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"Life's passing by,
Cause I'm out chasing empty highs,
Every hello just means goodbye,
But I'm looking for more this time." ~ Bebe Rexha -I'm a ferrari.

Void, still void of emotion.

But sweet boredom! Boredom my friend which has accompanied me through thick and thin, boredom which has help me cope with people around me and boredom which has taken up the hole in my heart.

Boredom has been the only emotion which has settled right with me.

If you can even call it an emotion.

Ever since that day, my brain went into auto pilot, and I've solely concentrated on studies at school. This is how I coped after they passed; many people compliment me on my intelligence and grades, and every time I simply flash a fake tight smile and say, 'thank you'.

But that would be my extent of human communication, I would never go out of my way to socialize with anyone.

What's the use if you don't have feelings in what you say?

I fled any type of group work or presentation; basic human interactions.

It's not like dividing your level of intelligence with a group of people would make you more intelligent.

But I got special favours from teachers such as being able to work in the library, alone, and submit projects instead of doing group works - which either way I always had the best grades, so it didn't change much.

I took up the sciences at school along with maths, it was probably the only subjects which permitted me to feel something other than boredom.


They annoyed me to a level that I actually felt good about - at least I think that 'good' would feel like that - they could be so tricky and difficult at times but mastering them wasn't a challenge.

Once I found the correct pattern in the questions, they were bearable but still annoying.

I plan on becoming a paediatrician and opening my own maternity clinic - some may say 'easier said than done' - but I would say 'easier done than said'.

You see, I also took private courses on management, accountancy and business so opening my own medical centre wouldn't be so difficult, theoretically speaking. The career I plan on having is quite ironical considering who I am as a person.

The job requires not only intellect but also emotions, since it deals with mostly kids. Kids need reassurance, tenderness, kind words, caresses and mostly love.

That word annoys me more than sciences, it annoys me that I have been deprived of it, it annoys me that I cannot give love let alone receive it.

But nevertheless, I try to push pass my annoyance of the word and get on with my life.

I'm a very concise person; meaning that I must have a routine. And that routine consists of; waking up at 7 a.m. sharp, brush my teeth for two minutes, take a shower and get ready in ten minutes, eat breakfast and close my apartment door at 7:35 a.m.

And that's just my morning routine, just imagine the rest of my day.

After I graduated from high school and got a scholarship at the University of Yale, I moved from Manhattan to New Haven since it would be easier and less time consuming to get to campus.

There I adopted a new routine; after my daily courses had ended at 3p.m. I would go to the nearby café with my laptop to get a head start on assignments which were due to probably next semester and order the usual - mocha latte and a croissant - I would work for precisely three hours then pack up and return to my apartment.

The whole process would repeat each day. I like it that way, it doesn't give me time to think about everything that has happened to me.

I must be constantly busy with studies and side courses, even if I am exhausted I had to do something.

But then that man came into the picture.

He ruined my perfected pattern leaving me completely disoriented.

That man, without uttering a word to me, from day one oozed danger and superiority.

His presence distracted me from my work - which made me type faster - but I could never finish my planned-out work for those three hours since his eyes were burning into the side of my face.

He probably thought he was so sleek, believing I wouldn't notice him.

After that one day, he came again everyday after that.

It was kind of creepy having someone stare at you during three whole hours, but since he hadn't made any moves to approach me, I decided to ignore him.

After a week or so, I finally succeeded at ignoring him; just like the brain which dismisses the nose's existence. It is still there but the brain just chooses to ignore it.

I will not lie, it was kind of hard dismissing him at first since he was very attractive with his chiselled jaw, messy brown hair, pink plump lips and grey eyes, but then I had to keep busy or I would think of a lot of things that I probably never thought about before.

He did seem older than me, by maybe five to seven years, he looked at me as though I was something he had never seen before.

Honestly, I wasn't anything beautiful or sexy - only brains and work - so I don't see why he was staring with admiration at me.

Though today it was different, he was sad. But not for himself, he was sad for...me.

He was giving me pity from his godforsaken grey eyes and I couldn't even be mad at that. But still if he was going to stare with that emotion in his eyes then might as well he not stare at all.

Out of all emotions, I hated pity. I quickly packed up my things and finished my latte, this disturbed me that I was leaving five minutes before my three hours were over, but I couldn't bear how he was pitying me.

Just as I got up, from the corner of my eye I could see that he was making his way towards me with a remarkable swiftness. His eyes focussed on me, and that sort of attention made me internally panic so when he was close by I turned and our shoulders brushed against each other, making a bolt of electricity shoot through both of us.

We jumped apart as he stares with even more fascination. I had to put some distance between us because he did not make a move to part with me.

"I'm s-so sorry, so sorry!" I frantically spew out, then swung around to grab my things and left the café.

As the cold evening air hits my face, a relieved sigh escaped my lips as I hurried down the street towards the bus stop. Taking a seat on the bench, I breath in deeply to calm my rapid heart and lift my head up.

There he was again, across the street, staring at me.

He was smirking this time, his lips opened to say something but was cut short when a lorry drove between us. After the lorry had passed, he disappeared into thin air - like dust.

From what I got the time to understand from reading his lips was...mine?

What could that even mean?

I must have hallucinated this, I was probably more exhausted than usual. After having gotten back home, I went straight to bed, completely bypassing my routine.

I hope tomorrow will be less insane.

So how was it guys?

Give me your feedbacks please!!!

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