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"You've been fighting the memory, on your own.
Nothing worsens,
Nothing grows.
I know how it feels to be
By yourself in the rain.
We all need someone
To stay." - Vancouver sleep clinic - someone to stay


I yawn loudly as I hold the silky soft covers closer to my chest - their softness amazes me.

It was probably the new softener I bought which contains more dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride than the previous one I used.

I grin awkwardly to myself as I spin on the other side of the bed. Damn this is a good fabric softener! I spread my legs wide, content that I can exploit the whole softness of the sheets.

But then a thought struck me. Since when was my bed this big and comfy - I remember clearly having a single sized bed with a mattress so thin I could never get one ounce of sleep in one go.

I snap my eyes open but regret it when the bright sunlight catches my pupils, making me squint my eyes - forcefully trying to adjust to the new lighting.

Finally getting back the use of my eyes, I scour the huge room from where I lay down.

This isn't my bed. This isn't my covers. This isn't my dark blue room. This isn't my bedroom all in all!

This might not even be my apartment for all it matters!

Then everything from this morning - or yesterday I don't know - came crashing down on me like a plane.

Irony intended.

Suddenly one of the three doors in the bedroom opens, and in strode Mr Stravos; in his water dripping, six pack licking and naked glory.

He didn't seem to notice that I am awake, so he silently dries his hair with a small fluffy towel.

He hums a soft tune as he finishes and places the damp towel on a nearby chair. He grips the white towel hanging low at his hips in an attempt to remove it and be fully exposed to the world - well to my pure eyes that is.

As he shrugs it off, I shriek loudly, simultaneously holding my hand up and closing my eyes.

"I'm awake, you know?!" I exclaim as a bizarre warmth wraps around my cheeks.

"I know," he simply says with an undertone of mirth to it.

I hear shuffling, far but then closer - realising that he is approaching. I shut my eyes even tighter as the shuffling halts right in front of me.

"My Luna, doesn't want to see me in my birthday suit...interesting." He mutters to himself, as I feel a strand of my hair being played with.

I don't know why but I relaxed instantly and dropped my hand onto the comfy mattress.

"What are you talking about?" I rasp out, taking a small peek at him.

He was in boxers now and leaning over me, staring with the same fascination shining in his eyes. I then open my eyes completely, being able to see his sharp features clearly.

As my eyes travel from his eyes down his chest, I notice a small tattoo on the right side of his abdomen; a circle with a straight line at the centre and a dot in the middle of the line in black ink.

My hand involuntarily reaches out and lightly traces the outline of the drawing.

What could it possibly mean?

His muscles seem to flex under my touch.

"What does it mean?" I ask after a few seconds of analysis the black ink.

He snaps out of his daze and looks elsewhere, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"You don't need to know." He states dryly as he snaps his cold blazing eyes to me.

For a brief moment, I thought seeing a flash of red, but it disappeared as fast as it came, so it could be just my eyes playing tricks on me.

Keywords being could be.

His torment filled eyes just pulls my curiosity and excitement to whole other level. Yes, I know what these emotions feel like, big whoop!

His coldness signals danger, shouts intimidation, and screams superiority; like he did that on purpose to scare me away - but it only brought me in more.

I hold myself up on my elbows as I jerk an eyebrow challengingly at Mr Stravos.

"I do actually, Mr Stravos. Research has found that ninety percent of the time, when a person says, 'you don't need to know', it means that afterwards that piece of information will be crucial to the other. So, for the love of having gotten that fact from a romance novel, tell me." I monotonously state, keeping eye contact with him.

His facial expression seems to harden considerably, but I don't back down and struggle to keep eye contact with him.

He is the first to break the stare off, flopping himself onto my thighs - making me jump a bit at the sudden closeness and electricity which springs with the skin to skin contact.

"It means Fire Moon," he exhales loudly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

I glance at him, admiring his exposed tattoo once more.

Fire moon that's interesting.

"See, it wasn't like drinking concentrated sulphuric acid. Now, was it?" I muse, lying back onto the soft pillow.

I didn't push on since I know it was a sort of sensitive topic; and we all have our hidden demons, now don't we?

But I'll make sure to find out and penetrate his mysterious walls. I'll peel each layer at a time until I got to the core, then I will be the judge of what I'll do with whatever weird relationship we have.

Suddenly I realised just how compromising the situation was as I look down at my attire - I only had an oversized t-shirt on with my undergarments, in the same room as my teacher, in his bed, with him on my thighs, naked, and above all, I was in a different city away from home, alone with him!

I tried subtly shimmying myself out from beneath his body but to no avail since this man was made of titanium muscles.

"Hm, Mr Stravos? Can you...you get up please?" I stuttered as he lifted his head to look at me. He huffed and plopped back down.

"I'm perfectly fine here, mi amore." He hummed placing his hands behind his head, making his biceps flex simultaneously. I needed to get a grip on myself and find an escape quickly before I lose myself to him.

"I-I need to take a shower Mr Stravos...you know...before our diner?" I dragged on awkwardly.

He let his hands fall at his sides, looking like a star fish on the sheets.

"Fine but stop calling me so formally. Othello will work just fine out of the classroom." He concluded lifting his weight off me - I simply nodded and made a run for it to the bathroom, shutting the door abruptly.

God this was going to be a long weekend.
So how did you guys find it?


Does Othello seem too touchy-feely? Or is it pure curiosity?

Anyway, as always thanks for reading this random ass book!


Bubye my loves!❤


Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now