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Khushi is so happy seeing new dresses for her, she's clapping and jumping.

Arnav: you had your dinner??

Neelam: still No, she wanted you feed her that's why she's waiting for you. Make her eat Chote, bechari waiting for you.

Arnav nodded and came with full plate food, he took her outside near her room, there is Swing. He made her sit on that and feeding her.

Arnav: how many people are there in your family Khushi??

Khushi: hmm …. [Counting her fingers] 4. Mamma, Dad and Ramu Kaka. But who's fourth one??? You know who's fourth one??

Arnav: off course I know, the fourth member is our Doll itself.

Khushi: [thinking] arrre haaa? I forgot myself, I want to see Mamma.
Khushi made crying face, she's missing her mother, Arnav was in dilemma.

Arnav: OK, OK you want to meet your mother right?? [Khushi nodded] then you have to sleep then only your Mamma comes in your dream.

Khushi: [happily] really?? Mamma come to meet me??

Arnav: yes. Now sleep.

Khushi slept keeping her head in Arnav's lap on the swing itself. Arnav caressing her hair, soon she drifted off. After Khushi slept, Arnav lifted her in his arms and came to her room and made her sleep.

Khushi: [in sleeping] Prince Charming come and remove evil from my life.

Arnav was about to go when he felt Khushi holding his hand, he turned and saw her…

Khushi: promise me Arnav, you will brought me chocolates tomorrow?? I love chocolates.

Arnav came to bed and caressed her head and said….

Arnav: sure, you said I am your Prince Charming? Then it's my responsibility that I will fulfill all your wishes OK? You're good girl right?? Sleep.

Arnav patted her head and soon Khushi drifted off again. Arnav covered the blanket and kissed
on her forehead and went out.



Garima became most silent person in home, she stopped talking with Shashi and always busy in Pooja, 24*7 only Pooja for Khushi.

Shashi: [on call] check with my rivals?? Two weeks coming to end and you still don't know where is my daughter??

Caller: sir, your rivals are so many, if I started to investigate all then it will take 2 months above.

Shashi: I don't know what you will do, but I need my daughter get that??

Caller: Ajeeb Admi ho, sorry sir, we can't handle this case , you can give this to someone else.

Because you not giving us proper information then how we will find your daughter.

Shashi: don't talk with me like that?? You don't know what capable of I am.

Caller: this threatening show somewhere else, you can't find your daughter and here you threatening me? If you have that ability then find your daughter yourself .

Saying this Detective cut the call, Shashi sitting on the sofa when Ramu Kaka came with coffee.

Shashi: how is she??

Ramu Kaka: same Saab, doing only Pooja, please Saab soon find our Gudiya bitiya.

Shashi: I am trying Kaka, you also know that, make her understand.

Ramu Kaka nodded his head and went inside the Pooja room where Garima is doing Pooja.

Ramu Kaka: beta, at least have fruits, if you not eat, is Gudiya come back??

Garima: please Kaka don't disturb me, I am not hungry.

Ramu Kaka: OK fine then, I also sit here and make Pooja, when Gudiya come back na, then she will take care of us.

Garima: what?? I didn't understand??

Ramu Kaka: yes, when she will back till then we both are sick for not eating, then she will take care of us right?

Garima: you know how to trick me Kaka, OK I will eat, bring dinner for both, I know you also not eaten anything.

Ramu Kaka smiled and went out from the Pooja room, Garima again folded her hands and prayed.



Neelam daily wake up early, she draw Rangoli in front of home, early morning Pooja and more. When she's doing Pooja Khushi came down and saw Neelam.

Khushi: what are you doing Maa??

Neelam: [smiling] I am doing Pooja Doll, why you wake up early?? You need something??

Khushi nodded no and watching keenly what Neelam is doing.

Khushi: why you doing this??

Neelam: they are God, if we do Pooja, then God fulfill our wishes and our Heart will be in peace.

Khushi: I didn't saw like this before, I also want to do this Maa.

Neelam: for that first you have to take bath, then only you can do this.

Khushi: if I go then your Pooja will be over, then?? No I will do now itself.

Khushi made puffy face, Neelam smiled seeing her, she caressed her hair and nodded.

Neelam: [praying] Kehthe hai children's are equal to God, she's just like children, please erase all hurdles from her life.

When she opened her eyes and saw Khushi is staring her face in confusion.

Neelam: [cupping her face] what happened Doll??

Khushi: why you closed your eyes?? And why you joined your hands like this??

Neelam: this is the way to pray, if you want something to wish then you have fold your hands like this, [Khushi folded her hands and seeing Neelam] now close your eyes [Khushi closed her eyes] now pray whatever you want.

Khushi don't know what to pray but she's thinking her Prince Charming aka Arnav.

Neelam: tomorrow if you want to pray then take bath first OK?? Now go and brush, I will send juice for you OK?

Khushi: Arnav waked up??

Neelam: no, he's still sleeping.

Khushi nodded and going to her room, when she peeped in Arnav's room and saw him sleeping.

She slowly came in and sparkle water on his face. Arnav is disturbed but again slept wiping his face from hand. Khushi kept her hands on her waist and seeing him again sleeping, she took water again and before she sparkle water on his face he held her hands and pulled her on him.
A soft Rabba Ve playing in the background, Arnav opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful
face early morning today. Khushi closed her eyes and slowly opened her eyes and saw his chocolate brown eyes.

Arnav: what are you doing here Doll?

Khushi hurriedly got up and ran away from his room.

Arnav: [confused] what happened to her??

He came out from his room and saw here and there, Neelam is in kitchen and his Baba is reading news paper. Arnav came down.

Arnav: Good Morning Baba.

Ankhur: very good morning, what happened you wake up early morning??

Arnav: Doll wakes me up throwing water on me and ran out from the room.

Neelam: [coming out from kitchen] she came down early morning and done Pooja with me.

Arnav: but she not bathed right? If I come without bath you start to scold.

Neelam: she's pure soul Chote, and she's like kid, and kids are another form of God.

Ankhur: leave it Chote, you can't win against women in this world.

Arnav: where is Di and Jiju?? Still sleeping??

Neelam: no, they gone for walking, actually Ruhaan have habit to go jogging so Anju giving company to him.

Arnav: OK then I will get ready, we have to go hospital today.



Three to four boys are sitting opposite to Neelam Mansion and staring Arnav's home.

Boy 1: boss you know a girl came to your enemy house.

Boy 2: and she's beautiful, Kya item hai.

Boy 3: but we never saw you arguing with him boss, when you both fought?

A boy turned towards them and removed his glasses and seeing Arnav's home and said….

Person: he not done anything to me, but he supported his best friend Aman Mathur.

Boy 2: oh Aman?? But we didn't saw him now days in this area.

Person: he gone somewhere….. but Samar Shah [new villain in ARSHI life] ​never forgive his insult that easily.

Boy1: what happened in past that you're against them?? I heard you three are best friends in school??

Samar: that's in childhood, now we're enemies. We will see who's she.



Ruhaan and Anjali are ready to go hospital with Arnav and Khushi, they are waiting to Khushi come down. Neelam is tensed.

Ruhaan: don't worry Sasu Maa, we will take care of her.

Neelam: I just worried what if that Goons see her?

Arnav: nothing like that happens Maa, chill when we reach hospital I will inform you OK now??

They are talking when Khushi came down wearing white salwar suit with open hair. All are stunned seeing her that beautiful, she's flawless.

Neelam: wow, our Doll looking real Doll in this outfit right Chote's Baba??

Ankhur: yes, she's beautiful.

Arnav: I am always confused when you call Baba as Chote's Baba, I think you calling me Maa.

Ruhaan: OK let's go, we're getting late, we have appointment soon.

Arnav holds Khushi's hand and came out, auto already standing in front of their home. When Samar saw them coming out and he's bold seeing Khushi with Arnav.

Samar: wow, what a beautiful girl she's, who's she??

Boy 2: we don't know.

Samar: then find who's she? How she's related to Arnav.

Ruhaan: Arnav, you come on my bike with Khushi, we will come in auto.

Arnav nodded and started the bike, Khushi sat behind him holding him from both hands. Anjali and Ruhaan sat in auto.

Arnav: [on bike] you sat before bike Doll??

Khushi: [remembering] I don't know… but it's good, where are we going??

Arnav: one of my uncle is not well so we're going to see him to hospital.

Arnav lied to her because he don't know after hearing hospital how she will react. After half an hour they reached hospital and waiting for Ruhaan and Anjali. They came and all four went inside the hospital.

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