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"Pain is what you desire.
Sail among liars,
Blame the deniers.
So you wanna start a war in the age of icons.
So you wanna be immortal with a loaded gun.
So you wanna start a war." - Klergy - Start a war.


The whole room fell into a deafening silence, one which could even break glass it was so loud. A hanging anticipation wafted through the air, shoulders tense and breaths held to their stomachs.

Aurnia watched as Othello and his brothers placed themselves protectively in front of her. Nyla and Mikaela behind her.

She hadn't caught a glimpse of the person or creature and she wasn't entirely sure that she wanted to too. The fear and anger which radiated from everyone around her made her heart stop. Was it who she thought it was? No. Please make it be someone else. Someone defeatable.

Aurnia slowly stood up from the drenching water, her eyes searching for a small opening between the Lycan siblings bulky bodies to see the intruder. She only succeeded in catching the slim yet toned legs of a woman, dressed rather skimpily in a sort of long shear black lingerie dress. But the woman's face remained unknown.

"So nice to finally be reunited with my brothers again, though I am very disappointed that I didn't receive an invitation for my big bro's marking ceremony

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"So nice to finally be reunited with my brothers again, though I am very disappointed that I didn't receive an invitation for my big bro's marking ceremony. I decided to invite myself, hope you don't mind we are family afterall." A gruntal yet feminin voice boomed through the air sending a few people whimpering to the side in either fear or submission.

Whoever she was, she ignited a spark of darkness within everyone's soul.

"You weren't invited for a reason." Malcom growled at her. The female sniggered unaffected by his clear rudeness. She slowly stepped forward her black heels clicking against the marble floor.

Slowly Aurnia could make out her upper body just until her shoulders where blond hair sat when the female stopped, now closer to the group.

"My, my, brother you have grown rather robustly. How long has it been since the last time I've seen you Malcom? Five, six thousand years? Well I can say that I'd still bang you." she lowered her voice in an extremely seductive one. Malcom's back tensed up furthermore at the sickly suggestion.

"Guards please take this lunatic away!" Brucio bellowed instantly having several armed guards and shifted wolves surround the woman. The lady laughed sinisterly at them.

From the little Aurnia could see, a black ball of vapour started forming from the woman's dainty fingers. It wisped and curled as it doubled in size.

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