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Anjali: I don't know why Chote is not understanding, that money is for his future, if he spend this money on Khushi then what about his future??

Ruhaan: come on Anju, he's not spending money on Khushi like that, he's helping her to come out from this troma.

Anjali: I know, I am not against Khushi in this matter Ruhaan, but what's the guarantee, that she will remember us after getting cure???

Ruhaan: Anju, we help others for their betterment not accept anything in return, Arnav is in that category, who not accept anything in return for his help.

Anjali: he's like that from his childhood, if he saw anyone who needs help then he will
present there to help them. My concern is that, helping others he forgetting his life.

Ruhaan: he's kind hearted person Anju, don't worry he will be fine, and one day he will prove you as a better man.

Anjali: I hope so, I just concern about his life, if he's happy in this then I also help me in Khushi's matter.

Ruhaan: you know why I liked you?? Because your family is down to earth, kind hearted family. You guys helping a girl without knowing her background, that's the proof of your
family background.

Ruhaan hugged Anjali after this, Anjali also hugged him back.



Sameer is sitting on chair angrily, his nose is paining badly.

Sameer: that Dog bites me, I will kill that Dog. This Arnav is protecting that girl so much, I will not leave you easily Arnav.

Person 1: Boss, we've to plan something else, I mean different. We've to find their weakness.

Sameer: yes weakness!!! Raizada's weakness is their Honesty and Pride, we've to attack on their Pride. But how??

Sameer is thinking something when an idea came in his mind, he started to laugh thinking about his plan and Raizada's situation.



Ankhur: when is the next appointment with doctor Chote??

Arnav: today, evening. I will take Khushi to hospital, she will not go without me, so I will Go with her.

Neelam: Chote, is this treatment work?? I mean doctor gave 100% possibility of recovery??

Arnav: I don't know, Doctor said he will send Khushi's report to Foreign doctor, who's specialist in this category.

Ankhur: we're not taking risk right? What if operation is not successful??

Arnav: think positive Baba, if doctor give 10% of guarantee then also I am ready to take this risk.

Saying this Arnav came to khushi's room, she's talking with Tony. Arnav standing silently and watching her tactics.

Arnav: [thinking] I will do anything for you Khushi, I don't care what future holds for us, your recovery is my priority.

Khushi saw Arnav standing and smiled seeing him, she came to him lifting Tony in her lap.

Khushi: see Arnav, Tony is saying He like you so much.

Arnav: really?? How you know that he loves me??

Khushi: Tony not go to anyone nor he will allow anyone near him that easily, but when you lift him he will happy.

Arnav: really?? Tony you like me?? Come to me then?

Arnav took Tony in his lap, Tony is cuddling him. Arnav caressing his head.



Azaan is collecting every possible way to find Khushi, he came to storeroom where CCTV camera is attached.

Azaan to Ramu Kaka: are you sure Kaka that Mr.Gupta’s car found here??

Kaka: yes beta, he collected his car from here only.

Azaan nodded and went inside the storeroom and asked CCTV footage about a particular date. First they denied but Azaan said he's police officer, hearing this they gave him
CCTV footage.

Azaan: Ramu Kaka, you go home I will inform you after seeing the footage.

Kaka: God please give some hint.

Azaan came to his home and inserted CD in his laptop, and watching the footage. He saw Gupta's car stopping in front of storeroom. But they covered their faces.

Azaan: shit!! Another car number is not clear in this footage. How to find car number??



Arnav and Khushi came to hospital for check up, khushi's holding his hand when they entered inside the hospital.

Dr. Batra: hello Khushi! How are you dear??

Khushi just nodded her head, Arnav smiled seeing doctor and shook his hand with doctor.

Dr. Batra: nice to see you Arnav, ready for treatment??

Arnav: yes Doctor, I am ready.

Dr. Batra: I don't know how to say this, but you're a very humble person Arnav, I didn't saw anyone doing this to unknown person. People choose to ignore these type of risks.

Arnav: Khushi is not option Doctor, She's my Priority. I am ready to take this risk.

Dr. Batra: you don't worry this operation will be successful. I will give you guarantee.

Arnav nodded, he holds khushi's hand and came to the room for check up, Khushi is not ready to go inside.

Arnav: Khushi, see I am here only, doctor just check up you, please go inside.

Khushi: No means No, I am not going inside, I am afraid of injection.

Arnav: they will not give you injection, you call me as your Prince Charming right??

Khushi nodded, Arnav said “you know? You have to hear what Prince Charming say you”.

Khushi is confusingly seeing him and said “but Ramu Kaka not told me that I have to hear whatever Prince Charming say to me”.

Arnav don't know how to convince her, he's thinking something and said “Prince Charming rescue you right? If you not listen his talk then he will not come to rescue you again, your Ramu Kaka forgot to tell you this”.

Khushi hugged Arnav hearing her Prince Charming not come to save her, she closed her eyes and said “No, no I will listen you, you will come to save me right??”.

Arnav caressed her hairs and said yes, nurse took Khushi Inside the room, after half an hour Doctor and Khushi came out.

Dr. Batra: Arnav, I think soon we've to start her treatment, because of wrong medicine her brain is not working properly.

Arnav: I am ready doctor, you just start treatment, don't think about money, I will arrange that.

Dr. Batra: I know that, but treatment is stepwise, I will prescribe you some medicine give her daily, after seeing progress we will go with operation.

Arnav: OK doctor, thank you so much. How many days we have to give these medicines to Khushi?

Dr. Batra: one week, I will send reports to Foreign doctor, he will assign us what to do next.

Arnav:. OK doctor.

Dr. Batra: due to medicine affect, her behavior Will change, she will become stubborn for particular things, so take care of that.

Arnav nodded and came out of hospital, Sameer saw them out of hospital, he signaled someone to do something and his person done what he said.

Sameer: tomorrow morning your pride and honor will go Arnav, I will see how you will escape from this war.

Arnav and Khushi came back to Neelam nivas, Khushi's is sleeping in Neelam lap placing her head, Arnav is sitting on swing and explained what doctor said him. Khushi slept in neelam’s lap.

Neelam: now a days she's asking about Mangalsutra, what if she ask again???

Arnav: don't show her your Mangalsutra, she will not ask about that.

Ankhur: we have to search for her family Chote, they must be worried for her.

Arnav: I know Baba, but until she recover fully I am not going to do that. Because we can't trust anyone when it's comes to Khushi, we don't know who's her well-wishers and

Neelam: he's right, when she will recover she tell us where is her family and all.

Ankhur: OK at least tell your idiot Friend about Khushi, he have many contacts.

Arnav: he's out of station, when he will come I will tell him about this.

They're talking when Lavanya came to there and smiled seeing Khushi.

Lavanya: she's that girl, whom Dad is mentioning??? Wow Arnie she's so cute.

Arnav: you here?? Any work you have??

Lavanya: why you always ready to throw me out of your home?? Don't worry I am not going to your future wife, I just heard about this girl.

Neelam: again you both started to argue?? God who says you both are childhood friends??

Arnav: she's not my friend. She annoys me a lot, I don't know how Idiot Aman is going to marry her. I will tell him to say No to this marriage.

Lavanya: you're free to tell him, I know my fiance better than you.

Ankhur: I can't believe you both fight like this, God give patience to Aman for handling these two mads at a time.

Neelam: you say you love Chote and you engaged to his friend Aman?? What this equation is??

Lavanya: I don't have any equation, Aman is the one who said that annoy Arnie, that's why I am always annoy him.

Arnav: what?? Aman said this to you?? Let him come I will show him. Idiot Kahika.

Ankhur: OK now stop this argument, see our doll wake up hearing your noise.

Khushi wake up and seeing Lavanya confusingly, she's seeing Lavanya for the first time. Lavanya came to Khushi and sat beside her.

Lavanya: hey Khushi, this is Lavanya, Arnav's friend.

Khushi not reacted much, she's seeing Arnav and Neelam, seeing her silent Neelam came to her and caressed her hairs and asked “what happened Doll??”.

Khushi: my Mamma is calling me.

Hearing this all are shocked, Khushi saw a dream where she saw her mother is calling her, Arnav don't know what to say her, Neelam kissed on her forehead and said “Yes I called you doll, you slept na that's why you feeling like your mother calling you”.

Khushi saw them confusingly and after some time she just nodded her head.

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