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Around 10 goons are waiting for Arnav, Samar is hiding behind the wall and seeing this.

Arnav: fine, if you not call your boss then I will call my boss. TONY!

Hearing Tony name goons seeing here and there, but no one came inside the room.

Arnav: hello?? Don't see there, see down.

Goons saw down where Tony is seeing them all, Goons started to laugh seeing dog.

Goon: dog?? We thought some gunda will come with you.

Arnav: He and I enough for you all, TONY, ready for bite game??

TONY barked once giving Arnav to his signal. Arnav said “Attack” and Tony started to jump on goons and biting them. Arnav is Fighting with goons and breaking their bones. Tony is biting on their face, leg, hand and back. After 10 minutes all Goons are down and yelling with pain.

Khushi came running towards Arnav and hugged him tight. Seeing them hugging Samar slowly took iron rod and came behind Arnav, before he hit Arnav Tony jumped on him and bites his nose. The force is strong, blood is coming from nose.

Khushi: he deserves that, Gandha Aadmi.

Arnav seeing Khushi only and remembered what doctor said to him, he just hugged her tight and said “Don't worry, I am here to solve your every problem”.

After this Arnav lifted Khushi in his arms and came out from that vacant place, Tony is behind them. It was early morning 4 o clock Arnav and Khushi reached home safely.

Neelam hugged Khushi and Ankhur caressing Khushi's head.

Ruhaan: thank God you both came, otherwise we're filing a missing case tomorrow.

Anjali: you scared us Doll, and Chote why your phone is off??

Arnav: because they hide Khushi in vacant place, there is no network that side.

Ankhur: who are they?? Why they're behind our Doll??

Arnav: Maa, take her to room, she needs rest. You all also sleep, we will talk this to morning.

Neelam feeds her rice and Sabji, Khushi not at all leaving Neelam’s hand, so she slept with Khushi in her room. Arnav is standing in front of Window and thinking about Khushi when his dad came there.

Ankhur: thinking about Doll?? Don't worry Chote everything will be fine.

Arnav: [angrily] how dare he to kidnap Khushi like that, I just wanted to Kill that bastard.

Ankhur: who kidnapped her??

Arnav: [greeting his teeth] Sameer.

Ankhur: What!? But why? We thought someone her side persons kidnapped her.

Arnav was about to go out to check Khushi when Ankhur said “she's fine, your Maa is with her, don't worry, she's little bit afraid whatever happened today”.

Arnav nodded and standing again in front of window. He didn't slept at all.

Next morning as usual neelam and Khushi wake up early morning, now a days Khushi's is behaving little bit matured girl. Neelam is doing puja and Khushi kneenly watching her.
Neelam applied Sindur on her partition and then on her mangalsutra. Khushi is searching
on her neck with confusion when Neelam asked “what happened Doll?? What are you searching??”.

Khushi came near to neelam and holds her mangalsutra and seeing, “What is this??” Khushi asked.

Neelam smiled and said “It's a mangalsutra”.

Khushi: I too want this, why it's not there in my neck??

Neelam: this is only for married couple Doll, you can't wear this now.

Khushi: I WANT, I WANT. I too want to do puja.

Khushi's not listening when Arnav came down and asked “what happening there??

Khushi came to Arnav making puppy face and said “I want mangalsutra”. Arnav was Shocked hearing this, he saw his Maa and she signaled him that “make her understand”.

Arnav holds Khushi's hand and came out of the home, both are sitting on the bench outside in the garden.

Arnav: Doll you can't wear that, you know why?? Khushi nodded no and Arnav continued “because it's God's gift, when you will make your Devi Mayya happy then she will give you this, got now??”. Khushi's thinking and smiled.

Arnav: that's like a good girl.

Khushi's satisfied hearing Arnav's talk, she stood up to go inside the home, She bend and kissed on Arnav's cheeks and ran inside the home. Arnav is smiling seeing her gesture.

All sitting in dinning room and discussing about Khushi's treatment.

Anjali: What!? 10 to 15 lacs for treatment?? Where you will arrange this much money Chote?

Ruhaan: it's big amount Arnav, this is out of our capacity.

Arnav: I will spend my money which is there on my name.

Anjali: but that's for your future purpose Chote, to start a new business?

Arnav: I have everything in my mind what I studied, which no one steals from me, I can earn whatever money we're spending on this treatment, if anything happens to Khushi
then we can't earn her life.

Anjali: but……

Ankhur: fine Chote, you can take money from account, Khushi's health is important for us.

Arnav smiled and went out to see Khushi, when Anjali said “how can you give him permission Baba, that money is for his future”. Neelam also thinking same way, no Mother want bad things happens to her children.
Arnav came to Khushi's room where she's sitting and thinking something.

Arnav: what are you thinking Doll?

Arnav came inside the room and sat on the bed, Khushi kept her head on his lap and slept, Arnav caressing her hairs when Khushi said “I am thinking when Devi Mayya give
me a mangalsutra”.

Arnav: don't think about that, Time will decide everything.

Khushi: you know whatever Ramu Kaka said that became true.

Arnav: really?? Like what??

Khushi: he said me that whenever princess is in danger then her prince charming come to rescue me, and you came.

Arnav: whom you like most in your family?

Khushi: My mother.

Arnav: OK, you sleep now, I will come back after some time.

Saying this he stood up to go when Khushi holds his hand, Arnav turned towards her and Khushi said “You always will be there with me na??”. Arnav smiled and said “Yes, always”.

Khushi nodded and Arnav came out from the room. Neelam is thinking when Arnav came to her and sat beside her.

Neelam: don't think I am saying like this Chote, is this necessary to do treatment for Doll??

Arnav: yes Maa, you trust your son Right? Don't think about my future a lot, I will take care of you and Baba.

Neelam: if she is cure after treatment then?? What if she forget who we're.

Arnav: i don't know, what future holds for us, but Khushi will be fine, she suffered a lot Maa.

Saying this Arnav told her what Doctor said to him about Khushi's treatment and what happened with her before, Neelam was Shocked hearing this she kept her hand on her mouth with shock and said “how cruel these people, our Doll suffered so much, God also don't have mercy on her? Chote do whatever you want I am with you”.

Arnav hugged Neelam and said “Thank you”.

Arnav is seeing Khushi's report when Khushi came inside and sat beside him making puppy face.

Khushi: no one loves me..

Arnav saw her, he closed the file and asked “what happened?? Who don't love you Khushi??”.

Khushi's is staring Arnav's hand which have permanent tattoo as ASR. Arnav seeing her angelic face and smiling, a cold wind is blowing on their faces, Khushi's hairs are moving with wind, and a soft Rabba Ve Playing In The Background.

Khushi: I said I want mangalsutra, but no one giving me that.

Arnav: Khushi, I said you na, when your Devi Mayya give permission then only it will come to you.

Khushi nodded her head and went out from his room. Other side in Mumbai Azaan is searching every possible way to find Khushi. He collected all data about Khushi and her friends address.

Khushi: she done one fashion show in Delhi. But no one know this, it's her one of the assignment from college.

Azaan went to her college and collected information about her friends who gone with her to Delhi, but at last nothing came for help, because after assignment they came back to Mumbai with Khushi.

Azaan: where are you Khushi? Please come back soon, your mother is waiting for you. But why your family not gave you a proper treatment!?

Azaan came to Gupta Mansion, he know Shashi Gupta is not in home, this is best Time to know more things about Khushi. Ramu Kaka welcomed him, they sat in the hall and

Azaan: in which hospital Khushi's treatment started??

Garima: we don't know about that, every month her father took her to give treatment. Why you asking now?

Azaan: because I have doubt on him, you guys sure that he took her to hospital??

Garima: yes, and the doctor treated her is my best friend, she's working here.

Azaan: strange!!! You don't know in which hospital Khushi's treatment started, but you know doctor very well, how's that possible?

Garima: like you doubted on him, I also doubted him, that's why I gave Khushi's reports to my friend and she said that there is no treatment for this.

Azaan: OK, I am trying my best to search her, I will leave now.

Garima: keep updating me beta.
Azaan: sure aunty, you don't worry I will find her soon.

Saying this he went out from Gupta Mansion, he don't know what to do next? Where to find Khushi?

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