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Khushi got Ready and came down. Arnav is stunned seeing Khushi in Red Sari. Her hairs are flowing with the help of air. She's looking ravishing in this outfit.

Aman: Control yourself Arnav, I know my Bhabhi is beautiful. Don't cast your eyes on her.

Arnav: Shut up, you're forgetting that she's my wife.

Aman: you're right. You have every right to see your wife.


Shashi: where is Khushi?? Without saying anything why she left?

Garima: she went out of station on duty. Why?? What you want??

Shashi: I need her signature. Tell me where is she??

Garima: why?? Not seeing her here your voice is increasing. I said you she went on duty.

Shashi: why you telling me like that?? I am her father after all.

Garima: father and you?? No Mr. Shashi Gupta you're not her father. You're such monster that you not thought anything before……..

Before Garima say “Selling her” Ramu Kaka stopped her.

Ramu Kaka: Bitiya, Gudiya called and said that she will come after two days. She's on secret duty.

Garima nodded her head and angrily seeing Shashi. He don't know anything about what's going on in his home.


Nihal: yes Azaan, ma'am went to Meet Raizada family.

Azaan: ok that's fine. I know how much she's missing them. They're her life saviours. Without them she's nothing Nihal.

Nihal: yes sir, I also studied about that Family. They are very good people. Maybe that's why they helped Khushi ma'am on her bad days.

Azaan: any clue about the incident??

Nihal: yes sir, ma'am strongly believe that these incident done by Sameer. He's ASR college met.

Azaan: anyway security is tight around new mansion. You just be with Khushi. If she loses her mind then she will not think a second before killing that Sameer.

Nihal: Ok Sir. Don't worry I will be there.


Priest came to do Pooja. Khushi talking normally with all like she know his family before.

Arnav: I know you remember everything Khushi, but I don't know why you hiding it from me.

Khushi can feel his eyes on her, so she turned towards him and winked towards him. Arnav came out from his thinking web.

Priest: the married couple have to do this Puja. Please come front to do that.

Neelam and Ankhur saw each other faces. They're planning to make Arnav and Khushi to do this Puja.

Ankhur: actually, my Son and my Daughter in-law sit in this Puja.

Khushi's eyes popped up hearing this. Arnav smirked seeing Khushi. Now he will take every advantage of being her husband.

Arnav: you said you're acting as my wife right??? Then I will take this as a advantage. Let me see how you handle me.

Arnav came to Khushi and slide his hands on her waist and said “Come Khushi, this is our Right to fulfill. Right Maa??”.

Neelam: yes Chote. Come and do this Puja.

Aman is like what?? He can't believe that Arnav changed his decision so Soon.

Ek Adhuri Khwaish...! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now