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Ramu Kaka: today is her appointment with doctor, if she's here then making her understand next to impossible.

Garima: she scared hearing serine and ran around the hospital. Don't know how is she? And where?

They are talking when Shashi came there, seeing him garima got up and started to go Khushi's room. She's now staying in Khushi's room.

Shashi: Wait Garima….. don't go like this?? Just talk to me.

Garima: [angrily turned towards him] what you want to talk?? That you failed searching my Gudiya???

Shashi: try to understand Garima…. I am…….

Before he say anything Garima showed her palm to stop.

Garima: I don't need to know what are you doing to find my Gudiya…. But one thing remember, you're the reason behind My Gudiya…. Her condition became like that only because of you and now because of you we don't know where she's.

Saying this she went up, Ramu Kaka also gone behind her.

Shashi: [self-talk] how much I am trying to find my Gudiya…. But results are zero from everywhere.



Neelam washing clothes when her Neighbour asked her.

Neighbor: arre!! Neelam who's that girl staying in your home?

Neelam: she's our Chote's Baba friend daughter.

Neighbor: really?? But she not look normal? Is she mad?

Neelam: [angrily] just shut up, don't say her as mad get that?? First stop your poking nose in others household.

Neighbor was shocked hearing her tone, Neelam never raise her voice against anyone, then what happened to her?? The neighbor still looking her confusingly. Neelam went inside angrily.



Khushi holding Arnav's hand seeing around hospital. When their number came all went inside the cabin.

Dr. Batra: hi Ruhaan, welcome.
Ruhaan: hello Doctor, yesterday I informed you about patient and she's.

Dr. Batra saw Khushi and smiled, Arnav holding her hand still because she's scared.

Dr. Batra: hello dear, what's your name??

Khushi saw Arnav and Arnav nodded his head….

Khushi: my name is Khushi…..
Dr. Batra: wow… Happiness?? Is Arnav your best friend??

Khushi: no, he's my Prince Charming.

All smiled hearing this, Doctor wanted to check her but she's not at all ready to go inside.

Dr. Batra: i think she will listen to you Arnav… you come with her, then only she will listen to us.

Arnav nodded and went inside the lab.

Arnav: Doll, you're good girl right?? Then listen what doctor uncle says OK?

Khushi: hold me, I am not going to take any injection. It will hurt.

Arnav: [caressing her hair] they will not inject Doll, I am here right?

Khushi nodded and Doctor smiled seeing them….. Doctor made her sleep and started MRI scan.

Arnav: she will be fine na doctor??

Dr. Batra: don't worry, we have to see what happened to her? Is this is from childhood or in middle happened something. Ruhaan informed me everything, I will not inform anyone, it will be secret.

Arnav: thank you doctor….

Dr. Batra: I am very proud of you dear, you don't know who's she, but still helping her and top of it giving her treatment. That's great.

Khushi's full body scan happened and Doctor informed them to collect reports tomorrow. They bid bye to doctor and came out of hospital.

Ruhaan: I will go Office from here you guys go home.

Khushi: I want to take photo, sitting on this bike. Please, please…

Anjali: OK, you sit.

Arnav made her sit on the bike and he captured her photo in his camera, after he sat on bike and Khushi behind him, Ruhaan clicked the photo. Ruhaan gone to office on his bike and Trio came in auto.

Neelam: what doctor said?? Is she will be fine??

Anjali: Maa, they just done scan, report come tomorrow.

Ankhur: don't know what happened to her?? She's such a good girl, don't know why God testing her.

Khushi: Maa, I am Hungry.

Neelam: wait Doll, I will bring food for you.

Neelam went inside the kitchen to bring food for Khushi, Ankhur saw Arnav sitting silently.

Ankhur: what are you thinking Chote??

Arnav: I think something happened to her in the middle, because if she's like this from birth then, it should be some other way.

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