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Khushi wake up early and had her bath, she came down and cleaned I'm front of door anddraw the Rangoli. She took Kalash and doing Pooja in front of Tulsi [Mint]. She rememberedwhat Neelam Maa said about this Pooja.

Neelam: This Pooja performed by married women, to keep her husband and her home safe andhealthy. If Mint is in front of door then no evilness enter inside the home.

After Tulsi Pooja Khushi came in and folded her hands in front of Devi Mayya. Her anklet sound made Arnav to wake up and came out of his room and saw Khushi doing Pooja. Today shewore blue saree. He smiled and said “Di, never forget to surprise me, I know this saree is chosen by her”. Arnav came to her and said.

Arnav: Good Morning Khushi, early morning what you buttering your Devi Mayya??

Khushi: Nothing, I do this daily, but you wake up late Na, so maybe you not see me doingPooja.

Arnav slowly said “Entire night goes just staring you and Early morning sleep come so fast that Ican't open my eyes”.

Khushi: you said something??

Arnav nodded No, Khushi came to him with Sindur and standing in front of him. Arnavconfusingly seeing Khushi.

Khushi: arre, apply this Sindur on my partition like Baba fill Maa’s partition

Arnav took pinch of Sindur and applied on her partition. He will never say no to her for anything.

Khushi: now apply on my Mangalsutra.

Khushi holded her Mangalsutra in front of him and Arnav applied Sindur to Mangalsutra. She took her Mangalsutra and kept on her eyes closing them. Arnav is thinking “I don't know whether you know true meaning of this Mangalsutra and Sindur but, seeing you doing all this I am feelinglucky that, You're My Wife”.

Neelam came and saw Arnav and Khushi and she's happy seeing them both like this. “Arrewah!! My daughter in-law did Pooja today early?? Good”. Khushi came to her and hugged Neelam.

Neelam: someone participating in his wife's activity today?? What's the matter??

Arnav: her anklet sound made me wake up.

Neelam teasingly said “oh really!! But daily you slept like selling your horses, today whathappened??”.

Arnav smiled and said “Maa, make my coffee, I will come after freshen up”. Saying this heescaped from his Maa. Neelam smiled seeing him and came to kitchen to make his coffee.

Khushi brought coffee to Arnav, he's wearing his t-shirt and smiled to see Khushi.

Khushi saw him and said “You look….. ..” she started to think about next word. Arnav asked“what I look??”. Khushi came to him and made him stand in front of mirror and said seeingmirror “You look handsome”.

Arnav: oh handsome?? Not bad, You have good taste judging people.

Hearing that Khushi's smile vanished, and said “Time and Situation taught me”. Arnav alarmedthat she's saying about her past life. To divert her mind he said.

Arnav: you know me and Aman always argue that who's more handsome. When he come then
tell in front of him that I am handsome.

Khushi came back to her childish nature and smilingly said “Aman is more handsome than you”.

Saying this she ran out from his room. Arnav took long breath when she went out.

Anjali, Ruhaan, Aman and Lavanya came to Neelam Nivas. Today evening Khushi admitting inhospital and tomorrow is her operation. All having Galla time sitting in hall. Evening Arnav andKhushi got ready to go hospital. Khushi don't wanted to go hospital. They thought as usual that
she afraid of hospital but, she don't know why she's feeling that something is missing. When she
came out of her room all lost. Ankhur caressed her head and said.

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