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Azaan, Nihal and Khushi are ready to go Mumbai, she have her own goals, to reach her

destination she have to sacrifice something. Khushi saw her Mangalsutra and kept it in her

purse. She got ready and came down.

Nihal: are you sure ma'am, that you need to go now? Because you still not recovered fully.

Khushi: my wounds recover when I will take revenge from my enemy, you don't worry about that

Nihal. Thanks for helping me.

Azaan: let's go then, we have to reach airport. Khushi here your license Gun.

Khushi took her gun and kept in her purse. Trio left the home to reach Airport.


Arnav is making ready of his college document and certificates for interview. He's still searching

when Aman came to him.

Aman: wow, all set Arnie? That's like a my boy.

Arnav: yesterday whatever you said is right Aman, for me I don't want my family suffer.

They are talking when Arnav's mobile Rang, seeing number Arnav's blood is boiling. Aman saw

Sameer number is flashing on screen.

Aman: maybe idiot called you to pull your leg and made fun of you. I will not leave him.

Arnav received the call and said "what you want now? I think in hospital they're not giving you

proper treatment".

Sameer: chill Arnav, you didn't said that your wife Khushi is ACP?

Arnav and Aman is confused hearing this and Aman said "What ?? ACP??".

Sameer: Ya ACP, Assistant Commissioner of Police. I saw your wife in Airport, she's here with

another two Police officers.

Arnav: don't joke on this Sameer I am warning you.

Sameer: if you don't trust me then come to airport and see from your own eyes.

Arnav and Aman saw each other face and hurriedly ran out, Arnav started his bike and both

started to go towards airport.


Azaan and Khushi waiting in lobby for their journey when Arnav and Aman reached airport.

Sameer saw them coming and came to them.

Arnav: where is Khushi?

Sameer: why you so desperate like this? Is she going somewhere leaving you?

Aman: that is none of your business, you called us here then show us where is Khushi.

Sameer: you can see her from outside, because that section is VIP section, come.

Trio came to VIP section there Arnav saw Khushi, She wore high heel black shoes, black jeans

and white T-Shirt, her hairs are still long and tied them as ponytail. Khushi wore goggles and in

hand IPhone, she's looking totally as Rich family girl. More shocked thing is Gun.

Sameer: I said you she's looking totally hot and sexy.

Arnav was about to hold his collar when Aman stopped him and said "first we have to go inside

Arnav, come".

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