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It was dark night, a man in his 25 year old walking on the street, placing his hands in his pocket, rain is slowly falling and he Love Rain so much, he's none other than our Story hero Arnav Singh Raizada.

This is his daily routine, after college, he study in library, only because he can't afford Textbook money, but he's the Topper of the college.

He daily save his money by walking, he don't want to spend money on unnecessarily, he think by walking his health also be good and he saves daily 50 rupees.

In this age he always think about his family welfare, their happiness.

Arnav: [self-talk] some time life is so complicated Na? We people sacrifice for our loved one. For example, see my Anjali Di, she sacrificed her studies for me, and working in Bank sector. I don't know how I will pay her back.

He's going when someone called him as Arnav, he closed his eyes and not turning back he again started to walk ignoring her.

Girl: Arnav, listen, I am calling you and you're ignoring me.

Arnav: what you want? I have to go, because Mamma is waiting for me

Girl: I Love You Arnav….

Arnav took long breath and staring her like this is not first time this happening.

Arnav: anything else?? Because I don't have time to waste.

Saying this he pulled her side and again started to walk ignoring her.

Girl: this is 200+ times I am saying you that I Love You Arnav?

Arnav turned towards her and smiled mocking her and said…..

Arnav: if you tell me thousands time also I will not say that word, especially not to you.

Girl: I will complain to aunty, that you daily walk from college to Home.

Arnav: do whatever you want, but I never say I Love you to you Lavanya, so please don't eat my mind.

Saying this he again started to walk, the took long breath seeing him going, she's Lavanya Khashyap, his classmate and childhood friend.

Lavanya: this guy never change.
Saying this she also went out from that place.

Arnav reached his home by 11:00pm, as usual his mother is waiting for him.

Arnav: MAA, I said you don't wait for me, you will not listen to me. Where is Baba and Di?

Neelam [Arnav's Mother]: as usual eating paan, you go and freshen up I will heat your food. And your Di just slept.

Arnav: what she said about marriage proposal?

Neelam: Same reply, she don't want to marry now, she says when her Chote settle in his then only she will marry.

Arnav: that doesn't matter Maa, she always think about us, now this is our responsibility to make her understand, this is Right age to marry.

Neelam: you say her, she will listen to you.

Arnav: I will talk to her tomorrow, it's enough now, she sacrificed a lot for me, I don't want she sacrifice her life.

Arnav came after freshen up and had his dinner, it's not that small house, it's have 5BHK home and a small garden area beside Arnav's room.
It's already 12:30am when he standing in front of window and staring the stars, this is last year of his college, only one paper Left, then he's completes his MBA degree.

After this he have to join office, in which he got selected in campus selection seat in one of the
best company. He's thinking deep when someone placed hand on his shoulder, he turned and smiled seeing his Dad, Ankhur Singh Raizada, he's high school Teacher and now he retired.

Ankhur: thinking about future Chote?

Arnav: yes Dad, had your dinner? And took tablets?

Ankhur: if I not take then your Maa, take this house in her head. You don't worry about me, I am fine.

Arnav: after 15 days I have to join office Dad. And regarding Di’s marriage don't worry I will talk
to her.

Ankhur: I am very proud on you both, you both are my strength Chote and Anju is my back bone.

Arnav: Dad, don't think all this OK?, you just be happy, that's all we want, nothing else.

Ankhur: today Lavanya not came behind you?

Arnav: God, she's crazy Dad, I am fed with her, I am only tolerating her because she's your friend daughter.

Ankhur: but one think you learned about this?

Arnav: ya, patience. I don't know how I control my anger when she comes in front of me, once Mamma can said that she will be Bahu of this home, she's dreaming about that. Please Dad I am seriously saying, I can't marry her. I just don't want any complications in future regarding this.

Ankhur: don't worry, his Dad seeing groom for her, after college they are planning her marriage.

Arnav: thank God, I am safe.

Both father and son is laughing, when neelam came there, and both stopped smiling.

Neelam: what happened? Seeing me why you both stopped laughing?

Ankhur: nothing, Chote said one joke that's Why we're smiling.

Neelam: I know you both laugh when the matter is related to Lavanya right?

Arnav: arre Maa, we don't have that much guts to joke about your Mad Daughter-in-law.

Neelam: you see in future your Daughter-in-law will be mad.

Ankhur: yours too my Chote’s mother.

Arnav: why you both talk like this, Chote ki Papa, Chote ki Maa, can't you call each other by name, you both have lovely name Ankhur, Neelam.

Neelam: shut up Chote, our side we can't say husband name directly that's Why.

Arnav: oh my god, when we're not there that time? I mean after your marriage, how you called
each other.

Neelam: aji sunathe ho?

Ankhur: and me? Arre Sunathi ho?
Arnav: if you talk like this, I will be mad.

Neelam: you study, your dad unnecessarily disturb you. Come ji.

Ankhur: coming ji.

His parents went out smiling, Arnav smiled seeing his parents, like this they always lived in this home, Happily.

Arnav: [self-talk] if your future Daughter-in-law is normal, then mingling with you guys she will be
mad definitely.


Servant: she's mad, I am not going to give food to her.

A slap landed on servant cheek, he afraid knowing who slapped him, he's none other than A Business Man Shashi Gupta, Gupta's industry owner.

Shashi: how dare you to call her as Mad, you don't know whom about you talking?

Servant: I am sorry sir.

Shashi: get out from my home, you're fired. How many servant you will fire Shashi?

Came a voice behind him, he turned and saw his wife Garima Gupta standing with tears in her eyes.

Garima: today our daughter this condition only because of you. You ruined her career and innocence Shashi.

Shashi: don't kill me saying same thing again and again?

Garima: why? Whatever mistakes you done in past today our only daughter is suffering. All say Shashi Gupta's daughter Khushi Gupta is mad, how you feel about this?

Shashi: I will kill if anyone say her as Mad, she's not mad Garima, she turned like 5 year kid who
don't know anything about this world.

Garima: the friends of hers who jealous of seeing her beauty and talent, today they all call her
as Mad. One incident and her life turned 360 degree.

Shashi: I am not sitting silently here, I am consulting top doctors for her treatment.

Garima: whatever you do Shashi, she will not recover from this phase. She will like this only in her life long.
You very much proud about your wealth and power na, what you will do taking this money and
name? When our own daughter is not there to enjoy this luxury?
For this I will never forgive you, Never.

Saying this Garima went up to see Khushi crying…. Garima came to Khushi's room and wiped her tears and smiled seeing Khushi.

Khushi is sitting on the bed taking a small dog in her lap, seeing her mother she came to her and hugged.

Khushi: [clapping both hands] yehh Mamma is back from market. Mamma, Mamma you brought
Tony’s [dog name] biscuits right?

Garima: [caressing her face] yes beta, I brought his biscuits and your chocolate also.

Khushi started to jump just like 5 year old kid, who is happy seeing chocolates. Khushi is 22
year old girl, her heart, mind and body language just like 5 year baby.

Khushi: see Mamma, I learned A to D alphabets.

Garima smiled on her agony, the daughter who's topper in all the time now learning ABCD again. The own who fashion freak now it's does not matter her what she wears.

Khushi: Mamma I am hungry, please send Ramu Kaka only, the new servant is not good, he took my money and Tony bite him.

Garima: oh that's Why he's scared to come here? You don't worry your Ramu Kaka only feed you OK?

Khushi: I am happy!!, I am happy!!

Garima’s eyes filled again seeing her like that, she hurriedly wiped her tears and came out holding her hand on her mouth and gulping her turmoil.

Ramu Kaka: Bitiya, don't cry, see one day God will open his eyes.

Garima: when Kaka, when? I can't see her like this? Don't come this situation even to our enemies.

Ramu Kaka placed his hand on her head and said don't worry, Ramu Kaka is a servant who came from Garima's Maternity home, to help her in household work. He's working here from 24 years.

Ramu Kaka came inside the Khushi's room, and made have her dinner and after that Khushi slept on the bed and he's started to tell her bed story about Prince Charming.

Khushi: Ramu Kaka, in my life also Prince Charming come and rescue me from Evil?

Ramu Kaka: yes beta, but for that you have to sleep then only Prince Charming come in your dream.

Khushi nodded and closed her eyes to see her Prince Charming.

Ramu Kaka: hey Bhagwan, why you taking this innocent baby exam? How can I say her that her Prince Charming not come in her life.

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