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New mansion is getting ready for Pooja. They searched Arnav but he's not there in home.

Anjali: where this chote went out?? Here lot of work is pending.

Neelam: Maybe he's with Aman. Leave him, he's upset of yesterday's incident. We just doing Pooja.

Ankhur: but Aman is here. I just saw him talking with BGs.

They are talking when Arnav entered inside. He's confused seeing all because all are seeing him weirdly.

Aman: what happened?? Is my outfit is not good??

Anjali: where is chote?? He not returned from yesterday night.

Aman: oh shit! In all this we forgot to tell you that Khushi Bhabhi is here. Actually she's the one who brought us here. Arnav went to meet her yesterday night. I thought maybe he came back.

Raizada’s are shocked hearing this. They are seeing Aman angrily.

Neelam: why you not informed us before?? My daughter in-law is here and we didn't get to know.

Ankhur: yes, Aman why you not informed us. I think we have to plan to welcome her. What say??

Aman: she's not your Doll anymore, above all she not remember anything about you guys. So please don't irritate her. Don't forget she's police officer.


Khushi already ready to go somewhere when Arnav woke up and he's shocked seeing himself on khushi’s bed.

Arnav: I am sorry, I think in tiredness I slept here.

Khushi: I know that's why I am not saying anything to you. By the way I think you should leave now. Maybe your family members are waiting for you.

Arnav: you will not come to our new mansion…… I mean my new mansion??

Khushi: you go, I will come after some time, I have some work to finish.

Arnav: pakka na?? You will come right??

Khushi: yes I will. I ordered breakfast have it and go.

Arnav: is you remembered anything seeing our old house??

Khushi: I am getting late, see you soon.

Khushi ignored him and started to go out when Arnav pulled her hand and pinned to wall.

Arnav: When I am talking with you don't turn your face. I hate it.

Khushi: behave Mr. Raizada, I am not your wife to entertain all these things. This is my last warning for you.

Arnav left her hand and stepped back. Without saying much he left from her hotel room without having breakfast. Khushi closed her eyes in agony.

Khushi: I am sorry Arnav, but I have to do this to stay away from you.

Investigation is going on, police is searching evidence around Neelam Nivas. Sameer's friends is watching them.

Constable: I heard for this case special officer came from Mumbai. I heard she's very strict.

Constable 2: yes, I heard Nihal sir is explaining about that special officer.

Sameer's friends came to him and informed about special officer. He's tensed hearing this. Because this case is not that much big for that special officer came from Mumbai.

Friend: don't forget he's celebrity now, that's why police officer came from Mumbai. Even in newspaper and news channel is showing his burned house.

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