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"It's hard
Letting go.
I'm finally at peace,
But it feels...wrong.
I'm getting up.
My hands and feet
Are weaker than before."
- Of Monsters and Men - silouhettes


Autumn leaves were scrunching underneath my feet as I ran, giggling like a little girl.

I looked behind me to see if whoever I was running from was still pursuing me - even though I couldn't see anyone, I could feel him still hot on my heels.

But I ran leisurely, smiling like a fool, jumping about like a rabbit. I felt loved - immensely and utterly adored - and that only generated a fire of smiles and giggles. Whoever this was, he made me happy and I was cocooned in warmth and bliss.

But soon the colours greyed over - the sun was still shining but its yellow warmth became an icy grey. My pace had slowed down to a halt as my smile flattened immediately, holding my trembling body in attempt to heat myself up.

The woods fell dead silent, only the black leaves rustling from under my body was heard echoing through the dark ambiance, a deep growling noise was heard from the bushes ahead as a black wolf peeked its head out - its black eyes burning into mine.

His mouth extended into a wolfish smirk, revealing his pearly long canines.

My breathing accelerated considerably as I took a step back.

Pale blue orbs formed around me, getting brighter by the second - but this seemed to only annoy him on a deeper level as he pounced on me-

I shot up from lying on my bed, panting heavily.

My trembling fingers searched for the light switch beside my bed as if my life depended on this source of clarity.

Finally, after a few futile attempts at turning on the switch with my sweaty hands, a yellow glow engulfed the room making me sigh.

I pulled my knees up to my chest in comfort and massaged my scalp with my hands to sooth the raging headache which woke up along with me.

Again? Was all that rang through my thoughts.

Again, with this dream?

Two nights in a row with that same exact dream getting more vivid and scarier by the second. That...wolf, he seems decided on haunting my dreams, and I can't shake the feeling that this recurrent phenomenon means something - but then again dreams are just figments of our imaginations.

But I couldn't get over the joy, the safety and the love I felt being chased by this person.

I can't help feeling disappointed that it was all just a silly dream.

"You're awake." I jumped nearly unrooting two handfuls of hair from my scalp.

Othello was leaning against the doorframe with a small smile. I can't believe I almost forgot that I wasn't in New Haven and in New York with him.

He was wearing basketball black shorts with a white tank top - this is still unusual for me to see my teacher in such casual attire. More so, looking like a delicious dessert.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now