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Hi guys! A new chapter!



"Daddy I'm alone,
Cause this house
Don't feel like home.
If you love me don't let go.
Hold on to me,
Cause I'm a little
Unsteady." - X Ambassadors - unsteady


Autumn leaves were scrunching underneath my feet as I ran, giggling like a little girl. I looked behind me to see if whoever I was running from was still pursuing me - even though I couldn't see anyone, I could feel him still hot on my heels.

But I ran leisurely, smiling like a fool, jumping about like a deer. I felt loved - immensely and utterly adored - and that only generated a fire of smiles and giggles. Whoever this was, he made me happy and I was cocooned in warmth and bliss.

But soon the sky darkened significantly, my paced had slowed down to a halt as my smile flattened immediately.

The woods fell dead silent, only the black leaves rustling from under my body was heard echoing through the dark ambiance, a deep growling noise was heard from the bushes ahead as a black wolf peeked its head out - its black eyes burning into mine.

His mouth extended into a wolfish smirk, revealing his pearly long canines. My breathing accelerated considerably as I took a step back, but this seemed to only annoy him on a deeper level as he pounced on me-

Sitting up from my bed abruptly, I was shaking trying to find the light switch to my nightstand.

Though my hand trembled profusely, I managed to switch on the light - struggling to get to my feet, but nevertheless making it to the bathroom.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I was dripping with sweat and my face had drained of any colour.

What in the world?

I never had nightmares - even after they passed - but tonight was different.

It felt so real, so vivid and so right but wrong at the same time. I was so confused as to why I felt so disappointed yet grateful for waking up from it.

I had no place in this nightmare, yet it was something I deeply desired in some way.

Huffing frustratedly I rinsed my face with warm water and dried off with one of the fluffy face towels. Instantly realisation struck me about what today was...or tomorrow - I wasn't sure since I didn't know what time it was.

Rushing out of the bathroom I look at the digital clock at my bed side, and it read five thirty-three in the morning.

My heart skipped a beat - which worried me by the way since it was doing this a few times this week, I should see a doctor soon.

Today is the day I would go on this mini "road trip" with Mr Stravos. Frankly, I was not sure whether to be thrilled or downright creeped out by having diner, sharing the same transport and somewhere to stay with the stalker-teacher.

I appreciated Mr Stravos for his honesty with me and his teachings, but I wouldn't ever want to be more than a student to him.


Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now