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You know she lives for
The thrill.
You know she lusts for
The kill.
So they won't come back.
She loves control,
She wants it her way.
And all it takes
Is just one taste.
You don't wanna
Give it up." - She loves control - Camila Cabello


"You're my soulmate." He waited for her to start running for the hills as he prepped himself to chase her and make her his forever. He would never let her run away from him ever again, if he needed to tie her down to his very bed, he would do it in seconds.

Shockingly enough, she only nodded, still looking a bit shaken up but understanding at the same time.

"Mikaela already told me that." She offered her mate a grim smile.

"Well at least you were prepared for that part..." he murmured.

"She told me that I should stay away from Fire moon pack members. She said they were dangerous that they could burn everything down in seconds," she rose on her knees and slowly made her way to Othello.

She didn't know what she was doing but her body needed to be near him at all cost. Her skin needed to feel the sparks and warmth of him, her body craved him all of a sudden. She straddled him at the hips taking him aback, that was a bold move she had to admit.

"She said that they were the most lethal ones out there, she wanted me to stay away from you." Othello's chest rumbled in displeasure, how dare that hybrid try to convince his mate to leave him?

"I can't though. I can't stay away even if I wanted to. My body, my soul, my everything would probably go numb and would yearn for your touch. I don't know what you are doing to me Mr Stravos, but I don't ever want you to stop." She concluded breathlessly.

Her lips now brushed against his ever so lightly, the sweet anticipation making Othello growl impatiently at his mate. She only smirked and brushed her lips onto his once more. He gripped her hips tightly making her whimper in pain and pleasure. That was a noise he would always long to hear.

She placed her index finger onto his lips and pushed him back a bit. She wanted all the truth before getting involved with his kind.

"Tell me, what am I?" she whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"My mate,"

"No, what am I to the others?" she insisted.

"You will be their Luna, their Queen, their saviour." He breathed in her sweet smell that could make him kill anyone who even touched a hair on her body. She frowned, she wasn't talking about that.

"No, what are you hiding from me? What am I?" she pulled away and sat across from him.

"You need not worry your head about that-"

"Tell me now or I'll leave," she sent him a glare that told him that she wasn't joking around. He huffed in irritation - he hated being cornered like that.

"You are also the Moonstone, a gift from my mother to the werewolf race, a gift that would protect us all against the Dark Moon. She knew that you were going to be precious to us - to me - so she implanted this rare blue moon light inside your soul." He winced as her eyes shimmered in agitation.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now