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"Will somebody
Let me see the light within the dark trees' shadows and
What's happenin'?
Lookin' through the glass find the wrong within the past knowin'.
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heartache, cast away.
And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a natural." - Imagine Dragons - Natural



tanding in the middle of the dark forest, I held my trembling body in attempt to heat myself up.

The woods fell dead silent, only the black leaves rustling from under my body was heard echoing through the dark ambiance - an odd scent was emitted around me like a scented candle. It was alluring but richly smelled of sulphur, it wasn't unpleasant just disturbing.

A deep growling noise was heard from the bushes ahead as a black wolf peeked its head out - its black eyes burning into mine. His mouth extended into a wolfish smirk, revealing his pearly long canines.

My breathing accelerated considerably as I took a step back, the heel of my left foot bumped into a fallen tree trunk, sending me to the ground with a gentle thump. Bright blue orbs formed around me, getting brighter by the second.

They were combining to form some sort of barrier against this rabid animal - it consoled me in a way, whispering calming words that eventually dissolved my fear; but this seemed to only annoy the wolf on a deeper level as he pounced on me-

Once again, I jolted out of bed breathing heavily as my hands wiped shakily the cold beads of sweat that had formed on my forehead.

You'd think that I would get used to that nightmare by now, sadly you'd be wrong. Every single time something changed, it terrified me more and more, I couldn't shake the feeling that it meant something - like it was a warning sign. And that made me shiver all over thinking about it.

"You okay?" a familiar feminine voice scared the living daylights out of me as I hit my head against the headboard.

Mikaela started laughing moving to sit next to me on the bed - though with an odd amount of distance that she doesn't usually leave. Her right hand gently rubbed her left elbow as she unconsciously winced in discomfort, her eyes were narrowed at me with a little apprehension lurking in their depths.

"Mikaela what's wr-" then that familiar flicker of orange in her eyes startled me, bringing all the memories from earlier into my wits.

Glowing eyes...sharp fingernails...cannibal snarling...wolf...flame...Othello

I scurried frantically as far away from her as I could. I ended up tumbling to the ground at the edge of the bed, but I pushed my aching elbow aside to stand up, clumsily rushing towards the bedroom door.

I already knew that I was not in my apartment but all I wanted was to get as far from her as I could. Just as I was at arm's length from the mahogany door, its edges seemed to melt into the frame like candle wax, causing the door to form one with the wall.

If my eyeballs weren't stuck to their sockets, they would've surely popped out and fallen to the ground. I turned around slowly to see Mikaela's irises completely gold, she had an apologetic frown on her lips but that didn't prevent me from screaming my lungs out.

She panicked - her eyes returning to their emerald colour - and frantically got off the bed.

"Stop screaming Aurnia!" she approached me, but I only ran to the other corner. Seeming frustrated with my banshee abilities, her eyes gleamed gold again as she held eye contact with me.

"Stop screaming." Instantly my vocal cords went numb and an odd calmness washed over me while I slumped to the ground - my muscles feeling like jelly.

She huffed out in relief and in a blink of an eye sat on the floor in front of me. I was in a full fledge panic mode inside but for some reason my exterior was stuck in a calm shell. She winced when she realised that my sanity was hanging by a thread since tears were brimming my eyes.

"I'm going to let you go, but you have to promise me that you will listen to what I have to say, okay?" she spoke slowly and calmly, her odd eyes searching mine for any hints that I was going to do the contrary; honestly I would have gratefully started screaming again but I didn't want to irritate her.

She already had this voodoo magic thing going on, god knows what else she could do. I bobbed my head gingerly letting a single tear slip out of my eye. She swept it away with her thumb murmuring something along the lines of I'm so sorry you got dragged into this so soon.

Finally, I was released from my induced state of tranquillity feeling like a thousand pounds of bricks have been lifted off me. A treacherous sob slipped out of me mouth as my body started shaking with every silent wail.

Mikaela seemed torn, I'm sure she wanted to comfort me but was scared to scare me away from her even more. I could see how much it pained her to watch me crying but I couldn't care at that moment because it seemed like everything I knew and everything I've learned had been toss out of an imaginary window.

"Where am I?" I croaked out after minutes of silence and my sobbing dying down.

"Royal pack house, Fire Moon estate, Central Pennsylvania." She muttered slightly startled by my question.

"Pack house? What? Wait...why are we in Pennsylvania?" I was confused to say the least - we were in New Haven just hours ago and now in Pennsylvania, like that's a totally different state.

"I have a lot to tell you, and you're going to have to stay calm because it's going to be a lot to take in." she nodded trying to reassure me but instead caused me to gulp in anticipation.

I was terrified for whatever she was going to tell me, I was completely petrified of the unknown.

Aren't we all though?

Things that we will never fully understand scare us, so we push them away and call them nonsense or non-existent - but deep down we all know that they are out there, lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting for their time of glory to come.

They're the dark corners of your room, the ones which make you sleep with one eye open. The ones which you swear having seen movement but there is nothing there.

That's what the unknown is to human beings - fear. But I don't want to live in this imperceptible fear anymore, I want to understand, I want to live freely without having to look over my shoulder every few minutes.

"I'm listening..." I trail off receiving a bright smile from Mikaela.

"Right let's start with the basics, shall we?" she seemed to bounce in excitement as if she was going to perform something extraordinary.

I couldn't share her enthusiasm as I shakily got to my feet and made my way towards the bed. Might as well get a comfy landing if I was to fall unconscious again.

What can Aurnia's dream possibly mean?

And yeah left y'all on a somewhat cliffhanger.

But things are getting exciting....😋😏

And I took a 3 hour long nap today and I'm still pooped like WTH?????

Anyway love you guys!



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