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Khushi: everything is ready Azaan. My plan work perfectly this time.

Azaan: think again Khushi, because now you're not alone. ASR is connected to your life now. If something happens to you then he will be shattered.

Khushi: nothing going to happen like that Azaan. Don't worry, if something happens to me then I will make sure that my Arnav should be Happy.

Azaan: you think he will do? No Khushi, he Love you More than anything in this world.

Khushi have tears in her eyes. She know anything can happen in this plan. But she have to do this. Otherwise she will not get peace of mind.

Khushi: life is unpredictable Azaan. I don't know about future with Arnav. But I loved every moment with him happily.

Azaan: when you planned this?? I mean any particular date.

Khushi: soon I will inform you. Don't tell anything to Arnav please.

Azaan nodded his head and both went out from that place. But Khushi don't know that destiny is planned something else for her.


Manik: yes boss, I'm ready for our next move.

Boss: Good, now I will see how Khushi will reach us. You just do what I said. Remaining things I will take care of.

Manik: Ok Boss, when you're coming Back here??

Boss: Soon….

After this they hang up the call. The unknown person dialed another number.

Boss: now your time dear, get ready.

Opposite Person said ok and the unknown person is laughing loudly.

Boss: now this going to fun Khushi… Your world will be up and down in few days. You thought I don't know about your Marriage?? I know everything Khushi. Now see what I will do.


Khushi came to apartment and sitting in balcony silently. Arnav is not in home. Aman is making coffee and Lavanya is cleaning the house.

Lavanya: what happened Khushi? From evening I'm observing you, you're dull. What's the matter??

Khushi: nothing Lav, thinking about some case.

Aman brought coffee for them and trio sat in balcony. Aman know some serious matter is running in Khushi's mind.

Aman: if you want to share something, then you can. You know we're your family Khushi.

Khushi: I know Aman, I'm so lucky to have family like this. I always craved for family love. But don't know from few hours my mind and heart is disturb. Don't know I'm feeling like something big going to happen.

Aman: please Khushi Don't take risk in your life. I know you have duty…. But sometime you have to sacrifice for something in return to get that. You decide what you want to in your life.

Lavanya: Aman is right Khushi, for what you're fighting?? For whom?? In return Everything will be snatch from you…. And think about Arnie Yaar…. He's creating his own dream world for you.

Aman: if you're not part of that dream then he will be shatter Khushi. His life is around you. Before Taking any decision think about him at least.

Khushi: I will …… just you both promise me that no matter what happens in future never ever leave Arnav alone.

Aman: but Khushi, you will be there na with him? And about us, no matter what we will be stick to Arnav like fevistick.

Khushi: sometime I will go out of station on duty know that's why I'm saying like this. When I'm not here then it's yours responsibility to keep him happy.

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