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"And can I pick your brain?
To get to know,
Your thoughts.
So I can read your mind,
When you don't wanna talk.
Let me see the dark sides
As well as the bright.
I wanna love you
Inside out." - The Chainsmokers - Inside Out.


Othello and Aurnia sat on the soft mattress of the fire lord's bedroom for the past fifteen minutes in silence. Aurnia was scared to utter even a word - to be honest she was completely terrified of him. seeing him in wolf form, growling and snarling absolutely scared the living daylights out of her.

To top it all off, his paws were on fire! How were they on fire? Didn't it hurt him? she hoped that it didn't hurt him, she hated seeing him in pain even though he didn't mind hurting her. She peeked up at the bulky man to see him already staring at her figure - he had done that since he entered the room.

She shifted uncomfortably on her bottom then settled to pulling her knees up to her chest. She felt safe like that, she felt like being in foetal position would protect her from Othello lashing out or hurting her. Othello's eyes softened at the protective trance his mate put herself in. he found it adorable yet irritating that Aurnia was scared of him - he would never do anything to hurt her, he was there to protect her at all costs and would never lay a single finger on her unless to pleasure her.

Instantly Lucius flashed an image of their mate wriggling under them in pleasure, moaning and screaming their name, begging them to continue. It was hard for Othello to shake the image out of his mind provided that Aurnia was right in front of him.

The bulge in his jeans was very apparent, but she seemed completely oblivious to it.

"I should explain..." he started.

"Mikaela already explain your werewolf hierarchy so that's over and done." Aurnia interrupted him.

"No, I need to explain what we are, what you are." He tried to reason with her.

"I know what I am, a human."

"You don't understand..." Othello sighed. He was tired of beating around the bush with this situation. The last time he did that his mate ending up slapping him on both his cheeks, he got drunk and ended up nearly fighting one of his mate's friend.

"Help me understand. Ever since I met you, I've been trying to understand you, to understand your antics. Do you know how hard it is not to fathom something as simple as a person? To have this feeling that he is lying to you? Did you even plan to tell me the truth? Did you?" Aurnia voice rose a few octaves but remained oddly calm. Unfortunately, on the inside she was a raging storm; she wanted to burst into tears, she wanted to scream out loud, to slap him and kiss him senseless - she was a mess that could only be cleaned up by Othello.

"I did, but not like this. It just happened at a bad time, I swear that I was going to tell you." He pleaded but the frown on her lips told him that she wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"I have two brothers," he blurted out - looking down at his lap - grabbing Aurnia's attention and curiosity.

"My mother, the moon goddess Diana, married my father, a human which was blasphemous and against the laws of divinity at the time. somehow the council heard about it and wanted to put her up for trial in Olympus." He glanced up at her as she gave him an encouraging nod.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now