to Ruhaan and Anjali.



Goon is making tea for them, Garima and Shashi discussing about doctors. Goon put sleeping tablets in tea and gave that tea to everyone.

After 5 minutes all are sleeping where they sitting. Goon came to Khushi's room and said….

Goon: Gudiya…. Ramu Kaka brought doll for you, so he's asking to come down.

Khushi is happy hearing doll, she excited and came down and saw her mother and father are sitting.

Khushi: Mamma, Ramu Kaka brought doll for me.

Goon: they are tired Gudiya that's why they are sleeping, let's go. The doll inside the car outside.

Khushi nodded and took Tony in her arms and came out, Goon messaged that their work is done, get ready.
Khushi sat in their own car, goon also Sat and started the car, seeing Shashi car Security Guard opened the main gate.

When car gone out, Ramu Kaka saw car going out, he thought Saab Ji is gone out, so he came inside taking the vegetables.

Goon stopped car and brought one doll for her, and others goon also came in their car, they left Shashi car there and took Khushi with them in another car.

When Ramu Kaka came inside the home, he's shocked seeing Shashi in home, he hurriedly came and washed them, but they are sleeping. He took water and springs on their faces.

Ramu Kaka: if your here then who gone out taking your car Saab Ji??

Shashi: what?? My car??

Garima:[shocked] where is Khushi??
Trio are seeing each other faces and trio ran towards Khushi's room and shocked seeing empty room. Garima saw a letter on the bed.

Garima: letter????

Hello Shashi,
I know you're Shocked not seeing your lovely Gudiya, don't worry we kidnapped her, don't think
we need money from you, we need just revenge from you for making us suffer for your greed, forget that you ever have daughter, because we're going to kill her. You will even not get her dead body. Now you will understand the pain Shashi Gupta, you will die each and every day in
a guilt for not saving your daughter.

Garima sat on the bed with thud, Ramu Kaka also Sat on the floor holding his head and crying saying Gudiya……
Shashi was to numb to say anything, he hurriedly gone out and called
someone to find his car, because it's attached GPS. But it's all vain, his car is standing in market and Khushi is not in the car. Garima was so angry
that she came out of the room and saw Shashi talking non stop to someone. She came and made him turned towards her and ………


Garima: [holding his collar] now you happy?? For your mistake my daughter is suffering, because of you I lost her permanently.

Shashi: Garima, hosh mein aao, nothing going to happen, I will bring our Gudiya.

Garima: she's not your Gudiya, you get that?? She's my daughter, if you not bring her Na Shashi Gupta, I myself kill you and go to jail, remember this.

Saying this she sat down and started to cry, Shashi also crying seeing the volurabinity of Garima.



Shashi trying every possible way to find Khushi, but that not helping much. Shashi hired a detective Agency to find Khushi, because of this news leaked in media then his all illegal work come front.

Garima and Ramu Kaka not eaten anything, both are sitting in Khushi's room.

Ramu Kaka: this God is so heatless, he made her like kid and now this happened. I will not pray ever now onwards.

Garima: we only have hope on god Ramu Kaka, because he's the only one who will rescue our Gudiya.


Arnav is feeling alone, so he stared to walk on the road like he always do, it's already 12:30 am. The rain strated he thanked God that in this summer rain is coming to make Delhi some what
cool. He's so lost in his thinking mode that he didn't saw a girl running towards him. Before he see her, she bumped with him, Arnav holds her closely and staring her innocent face.
Rain is pouring on them with Thunder. And she's none other than Khushi Gupta.

Khushi: please help me, they are coming to cut me like vegetables.

Arnav was staring her confusingly, first because she's talking like kid and second, who will cut her vegetables.

Khushi: they have knife, I saw Mammy cut vegetables from that knife, but they're saying they will cut me in peases.

Arnav is seeing her when 3 goons came there.

Goon 1: hey Hero, leave her, she's ours.

Arnav saw knife in their hands, he made Khushi stand behind him. Khushi's Tony is making sounds.

Arnav: why you all following her??

Goon 2: that's none of your business, see we kidnapped her after making a master plan, so don't ruin our plans.

Arnav was shocked hearing kidnap?? Khushi is clutching his shirt tightly.

Goon 3: she's mad girl, two days she made our life hell.

Arnav: before I call police just leave.

Goon 1: we not kidnapped her to leave here, if we wanted to leave her then we not bring her from Mumbai to Delhi.

Arnav was again shocked hearing this, they kidnapped this girl from Mumbai?? Arnav stood there determined.

Goon started to attack on him, and Arnav started fight with them. Arnav is punching one goon when another goon came behind him taking hockey stick, before he hit him, Tony jumped on him and started to bite his face.
Both Tony and Arnav fighting, Tony is biting and Arnav is punching. After 20 minutes fight, goons ran away from that place. Khushi's jumping and clapping seeing them running, she came and hugged Arnav tightly.

*First Rabba Ve Music Playing in the Background*

Arnav don't know what to do next, he came out from the hug and saw Khushi's innocent face.

Arnav: [cupping her cheeks] what's your name??

Khushi: Khushi…

Arnav: surname?? Where you stay??

Khushi seeing him confusingly and said she don't know. Arnav saw Tony and lifted that in his arms.

Khushi: this is my Tony.

Tony is leaking Arnav's hands and face, Arnav smiled seeing this, he held Khushi's hand and started to walk towards his home.

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