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All are seeing Vikram he took gun and pointed towards Khushi. Shashi saw him pointing gun and before it hits Khushi's stomach Shashi came in between her and the bullet hits Shashi.

He's cursing himself for this. Just one paper ruined his entire life. All are shocked hearing bullet sound and shocked to see that Shashi saved Khushi today. Arnav held him before he fall down.

Shashi: Khushi….

He's calling Khushi but Vikram is keenly watching both Zarah and Khushi to know who's actually Khushi. Zarah and Khushi holding Shashi's both hands.

Shashi: I don't know who's Khushi and who's Zarah. But I'm culprit of you both. I'm such a fool that just seeing one paper I ruined my Happy family. I thought you as my illegitimate daughter of Garima. That's why I hated you most.

I didn't informed Garima that her daughter is alive. I don't know Vikram stolen her from there. Not finding baby I just thought that at least one problem is gone from my life.

I'm not explaining myself, please Don't ever forgive me. My soul have to not get peace. It have to roam like that. I loved Garima and I'm the one who tortured her snatching her two precious assets.

I transferred all my property on your name. Please Khushi give back those properties what they belong. If possible don't come on my funeral.

Saying that he took last breath of his life. Zarah and Khushi not cried for this man. Whatever they're today only because him. Khushi didn't get family love when she's staying with family. Zarah didn't know that she have a family. Khushi and Zarah both closed his eyes. Garima is crying seeing her husband dead. Vikram tied her to chair that's why she's not near to Shashi when he's taking his last breath.

Arnav gulped his sorrow because if bullet hits Khushi then maybe he lose his three important person today. One his wife and his kids.

Vikram: Stop this family drama. Otherwise I will kill everyone. Tell me who's Khushi in this. She have proofs against me for illegal properties which proves Shashi Gupta innocent.

Shashi Gupta is just a pawn. Vikram is mastermind behind Everything. But that doesn't mean he's innocent. He don't have rights to harm or punish anyone. He died in a guilt.

Vikram: where are the proofs?? Tell me??

Garima slowly opened her robe which is tied. Arnav saw this and he signaled her something. Vikram is becoming impatient. Manik is confused soul here. He don't know who's Khushi in this.

Vikram: Manik, you said you loved khushi right? Then find real khushi idiot.

Manik: I'm not going to help you. You kidnapped her! And you didn't informed me about that.

Vikram: idiot, see Zarah your grandmother with me if you think you can help these people then you're a wrong.

Zarah was tensed Hearing this. She almost Forgot that he can easily catch her Grandmother. What if she's not her own blood. She believe that she's her responsibility. Before Zarah react, Garima pushed Vikram from the back and Arnav quickly holds his gun and sat on his back.

Arnav: you're dead man.

Saying this he pointed gun on his head. Vikram started to laugh hearing this. All are confused seeing him laughing.

Arnav: don't laugh you idiot.

Saying this he made him stand and started to punch him. Manik tried to catch Arnav, but Aman and Nihal holds him and started to beat him. Azaan joined to Arnav and they're beating Vikram.

Vikram: no one going to alive, I planted Bombs around this building. All will die.

All are shocked hearing this, they saw each other faces. Arnav was the first one to react.

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